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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Hmmm.....I mad <3 teh books and BBC series, and the graphic novelizations, but it looks like they are taking waaaay too many 'artistic leeniences' in this movie....I agree with Graham on Marvin and Ford AND Zaphod. Zpahod was alwasyu the silly whimsical one with teh extra parts....they've got to be there. I am hating the new Marvin design. What is the lanky one from? I only recognize the BBC show one. And BoBe-Patt? What kinda movie company do you work for? I am interested in that kinda stuff and curious... could you shoot me a PM or mebbe an IM about it please?
  2. Zero- Yeah, thats the one I was talking about. Now that we're all on the same page lol.... I wholly agree about the Diaclone stuff....all the best figures (ala, the die cast metal having cars) are Diaclone, except Metroplex, who will forever be my favorite Transformer of all time *fondles G1 'Plex with chrome thighs, rubber tires, tight joints, no play wear, and no stickers applied*
  3. no no no....Im talking about Battle Beasts....a NON-transformable toy line of humanoid armored beasts that had the heat sensitive stickers with their factions like of TFs and I think I read in Toyfare that you did like a rock-paper-scissors game based on what faction they were in (there were a couple i think) They were really corny from what Ive seen.
  4. WAIT! What little TAB!? not another Tab B scenario, is it? Cuz ill cry. alot. Yeah man, rock on. wouldn't it be great to get a VF-5000? That would be awesome.
  5. I actually quite like it.....it looks great except for Gerwalk mode, which I dont like on this VF anyways....
  6. Zero- The episode was pretty hokey....even hokier than some of the other episodes....which is saying alot.
  7. Hi! I got mine and have super floppy hips as well. Also, my lower panel FPs are loose like yours. Did you have problems mounting the trigger finger hands? I didnt have the problems Graham seemed to have.... Mine was missing one of the large panel screw covers in teh box, so thats kinda lame. Also, Grahams preview shows that it was gonna come with a -22S head and canopy to replace it with if you liked, but how come they abandoned that?
  8. Not a problem mate! The later cartoons are even worse than G1 tho for the msot part...waaaaaaaaay much more kid oriented. Oh, and one other great thing in teh Headmasters series: Battle Beasts epsode!! ANother retarded toyline released in both US and Japan, but in Japan it was related to TF, but not in US thank god.
  9. Zero: The Seacons were released along with the headmasters and some of the power master and other funky ones at the end of the US G1 line, but they never appeared in the show. There was a G1 Headmasters two episode ending to US G1, but in japan, Headmasters was anotehr TV series, followed by Super God Masterforce (where the European G1 realease Overlord is from, andyone got one they wanna give me?) and then Victory (where Star Saber and Victory Leo and those guys are from.) HK bootlegs of the three series are easily gattable on places like eBay, thats where I got them...they've got lame English dubs and poor graphics, but you get the storyline
  10. hmmm.....weird choice for a reissue. The Seacons weren;t even in the American TF G1...they were in the Japanese Super God Masterforce series, which comes after the Headmasters series which ALSO didnt come out in US.
  11. Well, if you were offering a MACROSS factory kit, I would be interested and say 'Hell Yeah!' "Bring on the 1/48 and 1/72 factories!'
  12. whew. at lwaat tbise will be easy to fix,,,,, (*sorry about spelling....im in the dark watchibg new ywears stuff)
  13. hmmmmmmm....if it breaks, you might be able to repair it with some styrene sheet. stinks tho...mebbe your just over stressing the part? forcing the peg in crooked wo/ realizing it?
  14. latitude 42° 41' 40" longitude -73° 53' 15" albany ny
  15. yeah mate! grab te 20 aniv. DVD....its got a whole bunch of sweet clips, including that I think.
  16. No, I would most certainly not let her out of detention for that little bit of skin.....shes so close to lettin more of it out, might as well finsih pulling off the shirt oh, and can we see behind the desk?
  17. Nice looking stuff, but the red on the Alpha is a little harsh. I am most certainly going to have to find one on those large ride armor kits now. ANyone got any info on these? Also, about what size are they? I wouldn't mind modidng one to use a super posable figure of some sort, depending on the size. Thanks alot!
  18. Haha, wouldn't THAT be ironic....here we are bitching about some little thing, and then we realize that it was just Yamato giving Graham the finger
  19. hmmmm....shoulda guessed that it could be clear nail polished. Lucky me Also, it cam in the box with a couple of the screw covers fallen off but in teh box, BUT one of the big screw covers that go on the leg panel pivots was completeyl gone, even with teh Fp plate convering it. stupid crappy QC.
  20. Oh wow. I love the Tomahalw girl....awesome stuff.
  21. yes indeed. Aircraft Alts would be amazing.
  22. Wow. That's pretty sucky...not gonna be too much of a way to reinforce that I dont think....
  23. hmmmm...skull sqaudron's siter VB-6 support wing?
  24. promethuem5

    YF-21FP issue

    Hi all! I got a YF-21FP for Xmas and really like it. The Gerwalk mode is worthless tho..dont hold together at all....I dont like the Gerwalk on it anyways tho. I read the review by Graham, and didnt have the issues he had....the gun hands fit no prooblem and the head clips down properly. I DO have a couple issues tho... The hips are WICKED floppy....its really depressing....it stands in Battroid mode, but it takes some work. IS there any way to rectify this easily? Also, I was trying to psoe the arms to be doing a Neo-style both guns in front of it with arms outstretched, and the left arm seems to have some kinda issue...it doesnt like to stay in the outstreched position, it literally pops outta that pose and back down...is there anything I could do to this eaither? Thanks alot guys.
  25. Now that's just cynical....lats of new toy launches have a few issues...
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