Hasbro CAN'T give us TC bc/ of the licensing with FP for BotCon, which they allowed FP to do bc/ it looked like the Classics line(s) were over, and it was the only viable way to give fans the remaining seekers.
Ah, right, Galaxy Farce Prime...
Got my Victory Blacker today... dead mint brand-new condition toy, I'm thrilled. For such a simple transformation, Blacker's a totally rad figure,a nd I cannot wait to complete Road Ceaser.
Well, Star Convoy was JUST a super robot that transformed using the trailer... past that probably.. you've got Fire Convoy (my favorite), Armada Battle Pants Prime, Energon fatty Prime, and whatever Cybertron Prime was.
Honestly CT is my least favorite of the Combiners, but the price seemed fair for the limb guys, and honestly, I need something cheaper to collect than JP G1 stuff for a little while
Just snagged all four Computron limb bots in decent condition for forty bucks, only missing Lightspeed's pistol. Now to track down a complete and good condition Scattershot w/ all the CT parts.
It sounds like I'm gonna need to get one of these... I'm totally tapped out right now collecting JP G1 TFs tho, haven't even gotten the new 21 yet... hopefully a 1A CF comes out, and I'll grab that. Wonder how long a new GBP takes...
Just won a MIB Victory Blacker for a hundred bucks w/ unapplied stickers... lost the matching Braver and Laster tho... I'm tryin to figure out if I should let the Reprolabels guys have a look at the stickers first or just apply them.
Mechwarrior could be alot of fun, and I'd love to see some Castlevania movies... well choreographed with alot of whip-play (and sword play for the inevitable SOTN) and some seriously well done high-gothic costume and set work could make it some serious fun.
I got a Snow Serpent the other day from Target... it was too awesome of a character design to pass up even if I'm not really a Joe fan. Arctic troopers are fun already, but add in the snow shoes and furry camo parts and I was sold. I don't really get the mortar he comes with, and I really wish the hands were sculpted better on these figures for holding the guns with a trigger finger in the right place... they're alot of fun otherwise.
Looks sharp, but I don't know if I want to have to buy the HT IM twice... I would REALLY love a high-detailed Mk I along the lines of the Takara Jin-Roh figure... fully detailed leather jerkin and under suit, and totally accurate armor setup... drool.
I got my Sonic Bomber today... it's a great piece in fantastic condition, with the box (mediocre) but no micromaster (save some yellowing, which I might Krylon Fusion like Dai Atlas, but might now for how much I paid), and now I can make Sky Powered... I'll post some pictures late tonight when I get home from work...