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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. grrr....that doesnt sound good. Wonder what it would/could take to reinforce that
  2. promethuem5


    Meh! If I was getting a kit like that, I think I would much rather it come unnassembled so I could properly paint adn build it.
  3. promethuem5


    300 dollars! holy crap.....thats rediculous....
  4. promethuem5


    Why? Whats that in American dollars? Alot?
  5. I dunno...Im into all that dark adn gritty stuff, so if they backed off the kidiness ALOT, I would probably be a happy child. At least we have our Alternators.
  6. I agree about Megs.... he looks too Armadaish with all his crappy cartooneyness. He needs to be evil and cool, not flourescent and funky.
  7. But of course. WarWithin kicked mucho ass-o
  8. Cool. thanks alot mate!
  9. hmmmm.....that's utterly bizzare and not the answer I was expecting. oh well, I dont so stuff with an airbrush...so you are doing your chips in gray,a dn not mettalics then...
  10. Hi nathan! Im a Battletech person who can help you out. Brian's Cache is an excelent site for this stuff, btu if you want anything more specific, come on over to www.lordsofthebattlefield.com Its a Battletech forum, and we can answer any more specific BD questions you have. And for clarification, the Battledroids minis wera the early Battletech designs. SOme of them were the unseen mecha designs, but others were orignal designs....none of them ever got stats tho I think, or at least I havent seen any for the original designs.
  11. wow. I reallllly love how you do your paint chips....any secret to it? waht color are you using? that looks really nice.
  12. Hahaha..silly me to get them mxed up.. Almsot perfect indeed. They have all teh tampo printing stuff....but hardly use it. Its annoying! Almsot noone uses stickers on theiy toys anymore,at least not stickers as SHITTY as the Yammie ones....if they were high quality stickers it would be alright, but Yammie stickers suck!
  13. Yeah, can anyone with the toy take a look at that piece and tell us how it was mpunted...molded or attached. Even if it is molded, I bet someone skilled with a DREMEL or such could cut it out in away that in can just be flipped around....hmm...suckks about the stickers... pretty lame compared to what we've seen. I wish Yamato would start putting out toys to their fullest potential...instead of half assing everything
  14. promethuem5


    TEN!? DAMMIT!!
  15. Looks nice mate! Nice inventive camo scheme...should look great once weathered. Nice Space mMarines in teh background too!
  16. As an artsy-fartsy 15 year old who is addicted to old school anime mecha like G1 and Macross I couldn't help but laugh at your more guns comment. Its such a shame, and I agree with you.... I really am hating most of the Gundam-esque designs....I REALLY wish they would do a show for the BT/Alt designs in ultra-realsim! or something close to it...THAT would make me happy. I want a cartoon using the BT/Alt designs with animation on teh scope of TF: The Movie, one of my favorite movies ever. The G1 cartoon was good....but had its share of silly episodes...and we all know that the animation was pretty blah...but in this day and age, we should be able to get something better than the MORE GUNZ cartoons of the last couple of series.... the cartoon SHOULD be similar to Gundam in art and style IMO, but NOT in mecha design. I want the art style and the realstic mecha of Gundam, but NOT the garish color schemes and crappy GUNZ desgins. Gundam has some killer desings, but I HATE all the funky tri-color pasta paint schemes....Gundam with realistic mecha desings and usage, made by a bunch of tank modelling guys would be the best IMO...as long as they didn't get hung up on teh obscene details like "What were you thinking!? You actually signed off on animation in which that wingnut on the NT-01A's coller was A QAURTER OF AN INCH TOO BIG!!' [/rant]
  17. Joel at BBTS gave me a two week ETA a couple of dys ago.
  18. hmmm.......wonder how long it'll take for shipments to get to BBTS and then to me
  19. Well that just sucks....not only are tehy not releasing a dubbed Innocence...but it is CC subs, so you feel retarded while watching it.... I thought GTIS was pretty good...neato storyline, but I like to watch my movies while painting adn stuff...so I really cant watch the subs while doing something else.....(which is why I dont like DYRL as much either)
  20. Ive got a question for you Nanashi....how come your actualy website doesnt do anything, but you keep posting links to all this stuff on your site....? im confused...
  21. OMG!!! Im NOT alone in loveing RiD Prime. Score! Oh man....an Ultra Magnus to merge onto GC Prime would be huge and awesome....ooooh....I get giddy at the thought
  22. if it is, then its worth it....the olive drab color makes it look so much more like a military machine and not a key lime pie.
  23. Robotech....at first! Then I learned about how much cooler Macross was and got DYRL. Its not my favorite....Id rather there were good American mangas of the whole series and read those...like Gundam, I enjoy reading the manga of Endless Waltz alot more thn watching it (im like that). I intend to get Mac+ next,a dn expect big things from it....I got a YF-21FP for Xmas, and have a 19 comming soon, which is my fav valk. Thats the brink of it tho....I REALLY wish there were a whole line of mangas of it all....
  24. Good god no! I would never shell out that much for one! (more like, I could never get my parents to get me one haha) I was just interested to see if he was actually hoarding that many, or just trying to bog down the listings with ads....
  25. mmmmmmm......yummy
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