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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. I'm not really understanding the bile here... it wans't a particularly watertight plot, but in general it was a good clean fun action romp, which is what I think it set out to accomplish.
  2. Yup... it's the Factory 174 variant.
  3. I really enjoyed the one FBI guy being the janitor from Scrubs... perfect casting!
  4. Working on the exterior now... the markings are of no particular unit, based on a variety of images I found and my decision to change from a whitewash to something with white recognition stripes and messy hand-painted numbers... So far it's received some pigment and oil washes on the running gear, and oil-dot filteirng on the whole thing which, like most good initial treatments has been mostly covered up by subsequent layers of work. I also did some very light drybrushing on the hull to accentuate the cast textures, and did the initial chipping work. It's a boring design in boring green, so I'm spending my time on serious surface color variation and weathering... both the hull and running gear have a long way to go, including lots more oil and pigment applications, and painting the tracks, neatening up the chipping, and adding rust streaking.
  5. Saw it today... soooooo good! It's too bad more movies aren't like this anymore... good clean fun, losta fisticuffs and human/believable stunts, and a good clean fun enemy you can get behind like Rooskies... movies are always better with good entertaining villains like Nazis and Commies.
  6. I remember Thexder, and being soooooo mad I couldn't get it to run on my DOS computer >.<
  7. So Daimos is good friends with the guy from Spaceballs then?
  8. I'd love to snag a Takara Skywarp/TC pack... all I've got right now is a US Starscream.
  9. It's actually fairly annoying to have the mouth vents and head vents empty space... because then those of us that actually paint their models have to add in a backing to those parts to paint them, because otherwise they look weird, and you can tell they are a void into empty space... if nothing else they should really have some photo-etch mesh screens behind them to add some depth and detail...
  10. 1/16 scale... 1/6 would be absolutely massive (12" GIJoe scale...)
  11. Alright... new pics. Here's the fighting compartment complete... last is the turret interior, and then I close'er up and move onto exterior assembly.
  12. The latest from the Gundam lines have been in more and more ABS, and it is a whole hell of a pain to glue...
  13. Thanks for the comments guys... this is now I explained the rust elsewhere...
  14. You're comparing a modern Bandai super-tech kit to an absolutely ancient variable kit... quit the doom-and-gloom exaggerations and wait for some solid information to complain about. I think the kit's looking sharp, and based on how impressed I've been with Bandai kits lately (BEST VOTOMS KIT EVER!!), this one should be pretty great. My only complaint? It'll likely be made out of ABS plastic instead of polystyrene, to increase its durability for snapper kiddies...
  15. The Zaku Cannon and Tank are very cool looking MGs... I can definitely see getting atleast the Cannon. I really hope the G-Armor is not sold with the MG Gundam ver2... such a waste of space. That's the reason I haven't gotten a Metal Fix Gundam, as it's a really nice looking figure, and has some die-cast in it, but I refuse to pay for the should-have-been-an-add-on G-armor crap that takes up more space than the figure and jacks the price up.
  16. Hi all, Been working on my birthday present since I got back from school at the beginning of the month... finally have something painted to show for it. This is the engine and transmission compartment all finished... included are a few pics of what will be visible once the model is fully assembled thru the hatches unless I cut up a few more panels, which I probably wont do... notice the brass hatches I made for the engine hatch... those took about four tries to not screw up and make workable and durable.
  17. Might want to send them a question about it... my experiences with Twin Moons way back when the VOTOMS toy sale started were extremely nice and fast.
  18. UN Spacy, you wan't a Scopedog obviously....! And boooo, the Proto Garland isn't on sale... that's the one I really want. I suppose I should grab an Army color one tho...
  19. transfan, if you are happy with the v2 w/ parachute pack, let me reiterate that you will be overhwlemed with satisfaction with the new Last Red Shoulder Turbo Custom set...
  20. Jim Rhodes wears the classic armor long before he becomes WarMachine as well... while Stark begins to collapse into alcoholism Rhodey takes over the mantle of IM to keep Stark Enterprises safe... he then goes bonkers bc/ the suit was calibrated for Stark's brain patterns, and refuses to give the armor back until Stark takes it by force.
  21. Bah, it's always something.
  22. The armor that becomes sentient is the SAFE upgrade of the then-modern armor that debuts in '97 after Heroes Reborn... it turns out that the suit is giving off some nasty radiation or some such that is making Tony sick, so he upgrades it, and is then so advanced that after being trashed by Whiplash and struck by lightening, the suit reboots self-aware.
  23. The Destroid legs aren't actually exact copies of each other in the lineart, so I hope Yamato doesn't totally lazy-out and just carbon copy them three times...
  24. OK, awesome... LotB's been down, so I was worried I'd missed the boat. Good to hear that is not the case.
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