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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. finally a pic of that thing. Ive been looking for some art of it...no wonder i could never find it. I wish the anime compendium had piccies too....
  2. Its purtty whatever it is. I want one
  3. Indeed.....the one with Unicron's big detail lacking head was funkily fun... and some of the earlier ones with the leaning of the polot were cool...altho I hated the transmetals designs and later ones even more.... and Silverbolt was a PANSY!!!
  4. are tehy boughten? I might be interested in teh VF-19A if it is still there...
  5. Beast Wars was all time travelly IIRC...that was how tehy explained the Ark's prescence...they got all warp drive traveld beck in time....I think. i seem to recal hearing this in that confusing show...whcih had some good parts, but I hated on a whole, but at least not as bad as Beast machines...that ruined it
  6. The VF-1A and VF-1D are two of my favorite heads. The VF-1J head is okay, but not that cool looking...depending on how it is drawn. there are some crappy shots with the chin barely perceptible that stink, but when the pose is right and the chin is done good, it looks sweet. The VF-0S head is kinda fugly to me...so bizzarely shaped compared to teh otheres...and teh Sounds force ones are dumb....I hate mecha faces with mouths and faciallness.
  7. Man I hope so. I hope Yamato manages to use better sticker paper for these than on teh Valks....that crappy thick rubbery stuff blows. That or I hope Anasazi is ready to blast out a new decal sheet when it comes out haha
  8. its after November 4th.... Grrr....I want my Monster!!!
  9. I woudlnt mind SP Destroids, but I would also want Yammie hardcore detailed ones too....1/100 would be nice to go along with my Koenig, which I am still waiting for ferverently (it has to come out someday ) 1/60 would be nice too to go along with teh supposed 1/60 Monster, but 1/48 Destroids would be amazing. Man, if they had like fully detailed opening hatches and stuff, and were totally posable, and had like no deicast, they would rock!
  10. Thats real nice mate, real nice. I love the cannon fodder scheme, and that is one hott use of it. Great job, make more models now.
  11. hm....odd. I am definetaly getting a set of those Jazz stickers. those are hott. Very nice
  12. wowsers. those look real nice mate. glad to see your gooping worked out. Im gonna have to try that now
  13. oh. I was pretty sure Takara made Beast Wars first...I stand corected
  14. are you painting the base color of the skeleton or using the molded plastic color and just detailing it? looks fantastic so far, cant wait to see the completed model
  15. thats actually a quite good idea. Drad and I discussed one time about how they should just up and redo the whole original series with today's animation quality nad technology. That would be hot stuff.
  16. hehe, I love those things....so silly and worthless
  17. I cant wait for it to come out on PC...im am totally analog stickly worthless, but I will be playing it all weekend at my besat friend's house to see it in action. I also loved the first one on PC and dont get whwt all teh PC Halo hate is about
  18. no, sadly Beast Wars was Japan's fault first as well.... Im curious also tho, what stuff did Hasbro make first?
  19. hmmm... my apologies...I managed to read you post three times and get it wrong...reading comprehension DOES help hahaha. Sorry for the confusion. I have heard of the dichsoap sludge method before but never tried it. I am curious to see how your use of it resulted.
  20. Quote: i airbrush a coat of the future floor wax and when dry i mix a batch of the oil wash right there dude. thats Your problem, like I said in my other post
  21. haha, Most likely.
  22. dude, it was 2005: *The year is 2005. The treacherous Decepticons have taken the Autobots home planet of Cybertron but on two of Cybertron's moons...something somehting something....crap in a hat, I used to know every scence and line of the movie by ehart, I need to start wathcing it again
  23. I think its gott to do with the fact that ur putting a glossy future coat on the model, and then putting future in teh oil wash so its bonding with itself. Try using some other gloss sealer before you oil wash it, like Krylon or Testors..what you are tryting to do is gave a sheer glossy surface that teh oil wash will not stick to so it wipes off the raised surfaces, but stays in teh crevices.....also, I recommend trying a diff wash is you need to. Games Workshop inks are a tad expensive, but they are the bomb diggity dizzle, I absolutely love them.
  24. did you sculpt the panties in teh resin? when i first looked at that pic, i thought it was like Qtip fiz placed in there, so great job again
  25. sweet resin jesus. was that really necesary?
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