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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. The blades are probably spring-loaded or something, as there's no sign of a catch-tab to pull them out with.
  2. I can only assume.... he knows it's a Transformer from the post, we have a Transformers thread to ask in (and are otherwise not a place of Transformers discussion), and there's plenty of real Transformers sites to find such knowledge on...
  3. Probably mostly out of pity?
  4. The sculpt is on a whole decent, but theres just no way to make rubber joint covers look good at all... I'm really curious to see what Yamato is going to do on their large scale piece...
  5. IMO the sculpts are really odd on these... the 19's really stiff with some parts looking like they came from a toy of the fighter and others looking almost anime-stylized, and the 11's just all proportioned to hell... it's got a stumpy wide torso, awkward shoulders,a nd a stupid oversized gunpod...
  6. Hm.... I've got some loose joints on my HellDivers, but they're still a gorgeous figure and amazing fun... if you haven't already got one, you should def. pick up a Brocken... it's really a hidden gem in the line, but lacks accessories...
  7. Huh... if a red Toynami Beta comes out for $80 I'll buy it to go with my one MPC Alpha, provided it doesn't disintegrate out of the box...
  8. Someone will get a set... and when they do, we NEED a Hi-res scan...
  9. I've been cranking thru GoW as well... honestly, I've never really bought into the Challenge modes for GoW.... I couldn't finish the first game's set, and couldn't finish the second game's set, so i don't expect much from this one's... they always get too frustratingly hard.
  10. Are they redoing it bc/ the first SPEC Eva is a defective piece of sh!t, or just to make more money?
  11. There's Macross I-Men as well, but no, I don't believe there've ever been any Macross Kubricks. EDIT: And someday I need to get all the VOTOMS Kubricks...
  12. jenius, I hope you're joking, bc/ that is damn funny... really tho, you guys have gone a little far off the deep-end for a toy that isn't out yet... especially for a design we know is going to require compromises somewhere no matter what.
  13. I don't understand it either... the design is just different enough from a Scopedog to still be fresh to me I guess... couple that with the big feet and the fact that you can use the claw arm as a clever counter-weight, and right now my RD is in a one-footed running pose... I love my Yamato 'Dogs, but they need at least two feet on the ground at all times... now I'm trying to figure out if there's any way I can fit the box for my RD in my backpack and bring it back to college with me... it's perfect timing for me to fall in love with a new fig as I'm off buying for a while
  14. It would be better if dodge was L+stick... honestly, I only learned to dodge in the second GoW bc/ you had to, bc/ I always rolled to dodge... fortunately you can just powerhouse thru GoW on the easier settings... I've not had too many issues with PSP controls otherwise tho... I honestly like the one stick and face-keys controls of the Syphon Filter PSP games more than the two-stick controls of real console shooters.
  15. I officially admit defeat... the DMZ RabidlyDog is the nicest VOTOMS toy I own and now my official favorite... impressively enough, the pilot fig is also the best Microman figure I've ever had, which is a nice change of pace seeing as the Chirico for the TC was so-so... I have to go to work soon and I can't stop messing with my RabidlyDog...
  16. Wow... those came out great! It's too bad I'm in a zero-spending phase, bc/ those are very attractive and very attractively priced...
  17. I can guarantee there will be some kind of collectible like the Frogs in 3... collectibles are all the rage nowadays.
  18. CollectionDX has a review of the CMS Ride Armor... says pretty much everything I expected (too small, fidgety parts, ugly finish, terrible parts fit)...
  19. I don't think they're excessive in the back... that's how the design works. The problem is that they should have weighted the feet and made the rear assembly ultra-light so the toy could actually stand up.
  20. I'm going to pick up GoW before I go back to school... I dled the Patapon demo and tried it... and honestly, I'd be damned if I could find any actual gameplay or redeeming feature to it... I made it to the second command and simply couldn't get it to do anything... so I gave up and deleted it. You guys can have your Patapon fun... I just found it frustrating and annoying.
  21. All I know is that if we don't get to see Nite Owl in his big poofy furry winter outfit I will cry.
  22. I managed to find a subbed copy of You are (Not) Alone online and watched it yesterday... I thought it was fantastic and cannot wait for the next one when stuff starts actually changing... when does 2 come out?
  23. Wait, so some of the MH RAs have decals included and some don't? WTF?? If anyone here gets them... can they post a hi-res scan before they cut them up and use them so we can make some repro sheets or something?
  24. Ha, oh yeah... the 1/48 Valks are really pretty small...
  25. I'm really quite excited to see what Bandai can do... I've yet to be disappointed by a modern Bandai transforming mecha toy.
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