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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Again, you're best bet is really to just prowl eBay like a hawk... there's really nowhere else to find them at this point.
  2. I had good luck with nail-polishing the knees... the lower leg peg is nice and thick, so it's great durable when tighter... the upper leg knee takes a little fennagelling... the actual peg is a very thin pin that breaks off when tightened, but the socket part of the thin peg forms a thicker peg that is still usable and works great. I'd snap some pics but I don't have a camera...
  3. The figure comes apart for the most part... almost nothing is glued. I took the legs completely apart the other day to tighten the knees, and the arms to try and fix the one upper-arm gap I've got... only thing I think is glued is the torso and pelvis.
  4. Yeah, I'm gonna end up needing a protoG as well, and I CANNOT afford it right now...
  5. I've got Battle of the Rock Lords on VHS... it's lightweight and cheesy compared to TF:TM, but it's got that same GoBots charm as the series...
  6. Check here for extensive info on everything GoBots For the most part you can find GoBots cheap in lots and such on eBay and just work thru a few mixed piles until you find most everything you want... The most hard to find figures are the later jet and airplane figures like Zero, and you're other biggest obstacle is simply finding accessories for the few that had them (Cy0Kill's wheels, Zero's propeller, Jeeper Creeper's parts, etc)... I myself prefer to collect the Super Gobots...
  7. So... 08th MS Team? I'm fine if that's what it basically is as I loved the ground-pounder look at the war...
  8. Finished GoW with a time of like 5 hours 15 minutes... the final boss is lame, but I'm playing thru again as the Spud of War anyway. My friend is an avid FF fan while I've never been able to get into the game style, but he keeps nagging to that I should pick up Crisis Core and try it, so we'll see...
  9. I'd love to get my hands on a set, recast or otherwise.
  10. Thanks cowie... I dulloated after most of the weathering and then added one final light wash of dusty pigments to make everything super matte and still dusty looking, but ti doesn't show up in the photos.
  11. Oh man... having all three Seekers is wonderful news.
  12. Supposedly the Superposable hands were a good fit for replacing the hands on the MPCs, but then you had to have one of those lying around to steal the hands from... it'd be great if we could get someone like Eternal_D to make and cast some fixed pose hands that really work here...
  13. Hmm... I haven't even opened the stand on my MH RA... if you're good, you can get the armored fig into plenty of standing poses without looking awkward or leaning too much.
  14. That's a good point... I will wait for reviews of the Beagle product for sure, seeing as I've never heard of them.
  15. Hi all, Here's my first real model in a few months now... DML's amazing 1/35 Tiger II w/ Porsche turret and injection-molded zimmerit. The kit is a marvel of modern engineering, requiring practically no filling or sanding or anything to fit gorgeously together. It also comes with the wonderful Magic Tracks which are friction-fit indy links, making them far easier to assemble and work with, along with a slew of PE Brass parts and a turned metal barrel, and metal tow-cables. I didn't do nearly my usual gamut of research before this kit, but I did check a few pics from Tigers in Combat I for reference. The Tiger IIs were notoriously unreliable, and the crews often left the tow cables in the shackles for the inevitable breakdown and tow, so I left one hooked up and one stored. I replaced the few grab-handles w/ wire ones, and added the wire for the headlight, and that's about all the work I did. I am going to add a commander figure and a really detailed MG34 to the cupola mount, but I haven't got those yet. The color in the photos isn't great due to my sub-par at college setup and not having my good camera here... I'll probably re-shoot this at home in May. Paint is a spray basecoat of Testors desert yellow lightened with a brush-coat of Valeijo Desert Khaki. The camo is from the DML instructions for a tank in the 503 and painted with GW acrylics, but my translation isn't 100% correct (not too concerned, and the instructions lacked a top view anyway). I experimented a little with filters on this build, using some yellow and white oil paints to soften the colors of the camo a bit. Decals went down wonderfully w/ some Polly Softener on the zimm, and I was really pleased. Weathering is my usual oil washes and such, but I worked really hard to go a little more subtle than usual, and make the tank look dusty and dirty rather than slathered in mud and muck using dry pigments, and I've gotta say I like how it turned out.
  16. More patient than the TFW members... I've taken a break from checking anything there besides For Sale stuff and for new Animated eps... they complain too much about everything...
  17. I think aside from the windshield on the CMS design, we've got pretty much issue free designs from both camps with a mere smattering of lemons in the assembly line (less than ten).
  18. I paid 60 shipped for my red one and I'm mostly content with it (besides the fact that it STILL needs new hands)... the blue one has the highest casualty rate tho if I'm not mistaken...
  19. If it was built to match the Gakken 80's toy style, this could be AMAZING to go with the Legioss!
  20. Is SPEC L-gaim going to have complete skeleton w/ snap on armor? I love the SPEC Dragonar, but just wish the armor stayed on a little better on the legs...
  21. Ahhhh.... why does it look SOOO good?
  22. In reality there's almost no glue on the entire MH toy, so if someone wanted to root around inside it somewhere that'd be pretty easy...
  23. Hmmm... so will the movie toy line consist of more 3 1/2" stuff, or do you guys think we might actually get a 6" line in-line with normal action figures? I'd be tempted to pick up a few if we got Marvel-legends style Joe characters...
  24. As far as I can tell the under-arm clips don't click in or anything, and that might be the issue... maybe if they secured a little tighter it would be better? The armor's not falling off or anything, just sometimes the clips work their way out... And yeah, the feet are just kinda off... the toes extend, but not the heels, which is like they sort of knew it had balance issues but didn't actually manage to correct them.
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