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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. I'm pretty confused on that Roller concept art too... looks like a movie design.
  2. I'm just sad the prototype VOTOMS Scopedog revy we saw never saw the light of day...
  3. A Bridge Too Close is easily the finest thing for a G1 fan Animated has given us so far! It was so nod-tastic, and yet so original and fantastic... I am in love with this series.
  4. Finally sat down with the scan and made my sheet... I've uploaded it for you boys to enjoy... I made it to fit on a 5.5" * 8.5" decal paper. I printed them on my Epson, and applied two very thin coats of Future via brush to seal the ink... applied them today, and with some Decal Solution they worked great!
  5. WOOOOOOOH OMEGA!!! Hopefully it will hit BBTS real soon, bc/ my Iron Man figs finally came in, and I WANT THEM!! Got my OFTCC figure in the mail today... I didn't pick up any of the Energon combiners when they were out, but with the red and blue and translucent color scheme, this one's a neat little fig... I will have to pick up the other three Club limbs when the preorder for the Club Pirranacon goes up.
  6. I've already got a hundred dollars of stuff... and I'm waiting anxiously for the Wave 3 Deluxes...
  7. It's gotta do with aligning the arms right... the screws should showing on the underside of the plane when you fold the arms up.
  8. I've had my Encore OS on preorder since it was announced... I cannot WAIT!
  9. I found the last Voyager Prime at my Target yesterday.... they finally put out some new stuff; there was the standard endcap with a bazillion Deep Space SS, and some Voyagers and Two-packs... there was no peg for Deluxes but I found a Cybertron mode Prime on the shelf, and grabbed that as well. Aside from debating if I'll get Lockdown, I'm all set until wave 3 Deluxes start showing up.
  10. Good point... Roger, you might be forgetting how long ad pandering the plot in the original anime is... awesome, but slow. Paislen files offers us tidbits at a similar pace, and provides just as much if not more killer action than the original...
  11. I'm crushed... groundbreaking and hysterical... I'll miss him.
  12. Voyager Prime is just as G1-tastic and Animated Grimlock... I am truly in love.
  13. Sorry to hear about your mishap DH... but that is really weird. Got Voyager Animated Prime today... he's fantastic, and nice and tight.
  14. Can't wait to see some more episodes...
  15. I like the auto-transform on Animated SS, the only problem is it gets kinda annoying when the backplate with the wings keeps folding back on you during bot->jet Tfing... SS could also have used some kind of more positive pegs or locking to align the arms in jet mode, but that's minor. I dig Lugnut's auto-tfing...
  16. I'm liking the new wave of announcements... there hasn't been a TF on the shelves that I wanted since Classics...
  17. I'm the same way with buying, but I'm torn... Sentinal Prime could have used a larger mold, but I'm already rather Voyager heavy, and can't wait for some more Deluxe sized figs I want to come out...
  18. Hmm... new Testujin could be a buy from me... gets that classic robot spot on my shelf filled, and looks rad doing it.
  19. DH- here's links direct to the photos... it's basically alot of black trim and edging, along with the grey on the dino mode arms and the robot mode leg pads, which scratch a bit in transforming anyway... did it this afternoon with some Citadel Chaos Black and craft paint for the gunship grey: http://pics.livejournal.com/shortpacked/pic/001640as http://pics.livejournal.com/shortpacked/pic/001667y0
  20. Looks pretty sweet to me... Alternators got a bit hard to store and display due to their size... I just wish that practically all of the Animated figs I want weren't Voyager size...
  21. Nope.. I'm doing really well on Animated QC so far... between me and my bro we/ve gotten 7 near-flawless or flawless figures. My Grimmy had one or two minor paint goobers that quickly came off with an X-acto, and transforms perfectly. I'm gonna add the little bit of paint details to him that David Willis of Shortpacked added, but out of the box he's amazing.
  22. ZOMG!! Animated Grimlock is even more G1 love than Ratchet... I think I've found my new favorite Transformers toy that doesn't turn into a base/city!
  23. I may end up getting a 1R Maz someday... I'm waaay too young to appreciate the old school nostalgia of it, but there's something about the simple fun design that speaks to me as being a neat toy.
  24. That Batman cartoon is still one of my favorite cartoons of all time, and still holds up perfectly to viewing now that I'm 19... I think it does work very well, just like TA, in that it's got a stylized art style that makes it fun to watch, and really fantastic writing good for younger and older viewers alike.
  25. Gotta say... the 19 and 21 are looking much more attractive than before... I still wish the 11's sculpt was better, and the gunpod more correctly sized. I may end up getting a 19 to customize tho.
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