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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. No pics yet, sorry... may have some later today if I remember... it's all basecoated and cot some minor drybrushing and all the yellow safety stripes painted on, and is shinily awaiting decals now.
  2. Based on the size of the joints in the pics I would assume standard Rt size... probably around the height of the Evas.
  3. Nail polish is a safer way, and less permanent, but for the most part is only doable on parts you can separate... the superglue trick can work bc/ the liquid type will flow into joints you cannot take apart.
  4. I suppose we could have a second movie thread... I personally don't want to hear ANYTHING about the upcoming atrocity. All I know is I'm sick of sifting thru casting rumours on TFW... noone at all cares about the friggen TRANSFORMING ROBOTS that are supposed to be in the film at this point.
  5. Extremely cool looking, and I like the replacement part idea... the one criticism I can offer is that you have gone a bit overboard with the paint-chipping effect... there's really no reason for all the paint to be stripped off of every single edge on the machine... some light drybrushing of a lighter tint of green on all the edges would bring out the details and add some wear effect, but actual paint-chipping like that should really only be used on high-traffic areas like the grab handles and bottom edge of the feet and shins, or any specific damage you're trying to add... look at some tank models and such, and think about it. The other thing I could add is that it's not necessarily realistic to have every single ding and scrape on the machine be bright shiny bare metal... most chips either only go down to the primer coat of the metal, or even just leave a superficial mark on the paint, and after a day or two, any down to the metal chips are going to begin to rust in most locales. Otherwise it looks fantastic, and I'm real jealous that you've got the balls and the time to paint up one of these big guys... I've got every release so far except the Scopedog II w/ Round-mover set on my 'to paint and customize' pile
  6. Not sure where to check either, unless you hit up collectiondx.com and looked at what they've got for reviews, or asked on robotjapn.com's forums... I THINK the one you want is the 1R release of Maz, which has the slightly taller build and improved sculpt... I'm not an old-school guy, but I've debated buying that figure multiple times just for it's fun-looking factor.
  7. Sure... that'd work. Thanks!
  8. That could work... I can probably figure out the scaling myself by test printing it B&W on normal paper... I hand-painted all the yellow lines last night and am happy with it, but anything much more complicated is hard to get consistent.
  9. Hi all, I'm currently doing a resin recast of one of the 1/72 Glaug kits (not actually sure which one) as a quickie project, and was wondering if anyone had a scan of the appropriate decals that I could either use as reference to paint them, or print out a sheet of decals myself and use for at least some of the more complex markings. Thanks! Ben
  10. You could ask Yamato-USA for the parts, in case they need a proof of purchase, and then at least sell the broken toy and replacement parts together.
  11. Not seen anyone do it so far, but I hope you find the answer... I'm thinking it may be a glued on end cap to keep the slidey bit all together... probably a peg that goes from the camera mount, thru the slidey bit, and has a glued end-cap behind the interior panel.
  12. What happened to the proportions? Either the top half's too big, or the legs are too small, but it's UGLY.
  13. I figure I'll pick up all the G1 characters and Lugnut... they look fantastic so far.
  14. God the HGUC 'Zabi is ugly... way too fat and wide and squat, and it has the same horrible 'cowboy posture' legs the MG does...
  15. As someone who's first foray into miniature gaming was CBT, I agree wholeheartedly with this analysis of CBT as a property.
  16. Indiana Jones and the Lost Contra Money? Seriously, I do completely understand the wariness to shift time-eras for the movies... I think the Commie-scare of soon after the war is really as far as they should go, or at least as far as would still make fun movies... that was a big part of my point about why I enjoyed the movie; even tho it isn't full of Nazis in jackboots, it's still set in an era where you can have good old fashioned Rooksies... movies really don't get to have 'fun/clean' bad-guys like stereotypical Nazis and Commies anymore, and they're part of the Indiana Jones movie charm.
  17. There shouldn't be any metal... it's completely un-necessary. And you're right, the Koenig didn't have any metal either, but that could have used some metal on the transformation bits to add durability. The Tomahawk doesn't transform or anything... all it needs to do is have a nice even flat military vehicle finish and be really detailed and posable.
  18. After I received Destro and hooded Cobra Commander for my birthday, I went to Target looking for more figs, and while the GI Joe selections were scarce, there was a treasure trove of new Forces of Valor 1/18 WWII stuff there... I nabbed an awesome Sherman and some US infantry to go with it... figure at some point I'll rip off all the rubbery details and rebuild the Sherman like a big model kit. Not really GIJoe stuff, but neat stuff out there in scale for real cheap (20 bucs for the tank and like 4 bucks a figure).
  19. The Japanese CBT is ancient at this point, and extremely rare... I don't remember who in particular worked on it, but I think Kawamori or the like may have been part of it.
  20. Plus Mutt is played by Shia LeBouff, so we REALLY don't want to see him get his own movie out of this... To be fair tho, Shia's acting in Indy was MUCH better than that of Transformers, and if this had been his debut movie, I wouldn't hate him with the heat of a thousand suns... but as it stands, he killed Transformers with his sucking, so he sucks.
  21. Ahhhh... I thought he was talking about a statue by Randy Bowen
  22. That is a very good price... I'd definitely grab the Bracchus for that. Sadly I don't think you'd be able to unload the other two for a profit at this point, as the earlier releases are simply undesirable at this point. Grab the Bracchus tho, you won't regret it.
  23. Yeah, how cheap is insanely? The Strong Bracchus is a neat alternate design, but the normal Scopedog and Purple one really aren't worth getting at this point, as they've got version 1 joints and are quite floppy... it's an awesome toy when it's good tho, so if you really want one, it might be more worth your time to save up for a more recent release like the Turbo Custom or a reissue Brutishdog, which are the current best of the line.
  24. You guys are killing me... I just had to send an email to HLJ responding to the payment request to cancel the order bc/ I forgot to cancel the preorder, as I'm saving up to buy an R/C tank model....
  25. WOW... and are you seriously going to repaint a Bowen statue???
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