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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. I never took my Ani Blitzwing out of the box. I'll definitely check out that fix tho when I finally do open him.
  2. Amazing... I will be trying this for sure.
  3. Thanks for the nice comments... the Terminator Chaplain really is one of GW's coolest figures ever. It's not even very effective in games for its price, but it's such a badass figure I couldn't help painting it first. I did jewel all of the blood drops and the eyes... I find it helps them pop a bit more than flat colors, altho on vehicles I think I will just use solid colors with some highlighting. It's funny you should mention a wash being heavy, as there is no wash really to speak of over the final colors... my progression was to spray them all with 50/50 Red Gore and Foundation Mecharite Red thru my Citadel Spray gun (which is really nice for a portable at-college solution for spraying without owning an AB, and took the GW paints no problem), and then I did some washing, with GW Wash Baal Red (which isn't very good, and I don't think I'll use for much more) and a bit darker wash. I think I then block highlighted all the panels with Red Gore and then panel-lined with an oil wash. I cleaned up the oils, and then highlighted from Red Gore up to Blood Red. Anything that looks like wash buildup should be a little uneven-ness in the highlighting coats, as I was aiming for a little surface variation on the armor to really tie in with the down-and-dirty look I'm going for. My next builds will be a Rhino with interior, and then maybe a Dread before I head home for Xmas and rip into the massive box from Forge World awaiting me... two FW Dreads, an Arvus Lighter shuttle, a couple Epic Titans, some bits and bobs, and a Vulcan Mecharius are calling to me. As for the photos, they're hosted on the new DakkaDakka.com gallery, which is really phenomenal and went up a couple days ago, and I'll be using for all my miniature images besides my larger models for the foreseeable future. If you're really getting into 40k (and it's funny you mention Dark Angels, as I'm currently reading the Angels of Darkness book about their backstory and tracking Fallen) then I suggest you hit up DakkaDakka.com and check out their galleries and boards.
  4. promethuem5

    Thunder Hammer

    Unbelievable... I still don't know how I missed this.
  5. promethuem5

    Thunder Hammer

    Hold the phone... I go from big poster to lurker, and somehow miss this being sold? Last time I bothered to check the Toys forum for anything other than 1/60 Destroid news, Exo was the only one with a kit and we were in awe at this un-attainable masterpiece... somewhere along the way I missed the selling of copies of this kit? RAAAAAAAAAGEGGGGEEEEEEEE!!!!
  6. I just finished these guys. Check out my new gallery page for more pics and closeups of the group shots:
  7. Unfortunately I think you're in the minority, as the almost masturbatory G1 accuracy is the big draw for alot of people to the figure...
  8. Interesting... depending on the final price, maybe I'll grab a Toynami Tread for my red Legioss.
  9. The colored Grimlock pics are amazing... I'm totally stoked. In other news, I scored a MOSC G1 Cyclonus at the comic shop today... the box was crap (but it's a Poster box) and they were having a sale, so it was only like $50... naturally I took it home and immediately opened it up! Cyclonus is one of the G1 movie figs I've been dying to find at a decent price after not buying a loose one at the same comic shop for $70 and having it be gone the next week. I've never gotten to open a sealed G1 TF before, but it was amazing... now all I need is a Reprolabels sheet. I also grabbed a loose Bandai VF-17S... any way to tell if it's real, and or find a gun for it?
  10. Interesting idea... I like your modding plans, and look forward to seeing more. I agree that some textured corrugated plastic sheet would be much easier for the foot vents than filing in each line. If you weren't in OZ, I'd gladly send you some extra I've lying around
  11. Looks sharp... still need to find IH myself. I thought the hand could fit inside the gun tho?
  12. My Steam ID is my handle here (and everywhere for that matter)
  13. Really? One wave of release and that's it? Were the other MPs so limited run? Or was there fear that a fourth incarnation of the mold was too much?
  14. Agreed... even if it wouldn't fit on Voyager Prime.
  15. Nice job on SS... I was really impressed when I got mine at how many paint apps he had already, but you managed to find more still to improve his look! I may try taking the spoiler off mine... I like the look it gives.
  16. Nice job on SS... I was really impressed when I got mine at how many paint apps he had already, but you managed to find more still to improve his look! I may try taking the spoiler off mine... I like the look it gives.
  17. OH MY GOD 26 MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I love it... the 11 has so much anime magic and fiddlyness to its design that I'm happy with most any solid looking practical design, and Yamato nailed it.
  19. The demo is fantastic... I so want this game, but it will kill my college productivity. Stupid Organic Chemistry.
  20. Hmmm... the horns totally don't mesh with the lines of Unit 02, and why'd they change the prog knife? The box-cutter style replaceable blade made so much sense.
  21. LRS is the only one that was already subbed and findable! It's an old VHS rip, but it's watchable... hopefully they do the other OVAs!
  22. Awesome tweaks, both for the paint and the gun clip... to tighten the shoulder joint I'd recommend liquid Super Glue over Tamiya Plastic Cement... CA Glue will form an extra layer of material in the joint and increase tolerances while Plastic Cement melts the plastic of the components and forms a bond between the material of the joint.
  23. To be fair, in the comics the suit worn by Rhodes is a totally new designed suit initially built by Stark in response to a close fight he had.
  24. I remember seeing a Leaf Blower somewhere else as well... maybe in one of the subway areas?
  25. It's not truly a random encounter... just procedural stuff working on all cylinders. I was going to checkout an interesting area (one of the overpasses... I wanted to get a nice view of the scenery) and I passed by a pair of BOS outcasts with their Protectbot... as I was approaching the ramp of the overpass, I noticed a few red bars on my indicator... so I flanked around with my hunting rifle expecting to duke it out at range before closing to kick-ass with my laser pistol (which is totally ridiculously powerful against most enemies ) As I was getting into position, the BOS guys were attacked by the raiders and fought back. One BOS guy cwent down, while I picked off guys the BOS trio softened up. It was pretty sweet, and I've seen similar events a few times where different procedural spawns engage each other, adding to the immersion.
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