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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. actually Jesse, I was looking a bit back, and there are some pics missing in the Nichima (sp) 1/200 kits for box tops i think, and I have a bunch of them.... I also have a scanner, but I;m kinda busy so if you figure out if some of the pics are misisng, let me know and I will hook you up with what I can.
  2. That's what I heard, so I got the Movie first.... bet that bit is fun to see tho.... That's a really tough trade off tho... hot Battlesuit fight scene, or hot boobie scene...
  3. Yeah, but the poor sap of a valk would still be pasted......
  4. The OVa has a fight with renegade Zentraedi Battle Suits??? woah... I really DO have to get the OVA version
  5. I have a 9 year old little gbrother with the fine motor skills of a five year old lol.... I've finally yelled at him enough, and since my mom bought all my stuff (im only 15) she knows that it's all worth alot, so he cant be breaking it. The CLEANING LADY on the other hand is a terror.... I am always amazed at how much she can break.... luckily I;ve now got so much stuff on my shelves that she has given up trying to move them to dust.... *phew* She was always the worst with model kits too. Luckily my miniatures are on my PC desk which gets left alone anyways, so they are safe.
  6. I've got one 1/48, and I love it so much more than my 1/60, but the 1/72 Mac+ lin is growing on me. Yes I realized I'm in the minoirity here, but I heart my YF-19. The PT of the 1/48 makes it the best all around tho, but for playability I'm actually not too big on it.... the minute you touch it, the fast pack jet booster missile pod flies off and the RMS missiles go crashing off. WO/ FPs tho, the 1/48 is a blast. The 1/60 is just kind of annoying.
  7. Thanks AlphaX... didnt mean to sound in a rush. my bad. Might definetaly have to try this now. On a side note: how come in every picture I see, the tail fins fold outwards in battroid mode, but on mine they fold in?
  8. So can we get a shot of the inside of the hips? i think I will be doing this for myself, and I would like to be prepared.... I'm too scared to open up my one single YF-19's hips for fear of losing soemthing. I would also liek to see your socket mount inside them. What did you do to make sure they still line up in fighter mode where they need to be? And how did you mount the balls to the hip bar?
  9. wow man. That sucks... you'll have to send some armed goons of your own to retaliate against Godzilla's obvious subterfuge Seriously tho... that sucks... how did he get in tho? Do you have alarms on all of your doors and motion detectors by the window? I cant think of what you would do for your Valks tho, aside from locking them in a vault. Can you get upgraded heavy duty glass for them or something?
  10. Yeah, those are some awesome designs.... I almsot got one of the small Takara figs once... anotehr day I guess. macplus- I misread the word moments for the word movements in your post, and thought you meant you took it in the crapper with you....
  11. Why you rotten bastard!!! *throws something large and heavy at Graham the crap pounder* I hope you die! WTF is wrong with you??? Sorry, I'm gonna go clutch my minit condition G1 Metroplex now.....
  12. Too funny! lol
  13. Those are pretty nice mate! The gold is kinda harsh, but it's the actual scheme, not your fault. The lght green markings on the Green TV one look like they might need a touchup, but I cant quite tell. Real nice job on teh DYRL one, you got the red spot on!
  14. The RX-8 (Meister/Jazz) is based on the WRX (Smokescreen and Silverstreak/Bluestreak) The transformation is almost identical, but the RX-8 is like teh refined version of teh WRX model and is actually much better and greatly improved.
  15. Wait. so is it a SoC figure made of die-cast? If it is just a smaller more posable better painted electronic free version, then I'm on it like a fat kid on cake.
  16. Is this a Japanese Manga? Like, only in Japanese? That is a neat looking Battloid, but absolutely never going to TF into that Flamboyent looking fighter mode. Ick.
  17. It's okay Kurt. He's a Clanner (Battletech) so we don't really need to acknowledge him
  18. and a wife/ intimate partner to share them with... I'm still here 'Zilla.
  19. Oh snap! That's awesome mate. very innovative and impressive.
  20. It would be like playing with Armorcasts Battlemechs... which there are official rules for. That and the fact that there are pics online soemwhere of the Armorcast guys showing off all teh japanese model kits you can use as the Unseen designs... either 1/60s or 1/48s would look fantastic with teh Armorcasts.... Once you go 28mm you never go back baby!
  21. Sounds like a start mate! Thanks alot. I will keep that in mind.... I've got one other project to finish first that I am waiting for parts for, and then I'm going into this puppy.
  22. oh my... Botoru's having a better time than he should be I see.... awesome custom work, I'd snag one or two if you sold them. Very cute.
  23. Wow! WTF i wrong with you Eriku? It's awesome. I like that one sooo much more than teh sportscar look. I cant wait to get that one.
  24. I'm not sure how to get the thing apart first.... the two mode Gakken Alpha has funky hips that I cant figure out... and I was wondering if anyone had some really good clear pics of teh paint scheme. I Googled it adn didnt find anything good, just alot of Cyclone pics.
  25. Guys? Anything....?
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