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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Hoooray for a HotToys fig... and I had forgotten, fun-vee
  2. I'ma go ahead and say I would like two Glaugs... I've been away, and it sounds like I've missed the Tomahawk, but if it's still possible I would like two Tomahawks as well.
  3. Yeah, I managed to get a WarMachine with the grey midsection, so I've gotta repaint that, and when I got my Repulsor Red, I went ahead and panel-lined the figure... really brought out the detail. I saw what you mean with the hit-or-miss paintjobs on all of the Prototype figs I saw the other day tho.,..
  4. Just took some new pics of my KT...
  5. Whole Destroid Lineup? Count me in!
  6. Got Hooded Cobra Commander and a Destro for my birthday... I've gotta say, these figures are lightyears ahead of the last GIJoe figures I bought (Valor v Venom stuff)... I'm pretty impressed. I was gonna grab the comic two-pack with the Crimson Guard and Elite Cobra Trooper guy, but the face on the CG was broked... too bad, as pretty much all anyone around here has now is the comic-two-packs. I'd like a really good Snake Eyes to replace the VvV one I've got (even tho that's a pretty rad fig, right on the beginning of the added articulation).
  7. I managed to secure the Target Silver Centurion variant and the WalMart WarMachine a while ago, and have the rest of the figures on preorder from BBTS including both IronMongers and Titanium Man... but no, all I can find around me at stores is the Prototype removable armor fig...
  8. I think Hasbro's so worried about the bottom line that they've begun to rely almost completely on ball-joints and friction hinges, which get loose and fall off over time... gone are the metal-pinned hinges and rugged joints of old. EDIT: And the die-cast torso of Ginrai really is surpisngly hefty... not MP-Prime levels, but certainly more weighty than most figures...
  9. Yeah, but in the golden age of G1 after the movie, alot of those toys were indestructible... I'm just now getting into some of the gimmicky stuff like Head- and Power-Masters that I never really used to care for, and they're a ton of fun... I'm fairly certain you could use PowerMaster Prime/GodGinrai to do just about as much damage as MP Prime to a human head
  10. Good call... I hadn't heard that he wanted to wait until 3 to do WM, but that makes sense and works fine... so they could do the alcoholism and corporate espionage guys second movie, with Mandy in the background, and Rhodes taking over as IM for some of the movie, and then 3 can be IM and WM against the Mandarin!
  11. I certainly hope so. Hopefully they won't pull a Spiderman and wait until the third movie to give us the really important villain... I'd love for the second movie to be the rise of the Mandarin and War Machine, and some conflict therin, and the third film to be some corporate espionage stuff like the Spymaster and The Ghost, maybe working for Justin Hammer, and maybe also have the Mandarin in the background for a final fight in that as well... I like the Crimson Dynamo and Titanium Man, but we've already gotten one armored foe in the Monger, so I'd love to see the next step be something more than two tin cans wailing on each other.
  12. I CAN"T WAIT!!! And jenius, don't worry, I'm already thinking about what to do with mine
  13. Holy really well-made toy Batman!... just got my Yamato Last Red Shoulder Turbo Custom set... and those guys at Yamato are doing something right, because with this release they've successfully fixed everything on the Scopedog mold, and the new legs are great! Gone are the floppy elbows, loose shoulders, and weak wrists and thumb... and the flimsy ankles are a thing of the past with this new fig... couple that with accessories that include missile launchers where you can cheat and make the missiles NOT fall out (unlike the Red Shoulder Custom set), and this is the best Yamato VOTOMS release to date, and may actually finally be better than the DMZ line (which I still like alot, but I have ALWAYS preferred the proportions of the Yamato 'Dog sculpt). If you do not own a Yamato Scopedog, this is the one to get... and hopefully is a sign that the standard releases will get some retooling and retrofitting with the improved parts, or at least a v3 standard 'doggy...
  14. Correct. And yes, I greatly hope that the Ten Rings means he's there somewhere... I was almost thinking it'd turn out to be the leader guy who gets scarred, as they kept showing him with that one big ring... there might be something in that nod.
  15. Yeah, the Mandarin is Stark's real arch-enemy... that's the one big thing about IronMan that is not timeless... he was always the guy to beat on Commies... Crynson Dynamo and Titanium Man were Soviet IM copies, and the Black Widow... Iron Monger was built by Stane from the old IM plans bc/ Stane was a business rival in the books... IM also spends alot of time fighting the organized groups like AIM (Advanced Idea Mechanics, they made MODOK and lots of variation sof Dreanoughts), Hydra, and the Maggia... plus big baddies like Fin Fang Foom and Ultimo,a nd the occasional other magical villains (Stark HATES magic!)... couple that with the corporate espionage characters like the Sypmaster(s) and the Ghost, who usually worked for someone like Justin Hammer... he's also got the usual costumed rouges' gallery guys like Whiplash (GREAT little nod in the movie), Blizzard, Unicorn, Living Laser(!), Controller, Madame Masque, and the Blood Brothers. PS I know waaay too much about IronMan... I've been working for a few years now on collecting all the comics (the original series, Heroes Reborn stuff, the modern stuff, and all the limited stuff)...
  16. What we really need is a large premium format 12" figure of the Mk I with Stark underneath... something on the scale of Takara's JinRoh figure... guy with the jumpsuit and all layers of clothing and then the armor accurately attatching... gimme!
  17. Gotta say... I find the VF-11 sculpt really really ugly there... and since I buy figures for articulation and style, these have no interest to me at this point.. they're UGGERS!
  18. My new favorite movie.... Ever. The after the credits bit was PERFECT!
  19. Was supposed to go to the advanced screening tonight, but my other person couldn't go... I could kill someone. Regardless, I will be at the first showing they've got tomorrow... and maybe the one after that.
  20. promethuem5

    GBP Armor

    Yeah, you've forgotten to rotate the green neck piece ontop of the fuselage... it'll turn around and click into the gap there, locking the grey detail piece in place as well...
  21. I dunno.... I still think the SoC Evas are way better looking, even if the SPEC ones a re a bit more posable.
  22. FFN, it may be able to hold that rodonkulous gun, but it still looks stupid...
  23. Yamato includes stickers with their toys, and they are really quite poor stickers at that... the clear backing on yamato stickers is very thick, and the printing is often fuzzy and not very good. Anasazi printed waterslide decals, which were wonderfully thin and impeccably printed... with some proper technique, Anasazi decals can be made to look painted on. Next best thing... hard to say.
  24. Glad I got my Magnus preorder in so quickly... but I can't help but think that it would have cost closer to $50 if they'd included a gun he can actually hold instead of that silly thing...
  25. Titanium Grimmy and Prowl! AAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
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