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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Who are we gonna have recast this? Someone here on the boards?
  2. We have a big VOTOMS thread if you search for it... always glad to see some new people interested in my favorite series ever. I'm just psyched for the Yamato Turbo Custom, and whatever the next DMZ figs will be...
  3. There's probably some tweaking and tightening that can (needs to be?) done to the link arm to make it work well... it's an awkward design for sure.
  4. Hmmm.... those pics have pretty much sold me. The one thing I have a tough time reconciling is the clown-shoe long feet on the Legioss. Otherwise, I'm pretty impressed with the final outcome, and seeing the two figures in some action poses has me much more enticed. Hopefully the price on these will come down a bit or something. The linkup is mediocre, but I've never been sold on the idea anyway... the only big thing I can say is that these suckers need some paint and decals real bad, and that's something I'd do and enjoy. Now to figure out how to budget these between models and Yamato releases....
  5. It'll be expensive to have Delta do them, and frankly I am much more interested in waterslide decals than stickers... it's too bad not too many people are good at this at this point... I might be able to redo the graphics, but I'd have no idea how to scale them or anything...
  6. I thought we had unlimited upload space per post?
  7. Sweet... thanks for doing this for us. Funny tho, it looks like the stickers themselves aren't really that good of a resolution quality
  8. Ha... I actually had a dud of that figure out of the box as well... the shoulder detents were messed up and one of the arms snapped right off. They replaced it no problem tho.
  9. One of my fav IM figs as well, but I must admit I cannot resist the uber-techy look of the House of M Iron Man fig... the Prometheum armor from Heroes Reborn is my fav tho... I've got the crappy figure from that line, but I'm planning on making a custom version from a spare Thor-Buster armor, and if it goes well that'll easily be my favorite figure ever...
  10. I've got the entire first wave with the secret villain figs on preorder from BBTS, and have secured both store exclusives already (Target Silver Centurion Armor, and Wal*Mart Warmachine)... haven't seen that second Iron Monger w/ opening hatch before... wonder when it'll come out (wave 2?). I'm super psyched for this whole line as all I collect for super hero action figures at this point is Iron Man armors. I'm disappointed by Repulsor Power IM, but hope the second 12" has way better articulation... haven't gotten to handle any of the figs yet, but I'm having Silver Centy armor sent to me here at college to check out... the figs LOOK great asidr from the removable launchers... EDIT: Actually, the BBTS set of 7 has two Iron Mongers listed in it... one must be the opening one and the other the action-feature nerfed one.
  11. Hmm... I wonder tho if SR's going to be able to accommodate all of us... will he get a dozen weapons sets if he sends in a dozen proof of purchase sets? Anytime I've ever done a mail-away it's been limited quantity per person...
  12. Still no indication of a cockpit, but otherwise it looks fantastic!
  13. It's super worth having a PSP for... it's short, but it's really fun and well done the whole way thru.
  14. If someone does have them can we pllllleaaaaasseee have hi-res scans??
  15. I've been digging the trailers and teasers since they announced this... I can't wait.
  16. Gonna chime in a minor disappointment here... managed to break the lower-waist ball-joint on my MH Ride Armor today while messing around with it.. the peg's held on by less than half it's diameter, so it seems like it may have only been a matter of time after I tightened it w/ nail-polish. I'm still standing behind my statement that the MH figure is a great piece that looks amazing, but the thing is, it's a bit of a tweaker's toy. It's OK out of the box, but gets much better with some liberal applications of elbow grease. I'll still complete the line for sure, I'm just going to have to see how much of my tweaking remains necessary.
  17. So I was real bored here at college last night, and decided to watch Southland Tales, which I remembered seeing a commercial or two for. I had no idea what it was about going in, as the commercials never provided anything in the way of plot. What followed was one of the most incoherent messes I've ever seen... the visuals and the universe were interesting, along with the opening sequence, but everything from there on was simply garbage... The Rock was the best actor in it, and his role was such a scattered mess until the end (and even then it started to get better and then fell apart again). Couple a mess of a story with some really silly time-travel rearing it's ugly head at the end, some really bland dialog and Justin Timberlake singing and dancing, and you get a stupid and sloppy film that really ends with a whimper... Anyone else watch this? Thoughts?
  18. You could always try hitting it with some plastic cement if you are worried about super-glue fogging on the windshield... Tamiya's Extra Thin is best.
  19. Good little write-up... always like to see your work. Just wanted to strike a little extra emphasis on something you said: This really is a critical step to a well executed model, and I don't think enough people take planning and research into consideration.
  20. Hmm... that Black Serena mech is one ugly mish-mash of different colors and styles... why does the bland pink skinny mech turn into a big black immobile ugly mech that then gets lavender flight parts?
  21. No, 60000 has simply got to be some kind of typo...
  22. That just means we'll ahve to wait for it to release and be fansubbed AGAIN before we can even get to 2.0.
  23. I'm glad the Tread has finally seen the light of day as a real toy, but I'm still having a hard time getting over the look of the Legioss... tiny head, ugly vent, clown feet... damn.
  24. $600? Not a chance... it'll only be like three or four inches taller than the MH.... 1/10 sclae is not huge or anything... this figure should at most cost about a hundred... a the end of the day it's still mostly just a 6-8" action figure with a transformable accessory.
  25. Yamato has now made the standard gun the Standing-Tortoise wields in VOTOMS as well, just like the Hargun weapons... maybe they'll surprise us and start churning out some enemy mecha in all of their lines!
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