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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. OH MY GOD!!! He's SOOOOO STUPID!!! thank you very much...he had the shoulders at a 45, not a 90 degree angle....I asked him if he actually LOOKED AT the directions and he was like....they were in JAPANESE!! What, Japanese people draw the figure differently than American people...
  2. WTF!? ruining toys? Todd McFarlene has contributed SOOOO much to modern toy making view its not funny! Todd McFarlene practically defined hi-detail sculpting....granted his toys arent the most posable, buts thats a whole different area of toys. As for the BS lawsuit, this NHL guy Twist is obviously a broke asshat who needs the money....last time I checked, noone owns your name...lots of people have the same name...I agree, sounds like South park episode fodder
  3. I wanna see!! why is it killing my AOL?
  4. oh no....with enough extra parts....I would make it fit....I would need a REALLY big table to support the whole diorama tho...hmm....mebbe a whole extra house.
  5. oh yeah! *smack* the 1/100 factory kits....I want the whole thing soooo bad. Doenst it come in like a 3 feet long box or soemthing? I wuld have a blast makin all that....and just imagine a custom Monster factory section...
  6. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! !!! That was histarical!! Best video ever!! The ammount of blood in that video was really quite impressive...I loved the guy who got cut in half twice!! awesome.
  7. hmmmmmmm......weeeeeeeell....Ive got one Arii 1/100 Battroid kit figure, and one of the hard PVC Arii figs....thats it tho...ive gotta find some of the cooler 1/100 stuff
  8. I gots a question before i watch it.....is it realisticly gorey, or Monty Pythonly gorey? Im asking because real gore makes me upset, but I laugh my ass of at stuff liek teh Black Knight and the surgery scenes in Meaning of Life....
  9. wimpy YF-19??!? what are you talking about? its awesome...altho dwarfed by the Monster in those pics by ALOT!! I just thought of something Toynami could do for us Macross fans if they actually wanted to make themselves useful....Mac+ Super Posables....I would get them....
  10. Whats that old Cyclone toy in the Styro fome?
  11. Yes! Much Tampo printing please! No crappy ass Yammie stickers for this guy please. I hate the Yammie stickers....sooo thick and crappy... if it does come with alot of crappy stickers, hopefully Anasazi or someone will make better ones
  12. I knew about the exo-squad figs of teh Destroids, but whats this about Mospeada guys? I wants.... www.brianscache.com has all the Macross and Dougram mecha in Battletech...Brian's a cool dude and his website is great.... The Go-Bots model kits are killer! I want those too....Ive never seen those before. What always amazes me abhout these kidna things are all the liscensing concerns....you would never be able to do anything like that now...you would have adozen lawyers pounding you in the ass before you even released them...
  13. dammit! oh man.......... now Im gonna cry
  14. you know guys....Im really kinda concerned about it not looking impressive enough on my shelf....I havent got any 1/100 scale stuff (I think) so it will look kinda odd next to MPC Prime and my 1/48..... I mean, it'll look fantastic besides other 1/100 stuff....but otherwise...hmm.....i dunno even know what otehr stuff IS 1/100 scale....
  15. ooooooohey! I hope that is a Yammie....then my Koenig will have some friends!
  16. umm.....the vid keeps crashing my internet when i try to view it/...
  17. oooooooooooooh.....miniature work...exactly what I wanna do for a living, and for the same guy.... Mpeg of teh fight!? Gimme!
  18. ooooooooooohweey! Look how big it is!! i cant wait for it now!!
  19. Thanks for the link, but it doesnt answer my question...obviously noone else has had this problem...can anyone on Macworld take a look at theirs for me?
  20. Hi guys! Ive got a BT Grimlock question.... My little bro got his in the mail today, we had it on Preorder from BBTS. I gotta say, it is a real nice fig and I will most certainly be getting teh Alt for myself, but we hath a question for other Grimlock owners.... Does the torso clip mate up with the crome clip grooves on the underside of teh hood in Bot mode for you guys? I Tfed his for him (hes 9) and there seems to be about almost a quarter of an inch of space in between the clips on teh blakc 'stomach' piece and the chrome grooves that we cant account for.... Any help would eb appreciated, oh and buy some of Rhoby's recast launchers...I got mine today and they are the Shiznit!
  21. I would LOVE a DeLorean and a Lambo....just imagine...
  22. Based on all the criticisms....it sure dont seem like most of you gusy realize the implications of this....tis only the first step towards much more advanced stuff. They had to get a basic rapid movement down first, getting ASIMO to lower its center of gravity and lean into run to stay balanced... Ill be they will get some of the kinks outta it soon enough and ASIMO will be able to preform a much more fluid motion...
  23. ohhhh.......after Xmas!! Dammit!!!
  24. Thats awesome....I love the ASIMO......its so cute
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