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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. oh...thanks alot. I like the Zero Custom better anyways...
  2. Thanks alot. What exactly is Ver. Ka? I keep seeing it when talking about Wing Zero models....?
  3. I want your avatar...
  4. that Wing looks nice, but what is the one pic poiting to with a yellow arrow in teh chest...?
  5. thanks alot. now I know that I want a SHE VF-4....
  6. excuse the n00b question, but has the VF-4 ever been shown in transformed modes? or just fighter?
  7. BBTS packs real nice.....buble wrap and sweetness....
  8. Recast missile launchers for those of us with original Smokescreens and such would be hot....man, I cant wait to get Jazz and Jound and Tracks and Silverstreak....stupid local stores are mad slow in getting them.
  9. I wanna feel too!
  10. Very nice pics and great looking kit. nicely done. my only thing is the big honking seam line running down from the nose thru the entire body.... you should have sanded and puttied that befoer you painted....It is otherwise a gorgeous looking kit. Great pilots and decal work. Ben
  11. Milia has green panites? where?
  12. scrambled steve from scrambled city made a WWI Starscream transformable out of sculpey and resin and styrene. It was gorgeous, but his website was down last time i checked....
  13. Mine's been on preorder for months bitches! November cant come soon enough.....
  14. wow, those PVCs are seriously hot. Fattimus is still too dumb to get, but the normals look hot. Cant wait for the Starscream
  15. Soundblaster's tape deck is double deep i thinks....pretty sure Cant wait for Predaking mates! gonna rocks
  16. I dont care about color matching....Im gonna paint them up crazy detailed if i get some anyways....
  17. Yeah, I fixed it in the initial post fpr anyone skimming it. It does depend on teh kit and the thikness of coats. I prefer to slather it on in one long coat usually (which is very bad) but it is realy be4tter to hit it with like three very thin coats. I know some of my buddies do a coat of gloss first, then two coats of dull...for whatever reason, UV protection I thinks
  18. I would be seriously interested in one or two..... Ive seen the real ones online,a nd they look great but cost a fortune (or more than I can afford anyways )
  19. Cuz hes the new bitchin Star Convoy!!! I am loveingthe War Within Starscream...one o ym fav designs. As for the diorama..... Its Scrambled Steve's custom diorama from one of teh TV episodes...thr Tetrajet Skywarp is a custom made resin cast from sculpey and such, and the Jazz is a modded G1 Jazz that does transform it robot mode www.scrambledcity.com (the site doesnt seem to be working right now) He was working on some toerh Cybertron modes last time I checked....including Bublmebee Transformable. HE also made a custom sculpey statue of Megs that looks fantastic.
  20. http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/attachment.p...tachmentid=4984 WAR WITHIN STARSCREAM!!!!!!!!!!
  21. I was kidding about teh five coats mate three is usually good on metal...two for plastic.
  22. well, there are some cool CGI clips of ground operating GBPs in teh MAcross 20th Aniv DVD. theya re cool shots, but nightime...so yeah
  23. well yeah, future has a glossy finish. thats why you put a coat or three of matte finish sealer on the finished product. you should never consider a work done until you put clear sealer on it. I also fiond that a cote of future on decals will help keep them on if you have more work to do after decal app. edited for retarded content, haha
  24. I actually get Heavy Gear figs....have a small tactical squad of Northern mechs in a desert scheme. The Gear Krieg intrigue me, but it just ONE MORE mini line to collect and never play
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