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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. I'm excited no-matter what the next one is called; 28Months Later is fine. Days is amazing, and Weeks is pretty much my favorite zombie movie ever (top of a short list.)
  2. Ep 2&3 uploads are broke...
  3. So can we PLLLEAAAAASSSE have 0083 Stardust Memories HCMPros yet? That's about all I'd buy at this point...
  4. If the QC is good I could pick this up... it's a pretty rad and unique design (I've only actually seen the first ep. of Tokyo 2040, so I've not seen the design in animation).
  5. I dunno... the G1 is just too funky for me... I'd much rather pick up a white God Neptune version than that.
  6. I dunno... I prefer the new color (and the JPBW King Poseiden scheme) over the teal and mauve G1 set... burgundy and orange isn't that bad.
  7. Hmmm... I'll join the club and splurge if it's like $150, but 200 might be a bit much.
  8. Prowl is still pure toy porn... And what do I have to do to get Pirranacon? Is he a club exclusive?
  9. Holy crap... why is that picture so awful? The grey prototype looks amazing... that color shot looks like an unfinished disaster. And why is Sunstreaker's engine still on his roof?
  10. Was the thread temporarily locked bc/ you were made SO ANGRY by my lack of Warthog knowledge Bare metal with red trim could at least work a little better than all primer-red... it'd look like stuff out of Mechwarrior, when new 'Mechs come off the assembly line in bare metal with red panel-line markinsh.
  11. Hmmm... I was pretty excited for this too... altho all I really need to make the Ingram my fav Revy is to add the Revy joint to the shoulders... otherwise the first release one is gorgeous.
  12. He was described as being more silver/white with a red trim motif to make the plane mode not a ridiculous giant red warthog...
  13. They're kinda cute... I'll buy these if they end up being under $20.
  14. That's realllll purrtty. Great gritty job.
  15. Your Bulkhead looks very khaki-drab compared to all the green ones I've seen (he's a cross between Hunter green and Olive Drab in the cartoon, and most of the toys I've seen have matched that pretty well...) weird. It looks good tho.
  16. Crap... we cannot torrent at school... anyone want to be my hero and upload the file to a Rapidshare?
  17. I'd buy the CMs figure for like 20, but the $60 number is ridiculous, espc. with such a mediocre review... still got the MH's on preorder tho.
  18. My G1 Ironhide now has a real handheld gun (will try and post a pic later today). I will keep working the head sculpt this weekend and see where I get.
  19. So... I finished the gun handle for my Encore Ironhide (just gotta finish painting it now) and I really am loving this fig... he's got great posable arms, and once he's got a head, he'll be one of the most fun '84 lineup... such great play-value withe the bot and battle-platform all in one package... I haven'd had this much fun with a tf since I started assembling my G1 Metroplex (my favorite G1 toy).
  20. It's unlikely to have dry-rotted already... the second explanation of awkward stress is much more likely... sucks either way.
  21. Hmm... seems like you'd be the one to know that out of anyone here
  22. I LOVE the new Universe/Classics molds... Prowl is especially pimp. Also got Encore Ironhide today... I've never owned this mold before, and I already love it. The van mode is great and clean, the battle-platform is awesome (gonna use it as a medi-bay for Ratchet) and the bot mode (head aside) is awesome. Immediately after getting it (I've been planning this since I preordered), I began making templates and starting some rough work for sculpting a head. I'm using the War Within style, with a real head behind the windshield (there is plenty of room for a proportionate head from my initial measurements.) I am sculpting two simultaneously, one as a prototype, and the other to make needed tweaks to, because my ultimate goal is to make a resin head kit, and offer it for sale either as a kit or finished (I will make a modified version for Ratchet as well, which has a head wing and no mohawk crest). I haven't posted this yet on the TFw site, bc/ frankly those guys are psychotic, and I don't want any pestering about it beforehand, seeing as I have no idea yet if it will work of when I'd be able to produce and sell kits (probably early summer due to school?) bu I figured if I posted this here, I could tak to some TF people, and some modeling people for pointers if I need them (I'll probably post the project once it progresses further on Sam-Monkey as well). I'm also making an adapter hilt for the gun so it can be carried like in the IDW-style designs, as adding a gun to this already surprisingly posable (in the arms anyway) fig adds alot to it overall, but I'm not sure this will be a castable par due to size constraints (I'm just doing it Barbie-doll acc. style where the handle wraps around the hand)
  23. Pixel Junk Monesters: Def buy it... we plowed thru the campaign this weekend, but there's loads left to do (gotta get perfect scores and finish the other island branch...) It's super fun tho.
  24. So Daimos is a transforming Super-Space-Winnebago? Kinda like pre-Rodimus Prime...
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