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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. So I've got the Movie Ingram machine 2 fig on the way... I've seen comparisons of the sculpts, but anyone else got thoughts on the differences btw/ the TV and Movie Ingram Revys?
  2. Here's your photo... from left to right is the 1/18 DMZ RabidlyDog, a 1/12 Yamato Scopedog, and a 1/48 Yamato Valk... the Yamato Scopedogs are massive by comparison.
  3. Hi... I can snap a shot with all three...
  4. They all look really good.... until you get to the reactive armor models... rubber suits just don't work IMO...
  5. I got HLJ shipping not. and didn't even request them to be shipped lol...
  6. Thanks for the awesome pics! Def. a few things there to keep an eye out for.
  7. I am just about positive it does not. It came out before the RS...
  8. Thew new episode was AMAZING! Glad to see things are finally coming to bear and the Autobots are realizing they need a new strategy.
  9. I LOVE the comic, and am excited about this film, but yeah... I'm also worried. It's such an intricate and multi-layered plot that I don't see how one movie could possibly work...
  10. I've got both on preorder from HLJ, but I'm not shipping until both Stick and Rey are out... doesn't make sense to ship until they are both in... they'd just better both be available at the same time.
  11. I now own every Yamato Scopedog release except the Scopedog II w/ Round-Move pack. I personally haven't applied any of the stickers, but that's bc/ I've had decal sheets printed for almost everyone of them (but this is not currently available anymore), and am someday going to decal and weather and detail them all up... in theory. In reality the stickers probably aren't that bad... but then again, they ARE Yamato stickers. Stickers are never going to be any more permanent, and adding a clear top-coat to stickers only makes them worse (makes then thicker, and can cause them to yellow or discolor) Got my DMZ RabidlyDog last night, and it is fricken KILLER... I am again in love with the DMZ line and trying to figure out how I didn't get in sooner...
  12. Got my Brave Maximus last night... whooo-boy is it all kinda of fun.
  13. That's true... I don't need more than one large Ingram, but I would go nuts on Helldivers ad some of the other neato designs in the series.
  14. I agree... if they don't change the design and we get some good toys or models of the Gunstar this movie will win by association.
  15. I've gotta admit... I watched the trailers, and I was really pretty impressed at how bad PAIN looks... it seems like it should be an incredibly easy task to make a higher-tech copy of games like Truck and Stair Dismount...
  16. So this is going to be a large premium monster fig like the Scopedogs? Interesting....
  17. Thanks for the review... sounds like a killer piece all-around. I just wish it could stand on it's own... EDIT: Maybe with some tinkering I can weight the feet or something...
  18. My first foray into the Die-Hard world was LFoDH, which was AMAZING! My friends and I then watched the first DH, and that was also incredible... we were then utterly shocked and horrified by how bad the middle two are. They should really just sell DH and LF as a set and pretend With a Vengeance and Die-Harder don't exist.
  19. So I think the 80GB PS3 w/ DS3 controller and MGS4 for $500 will finally get me to buy a PS3... now to finish MS2 and play MGS3.
  20. Huh... you're right... it IS a very silly episode...
  21. Hmmm... I don't remember that episode... anyone remember the number?
  22. The green is kinda neat... the only part I would change would be to make the entire leg FAST Pack assembly blue or red, and not just the leg booster...
  23. I was really, really confused by the swords...
  24. I've always felt the same way... people are always clamoring for SoC release DA, so I finally checked out what it looked like a while back, and while I'm not a big Super Robot person at all, DA has GOT to be the most boring of them...
  25. Before recasting, was this a posable kit (by installing joints)? I'm curious how hard it would be to make it articulated again...
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