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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. I enjoyed it... the idea seems fairly unique to me, and Whedon usually writes good characters.
  2. Drifand, thanks for another GORGEOUS pic! I'm glad to see someone still loves the old Yamato die-casts... the 21 looks good but doesn't stand up great, but the 19 is a total blast... just like the new 25, it doesn't strive for nazi anime accuracy, but tries to be a fricken fun toy, and I've always thought it succeeded.
  3. This looks pretty cool, but I am not technologically inclined at all... do you think a new improved edition could be uploaded somewhere using this method?
  4. Wow, barring the dark blue valks and the Alaska base ones, this is truly the bottom of the valk-scheme totem pole... I kinda like it!
  5. Obviosuly a Scopedog or the Dougram! Ground Pounders FTW!
  6. I like the drone alot... the headless design is funky, and the extra blockiness of the mods works well on the Legioss frame... we'll see how poorly CMS prices this one.
  7. Screw that... I want any MG Guntank to be a quality model, not an RC toy kit...
  8. I would LOVE the MG Guntank... I think it's basically just unannounced and in the pipeline, but noone's heard anything concrete.
  9. It pains me to post these pics, but I painted this hideous thing a long time ago now, and these are ancient photos... it's still one of my favorite MGs, but I'm stoked for the 2.0 GM!
  10. Ghost Train, I'm jealous... I'd love to visit their storefront... they've been nothing but good to me. They hooked me up with my PG GP-01 a couple years ago, and my Jumbo Grade Zaku a month ago, along with lots of other stuff, all at very good prices... and when one of my 1/100 F-91 kits was missing the polycap sprue, they mailed me a replacement sprue no problem and worked with my mom to make sure it was the right part while I was at school. With the yen so high right now, it seems like such a bummer to not be buying from HLJ, but gundamstoreandmore fills a big gap in what I'd be buying... getting them to carry aftermarket stuff would be a much bigger stretch, but amazing, but I don't think they're specialized enough for that.
  11. I was just going to start crying foul wondering where the HT Iron Mans were, but guess the MkIII is out... I'd also really like to see some detailed reviews and just how articulated it is... I have the MkI on preorder and haven't seen any news in a while
  12. I am buying the Type 61 when gundamstoreandmore gets it, no doubt. My Jumbo Grade Zaku needs a chew toy, and frankly the T-61 is one of the most fun looking tank kits ever made. I'm also seriously considering the 08th MS Team set, but then I KNOW I'd start fantasizing about building a 1/35 Ground Type*shudder* I also really like the anti MS set, but don't want to have to buy the arm...
  13. Thanks for pointing that out then Kly... it was totally SUPPOSED to go to the model's page, but I must have goofed with the copy and paste... I fixed it now, so check it out!
  14. Gah! NYCC coverage already, and I'm not going until tomorrow!
  15. Was it subbed or dubbed? All I'm really looking for is if a dub exists...
  16. Does anyone know if when Sci Fi channel starts airing Gurren Lagann if it will be dubbed like Gundam 00 or subs?
  17. Battletech's use of the JP designs really just added one more messy layer to the clusterf*ck that is the Macross IP in the US...
  18. I just recently finished watching 0079, and in reality, I didn't think the animation was all that bad... sure there was alot of still stuff with minimal 'animation' but overall there were only a few things that stood out as 'bad'... a couple of really poorly drawn parts, and only one real coloring error I noticed. I just finished watching Dancouva Nova from a couple years ago, and honestly, for a 12 episode series it was LOADED with stock footage... for a 49 episode show I noticed much less stock footage and reused sequences overall in MSG. Haven't watched the movies yet tho.
  19. The files for the various third party decal and sticker sheets offered here are property of the artists who were selling them (like Anasazi) seeing as non of them were straight scans of the sticker sheets, but rather completely reworked... I know from talking to Anasazi that by the time he was done making the files he might as well have made them from scratch. I'd love to see a new person offer up a decal solution... I've always wondered what it takes to get Samuel Decal to make a new sheet... we've definitely got the artistic talent on the site to make something happen if someone was willing to organize it.
  20. Keen eye! I always switch the shoulders on my Zakus. I figure the shield is more useful on the side FACING the enemy when engaged in combat rather than the off-side... it's a personal preference thing
  21. The Zaku 2.0 kit was released in Char's colors, green J ground type, green F space type, modified F Minelayer space type, black tri-star, and the latest (which I REALLY want) the Zaku Cannon. I figure the graffiti is like a pilot's personal touch, similar to noseart or a pinup or any other cocky slogan. I like adding personal touches to models like this to make them seem more 'real'.
  22. I would like to find an excuse to use one of those gattling gun sets, but I don't have anything appropriate right now.
  23. Here's what I've been working on for the past month... click the link for a full write up and a ton of pics! Bandai MG2.0 Zaku IIJ Ground Type
  24. If you clicked the link and went to the full write-up, you'd know they are The shoulder spikes are AN (short spikes for the sides and a long spike for the middle... now I have a set of two longs and a short for another project) along with the mono-eye and the machine gun barrel... AN makes gorgeous stuff, and I've had alot of this lying around for a while waiting for a project.
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