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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Is that something coming out, or just a custom someone put together using as many decals as humanly possible? I'd be interested in getting that for all the different fun decals... you could make a neato Ranka-guard valk and have a ton of useful decals leftover, like the Monster Girl noseart which doesn't belong on the Vf-25 anyway.
  2. Have we figured out at all if HG's pushing has affected Bandai and the rest of the MacF products? I'm wondering if BBTS will be listing the second pair of DX valks or not... I'm gonna be mighty pissed if they aren't able to offer them.
  3. Have we seen any sign that HG's meddling will affect Bandai and the other MacF stuff? I suppose we'll find out if BBTS never lists a preorder for Michel and Luca's DX figures...
  4. Jenius, I'll still be checking out your review even after I've got mine in-hand... I cannot wait. I do agree that the pilot figure is seriously ugly tho... he may be getting replaced.
  5. I dunno... I don't contribute much to the photo threads, but I fusking LOVE my Sv-51, and pose it the most out of any of my toys besides my 1/48 CF... you can get some really slick tight-rope running poses with the 51 due to the outward ankle movement for Gerwalk mode. On Topic, I'm sure the 11 will be fun to pose as well!
  6. Well, we could get a Vent setup for audio chat, but I'd be more interested in a text chat room, something like the Samruai Monkey forum and the HobbyFanatics forums had.
  7. Okay, I have to admit all those nosecone parts and the gunpods being swapable makes me much more sad than when I thought all that was swappable was the leg fins and landing gear...
  8. I would assume it's just a special edition decal sheet with a big Sheryl to put on the back of the fighter like Ozma's got the Skull Platoon marking.
  9. They look sweet! It doesn't look like Luca's machien comes with his Ghost drones tho, which is totally lame.. hopefully the 1/100 does include them like the model kit does, as I plan on buying the whole lineup of 25s in 1/100.
  10. My Red is good enough... nothing is particularly floppy, but the hands are busted... I just finished finally panel lining and stickering and joint-tightening it, and I've gotta admit, for all its flaws I still mostly like it... I just really need some hands for it.
  11. Thanks again... you answered my stupid question LAST time as well!
  12. Thanks for the link... looks great! I'll definitely be checking that site from now on as well.
  13. Hmmm... MG GM ver2? I could be sucked back into gunpla to pick that up... the MkII ver 2 was the last gunpla I did, and it was lightyears more fun and better looking than anoy of the earlier MGs I built. Interesting news on the PG Astray too. Anyone got any scans?
  14. Wow, the Toynami Beta looks scarily good... the chest-cockpit doesn't bother me (I actually prefer it) and I think I will pick up the red one when it comes out...I got my red Alpha out of storage and started making some tweaks to it... I tightened up a bunch of joints with superglue, and panel lining it, and will add the stickers and some light weathering... still need new hands for it tho... did anyone ever recast the Superposable hands?
  15. Probably pretty close... Tit. Scourge is pretty much standard deluxe height. Are there any flexible plastic pieces on Cyclonus or Hound? I plan on repainting both a bit and want to know if there's any of the softer bits I have to worry about.
  16. I was totally gonna buy the Mugen too... but the price is absurd! Stupid money... EDIT: The new T-28 looks pretty rad... I may have to find room for that.
  17. Good luck on your purchase, it's a gorgeous figure... If I were you I would just assume you'll need to tighten the wing hinges now, and buy yourself a tube of liquid super glue... search around on here for the exact technique if you don't know, vbut I've had much better luck with the superglue trick on joints lately than using clear nail polish.
  18. Well forget him, I wanna see Alto!!
  19. Pics of Ozma in box, but where?s Alto? They are coming out at the same time, aren't they? I preordered Alto on BBTS and I want it!
  20. The real question is, how to the boosters sit in relation to Batt. mode? The biggest failing of the little one IMO was the too-short boosters... otherwise I loved that toy.
  21. I have to admit that I cannot believe how good the GBP looks on the ver2 1/6- with the better proportions and hands... I almost regret ditching mine for cheap a while back. Your Q-rau repaint is also awesome.... I cannot believe Yamato didn't bother to release something similar...
  22. Hmm... I actually think the 51 is fairly easier to transform... the shoulder multi-hinges take a minute to figure out the first few times, but overall I like the transformation alot, and almost enjoy tf-ing it more than the 1/60 YF-19. The shoulders are actually quite tight and nice provided you actually have the multi-hinges position correctly.
  23. I got my Ivanov out of storage for the first time since it was released... I'd forgotten how friggen awesome of a figure it is. The wings are a bit loose on mine, but some superglue in the joints fixed that up right good, and now it's just an amazing figure... the weapons pods don't fit so hot on the wings either, but I like the toy in Battroid mode the most, where all the missile pods aren't needed anyway. I think the 51 is more fun to play with in Batt mode than the 1/48 VF-1.
  24. There'd certainly be nothing difficult about removing the heatshield for a Jetfire custom... there'd be a bit of a gap around the cockpit in Battroid mode where it meets the chest plate, but that's the idea.
  25. Christ, I'm glad I did as well... that's a biiig jump!
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