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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Anyone got links to Cyclonus? I just got back from a weekend away and cannot dig thru the TFW SDCC thread far enough to find a link... Also, my G1 Hardhead came! I love this figure so much, even tho the lower legs gave to fits to figure out which way they fold in... got it now, and he's awesome.
  2. I have successfully secured the Movie IM Mighty Mugg... hooray!
  3. The HT IM fig is great, but nothing matters as much as the Heroes Reborn IronMan ML figure they showed!!!
  4. I apparently broke 4300 and missed it... oh well.
  5. It appears I was making it up... he's got a whole bunch of HM's, including Apeface's, which must be what I was thinking of, sorry.
  6. Wheeljackslab has a Snapdragon had on eBay right now... some people have had problems with him for some reason (I think they are personal problems more than business) but I've been buying from him for years and always had good luck... I'm also throwing it out there that if anyone bids on the Slapdash gun he's got listed right now, and I find out you outbid me, I will kill you, no questions asked.
  7. Would buy, no questions asked... I would prefer two heads (helmeted and un-helmeted)... and frankly the idea of you making a 1/72 Glaug at a later date scares me...
  8. Just got my G1 Pointblank, and reissue Stepper... both awesome figures, only one of which is a realistic alt-moded figure... I've begun to have much more love for the later G1 stuff when Hasbro and Takara finally came into their own and started making original designs (movie and beyond). I don't see any reason for the new Classics stuff to be realistic-only, provided they continue to be as nicely engineered as the ones we've seen.
  9. Ha, yeah... God Ginrai is one fun-ass toy. I would totally buy a Classics God Ginrai gift set... all they would need to do is add articulation and I wouldn't be able to stay away.
  10. Managed to secure a few more G1 Targetmasters today, with a couple more TMs and HMs I'll probably get... I still say either the 25th line or Universe/Classics 2 oughta move beyond the 84-6 characters and touch on the later stuff like anything -master!
  11. I picked up Activators BB and really like him... he's my BB for Animated, as being a bit small is much more appropriate for BB than being ginourmously oversized. I may pick up SS as well, and some of the next wave figs... they're impressive fun little buggers. Chind- thanks for the tip on Hardhead... I absolutely cannot wait to get him.
  12. I sent out payment today for a G1 Hardhead I finally tracked down! I cannot wait to get him... I'm in the process of picking up a bunch of different head and target-masters right now... it'd be awesome to get a couple -masters in the Classics line.
  13. Octane is a pretty sweet figure considering the size limitations and design limitations... I don't really have any classics 'cons (besides the Galvatron, Cyclonus, and Tit. Scourge I WILL have) so I don't think I'll get him... working on filling some G1 holes right now.
  14. Nice little build... do you have any pics of the Diaclone kit?
  15. JBO... the IM Crossover figure is indeed a great new jet-former design that would make an awesome real TF down the line.
  16. Same here... I love my Prowl and Sunstreaker... cannot WAIT for Sideswipe!
  17. I posted this list of wanted stuff over on TFW, and figured I'd throw it up here in the TF thread in case anyone had anything for me... I think I'm finally going to secure a Headmaster Hardhead, so that's done... here's what I am after: TFC Kup reissue and TFC or Hasbro Stepper (loose for both is fine, I'm just going to display and play with them anyway as long as they are complete) Slapdash gun (really want this) Brainstorm guns (L+R) really want these too! Blurr gun (not Targetmaster) Misfire's Targetmaster Aimless Galvatron orange cone
  18. Found Ani Leader Megs and the Classic Deluxes! I grabbed SS and Prowl for myself, and they are faaaantastic! You can tell Hasbro's learned alot from the Alternator line in making well proportioned detailed car-formers... all I've gotta say is bring on Sideswipe!
  19. Yeah, I don't understand the pale-blue on Ani UM... And I really don't understand how you could like Tryppy over Metroplex... I would buy Trypticon in a heartbeat if they Encore'd it, but I don't see any way it could be cooler than the Plex.
  20. I GOT MY ENCORE OMEGA SUPREME!!!!! This toy is so the tits it's not even fair! Took me like an hour to apply all the stickers, but this has got to be the most fun motorized toy ever! I really like the face bit they added alot as well... the arms could have tighter ratchets due to the heavy grey parts, but otherwise he kicks major butt.
  21. Just lost an auction for a complete G1 Hardhead by a dollar... grrr I've gotta admit, I used to be a whore for all the early diaclone parts of G1, but lately I've been much more a sucker for the later run -Masters stuff...
  22. That's a mold I've yet to own, but I've always been impressed by it... someday I'll bother to pick up a Scourge release of it.
  23. Thanks for the tip... I've got Sinnertwin and Blot as the legs (as god intended) and Rippersnapper and Curthroat as the arms, with Ripper being the gun arm, as he has lateral shoulder articulation due to his transformation... I'll make sure not to overdo it tho I also got Blitzwing, Quake, and Skullcruncher... fun figs, but Blitz's toes have gone quite limp, so he's getting a serious nail-polish treatment, as there's no screw to tighten to fix it.
  24. Just got a decently sized box of vintage G1 love today (something I haven't indulged myself in for a while now ) and I've gotta say, Hun-Grrr just may be one of my favorite G1 figures of all time... I got a complete Terrorcon/Abominus set, and HG is really a killer fig... anyone who says all G1 toys were bricks needs to check this guy out. A-bom all combined is no slouch either.
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