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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. I agree wholeheartedly that Ratchet is def. the most interesting character right now... but I like that Prowl's a dick, bc/ it plays up the classic image of him as a by-the-book prat to a new degree. BB's about what I would expect, and I do like him better than G1 BB, who was just an idiot sometimes, and I don't even consider the movie BB as a 'character' bc/ the term implies development and personality...
  2. In the film it's the gov't codename for the monster incident... before that tho, it was simply a working throw-off title that stuck.
  3. Clearly a second shakey-cam movie would be a stretch, but the sequel could still easily be anything besides the government-super-scientist-response perspective... news-crews are a great idea... if they do a trilogy, I still love the idea of a faux aftermath-documentary for the last film...
  4. Right... the film as presented is the real-time and complete footage on the camera. Any gaps and jumps are where Hud was dicking with the camera (hence the Coney-Island scenes as gaps between re-winding and Fast-forwarding) that account for travel time when he wasn't filming.
  5. I still think the Legioss needs ball-jointed hips to not look awkward and ram-rod straight...
  6. Lockdown's a unique character if nothing else, and I really love Ratchet... he's such a grumpy poop you can't help but love him... and I agree that ep.5 was def. more choppy and not as great as ep7
  7. Grimlock, Swoop, and Snarl are in TF:A, so they will get toys there...
  8. Ep 7 was amazing IMO, and on par with the narrative quality of Beast Wars... something that has been missing SINCE then.
  9. I use decals bc/ Yammie stickers are awful... it's not your fault, don't worry.
  10. I can't imagine how not releasing a movie on-time can ever be a sound business plan...
  11. Alright, so I've seen the first two eps of Pailsen Files subbed, and they were amazing... anyone know when the next eps will be released or subbed?
  12. So basically, I'm still sitting on a 1st release 0A with no way to really fix it... Man, I love Yamato and am swimming in their products, but this one bit just leaves me mad... Sounds like if I actually want a 0 to mess around with, I'm gonna have to grab a reissue 0S...
  13. QFT. This is a huge part of the film...
  14. I dunno.... this would be a no-brainer, and a def. instant purchase for me, but I'd like to see so me more concrete evidence...
  15. That's a good question... what scale have we decided on? Cuz I don't need a $200-$300 model...
  16. Wow... that's impressive, but not useful or practical at all...
  17. Oh man, just saw it tonight with a few friends, and we loved it! We went to an early showing tho, so it was Junior-High night out sadly, so the whole goddamn theater was fully of chatty whiny 16-yr-olds... I think my 3 friends and I were the only people in the theater to like it tho... but we discussed what had happened and what we thought the whole way home, and really thoroughly enjoyed it. As for shakey-cam concerns, I've never seen Blair-Witch, so I cannot compare, but there weren't too many fast moving camera scenes in this, altho there were some looking-at-feet while moving parts, so I guess it is probably enough to be a concern... I've never gotten motion-sick in my life tho, so again, I cannot really compare...
  18. I went thru and read that whole comic one day, and also didn't actually find it very entertaining... I like the art and the premise, but the actual storytelling is a little slow and uninspiring (beyond the point of simply trying to reflect the situation...)
  19. Before you go crazy looking for a warped pin, it can also just be that the air-break mount is a tad too long... some people have had success in sanding down the leading edge a little at a time until it fit right in there...
  20. Get bent , 'Plex is the best city TF and one of my favorite G1 toys of all time Finally got myself a G1 HotRod... and managed to score a gorgeous condition G1 Grimlock the other day... Also received the movie line Legends 2-pack with G1 colors Ratchet and Brawl, and I must admit... I've been boycotting movie toys, and these were a gift, but I was pleasantly surprised that they are kinda fun little figs... Ratchet looks decent in the right colors, and Brawl is a surprisingly neat little fig... altho I'm def. gonna repaint him to be all detailed and dirtied up.
  21. OS is gonna be awesome! And what's wrong w/ Tryppy, DH?
  22. I'm still waiting for the people on TFW to post a rapidshare or something of the ep bc/ we cannot torrent download at school and wathcing it on Youtube just sucks...
  23. I would most certainly be interested... custom printing and proper decals for Yamato releases are a must.
  25. It IS a kit.... I had one ages ago and made it when I was like 12... they're neato little oddball kits.
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