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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. I would make an effort to get all of them, they all sound sweet. What are the Stamppede and Thunder Hammer versions tho? Im curious....
  2. I have never liked GW stuff due to their prices, but playing the demo and now being ecstatic in waiting for this game, a soft spot in my heart has opened up....i bought a few minis just to have, all space marines and a Dreadnought (for those AMAZING melee combat moments when the Dreadnought impales a guy on its claw and spins him around in the air, then throws him across the screen!) I especially like the color editor...lotsa fun to be had there
  3. i can email as well.....have already sent it a couple of times...takes a moment to send tho. no probs if you need it still
  4. Hi, I was thinking about aircraft adn payloads, and something occured to me.... When a misisle launches, does it leave a burn mark on the rack it comes out of on the plane? Like on the big box missile launchers for VF-1s or the 3 pack air to air missiles on teh racks... Thanks for an answer Ben
  5. huzzah!!!! it worked!! my 1/60 now has nice tight sexy hips thanks for the advice. Manifest, I would do this mod to yours too. it was easy,a dn worked like a charm
  6. sweet. thanks mate....guess i know what Im doing today....
  7. my only 1/60, a DYRL Max VF-1A,a dn the hips are mad floppy too...is there any way to fix this, like with the Banpresto?
  8. its alot of songs and stuff....with some other clips...i thought it was subbied so i bought it...its not.... oh well, my fault. the CGI stuff is cool
  9. wow, you obviously live uinder a rock.....go to the otehr anime section,a dn look at the sticky MPC section. go towards the end,a dn read about what a horrible sounding toy it is.....
  10. wow!! those internal skeletons look sweet. thats a great idea...wonder if they would sell just the skeletons tho....
  11. man. the more I see of it, the more I want to see M0 and get one of these....I agree that the head lasers look wonky tho...
  12. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! why do those 1/44 transformables have to be exclusives???? why??? I want them !!! but im not in japan, so yahoojapan no good for me!? arghhhhhhhh1!!!
  13. thats strange that they would make it almost trasformable, but then not.... why go to that trouble, to make the arms work, the legs work,a nd even give it a full head for nothing....?
  14. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! such garbage!! total crap, lol. i ant one
  15. dont mean to rush ya but I just finished my paper monster, so im a bit antsy to get anoter sweet paper kit....hows it commin?
  16. hmmm.....some sick part of me is kinda interested. if its that crappy, it shouldnt cost much. haha. thanks for the info guys, but noones got pics?
  17. you got any pics of this? Macrossworld dont have pics of the Matchbox stuff...sounds neato
  18. It could be anything...I have no idea at all...
  19. 17/17 beeyotch!! I know my Tfs
  20. Hi all, I have this Valk head that I found at like a lost and found place, but dont know that it is. It's big, bigger than the 1/55. Its cast in white,a dn is a VF-1J head, but the antennae are the double barreled 1S antenna. The antenna and visor piece are cast in a bueish grey,a dn the green o the visor is an ill-fiting flat green sticker. there are no markings on the entire thing. the antennae move seperately,a dn there are clips that attached it to the bocyu,. one on each side, one being busted off. is held togeter by ONE screw infront of the right antenna mount. Thanks, i cna post a piccie if needed Ben Here's pics: Last one's with a 1/100 and a 1/200 for scale...its alot bigger than a 1/55
  21. WOW! thanks for the pics. looks great. cant wait to get my Monster.hehehe. Those 1/44 mini VF-1s look great too, just not transformed well. are they prebuilt or kits? cuz they rock either way. cant wait to get a bunch of those.
  22. SDF comm.....oh no! I have NOTHING at all to do with the paper Monster, Im just building one right now.....lolol!! I do have the file tho, im not sure where you could download it from, but if you shoot me a PM w/ ur email, I will send it to you (its all one big Windows zip file)
  23. hey mate! If this is gonna be a team effort, Im willing to help somehow if possable..... as for the fold lines, take a look at the paper MAC II Monster if you havent already. they use lines just a few shades diff from the surrounding color, and they look great.
  24. yay!!!!! I cant wait for the rest. I havent even seen Mospeada and I like the Alpha fighter. I must say having attempted some texture type things for game skins, your textures look killer clean and great. Keep it up. One other thing, are you gonna have a detailed instruction manual for assembly and transformation? I love paper models but am not the best at piecing them together, like the Monster Im currently working on.....the arms are sooooo crazy hard!? arghhh
  25. where's this disaster of a debate? i wanna read!!!
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