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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. I think I read that Boll said if 1million people sign he will retire...
  2. Petar, you realize the preorders only get filled once they have enough people waiting, right? The dates are really just placeholders...
  3. Saw this on Joystiq.... I signed
  4. Why the HELL doesn't it have the knee double-jointed knees of the last few releases? This was like, the time for the VF-1 GERWALK mode to shine, and they missed it...
  5. Gah... don't remind me... the only Alternator molds I'm missing are Prime's and Mirage/HotRod's (I decided to only collect Autobots, and not all the repaints either...)
  6. My bookmark link is dead for that custom... hope someone finds it.
  7. METROPLEX!!!! Gah.... wouldn't buy a reissue, but it's good to see my favorite big guy get some lovin'... the Seeker pair tho, will be mine for that price.
  8. I LOVE it when that kind of thing happens lol... I'm always amused when conventional computer-aided design work goes ahead and proves that our cherished anime designs simple DON'T WORK in their original form... a big part of why I'm not a line-art nazi... I'd rather they do ahead and FIX the discrepancies... altho I'm quite afraid that if they'd bumped up the size of the Tread to fix the cockpit/pilot size issues this thing would have been even more absurd expensive... And yes, all of you guys's photos are killing me now... I WANT!
  9. Well, I think the reason the 21 needs the de-limiter mode is simply because the plane is too powerful when un-governed to be safe for the pilot, as shown in Guld's death...
  10. Never did manage to get my EMSIA Sazabi lol.... BBTS never got them in and I cancelled the preorder ages ago Oh well... the HCM-Pro is fantastic, and I bought myself a big-ass resin kit version instead.
  11. There's no way I'd want to use self-adhesive tape to hold a finished model on a display stand...
  12. HLJ shipping takes no time for me... packages go from Japan, to JFK, to Albany
  13. I just went thru and tweaked the paint on my Repulsor Red (couldn't help myself)... panel lines, fixed silver details... GW Mithril Silver is a perfect match if you want to do some touch-ups... also flipped the hand-guards, so now he can repulsor blast I'd assume the missile launchers are just Hasbro's way of realizing that if they'd made one of the arms a repulsor launcher and compromised articulation, fans would have screamed out in angst.
  14. Got my Repulsor Red in the mail today... great figure overall... just wish it wasn't so greasy out of the package *blech* I see the hip and wrist issues as well... the wrist guards won't be a problem to fix, and probably look better turned around anyway... the hips on the otherhand are stupidly done. The pelvis rotation axis is not oriented right, making it very hard to move the hips around. Not sure why they did this... but I'm otherwise pleased and really psyched to see the rest of the line. EDIT: Gah... can't stop dropping the shoulder guards either...
  15. Yeah, the toe pulls forward, when in reality what would fix the balance right up is if the ankle pulled down to gain more movement, and the heel had a fold out spur like lots of Transformers figures have.
  16. You only want the Legioss?? Or are you looking to unload one set?
  17. That'd be fine... I don't wanna pay full price at all, and I don't care about MIB at all... like i said earlier, I'm probably going to detail, decal, and weather mine when I get them...
  18. I see where you're coming from, and you guys are probably right that it wouldn't cost $300... I tend to overestimate the size of the Regult I think... honestly tho, if they did release one, I would NOT want it to be hollow... I want a detailed cockpit and pilot.
  19. Thanks for the lovely pics... I really am pretty much sold that I want one of these...
  20. At this point the only HCM's I'd bother buying are GP-01, 02, and 03... especially GP-01FB, because it's the best Gundam design ever made.
  21. No! Not 0080 Bad Twoducks... we need 0083!
  22. I've got the original Gundam, a Zamu release, the Asshimar, the Mk II, a Nemo, and the Sazabi fig... they're pretty nifty, and well detailed for their size... I've been trying to work my way thru decaling and detailing them some, but I've only managed to finish the RX-78-2 so far, which came out pretty nice. Haven't picked up many others bc/ I prefer larger stuff and only UC appeals to me, but they're pretty nice overall. The Asshimar is one of my favorites, along with the Sazabi.
  23. Just a wire in the elbows? That's super lame...
  24. Too small... the 1/100 ones maybe, but they're stupid expensive.
  25. Hmmm... thanks for the pic... looks like those wrist guns might have to become a little more 'integrated'...
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