As an artsy-fartsy 15 year old who is addicted to old school anime mecha like G1 and Macross I couldn't help but laugh at your more guns comment. Its such a shame, and I agree with you....
I really am hating most of the Gundam-esque designs....I REALLY wish they would do a show for the BT/Alt designs in ultra-realsim! or something close to it...THAT would make me happy. I want a cartoon using the BT/Alt designs with animation on teh scope of TF: The Movie, one of my favorite movies ever. The G1 cartoon was good....but had its share of silly episodes...and we all know that the animation was pretty blah...but in this day and age, we should be able to get something better than the MORE GUNZ cartoons of the last couple of series.... the cartoon SHOULD be similar to Gundam in art and style IMO, but NOT in mecha design. I want the art style and the realstic mecha of Gundam, but NOT the garish color schemes and crappy GUNZ desgins. Gundam has some killer desings, but I HATE all the funky tri-color pasta paint schemes....Gundam with realistic mecha desings and usage, made by a bunch of tank modelling guys would be the best long as they didn't get hung up on teh obscene details like "What were you thinking!? You actually signed off on animation in which that wingnut on the NT-01A's coller was A QAURTER OF AN INCH TOO BIG!!'