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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Hahaha.... kill the HG commie!
  2. Holy crap, teh MPCs ARE small.... screw that, I want a Gakken.
  3. Yeah but Culvey, you dont want them to get a 1/48 and then be dissapointed by the subpar animation in a few of the episodes, do you?
  4. Get him into comics first.... that way you can get him into reading AND introduce him to anime.... and then he can watch it adn relate to it and read it some more... and then make you double your 1/48 collection Serisouly tho... as a 15 year old who is just now getting seriosuly into anime... Manga is my best friend ever.... I like to draw and do artsy fartsy stuff, so static images are my best friend. I cant stress just how much I wish all of Macross was made into Mangas and brought over to the US. I love watching it and all, and I think that it helps alot to visualize the complex designs and transformations and such.... but I am such an avid reader that I get alot out of Mangas too. Subtitled anime ont he other hand peeves me because the only time I really watch TV usually is while I am painting miniatures or doing some other modelling work, and I cant be reading the movie at the same time.... It depends on what kind of kid he is and what his other interests are.... if he likes anime, he will like the part that fits in with his other activities...
  5. Maybe if you DONT admit to being a MWer?......?
  6. I didn't put on either Yammie eyes, so uhnnhh! I DID use some of the extra stickers from Takatoys 1/48 Sticker sheet to doll mine up... it looks real nice. Take a look at it from a distance in teh toy display thread, and i can post up some detailed shots here if anyone wants.
  7. You know...I thought of something that would be wicked cool the other day.... a VF-1 with Strike armor and TWO Beam Cannons.... that would look really cool. Has this ever been done in anything Macross? I really want to go out adn buy anotehr Strike armor for my 1/48 adn have it with two Beam Cannons......
  8. then why are you posting in this thread Duke? god... I am looking foreard to seeing this with my friend, it looks like alot of fun. I love Keeanu Reeves and goth action flicks, so im set
  9. I really do think this picture speaks for itself....
  10. I would want 1/48 Destroids to display and 1/100 scale Destroids to play with. Getting the Koenig has actually perked me up to 1/100 scale... I intend to get a whole bunch of 1/100 scale model kits to play with. Their size is optimal for functionality. The 1/48 is more for display and quality.... and yes, I didn't buy a 1/60 GBP because I heard there would be a 1/48 ( I even bought a VF-1J Hkkie as my first 1/48 too)
  11. No, I think that YOUR whining and bitching all the time is what's preventing any progress on a topic only YOU seem to be concerned. Shawn's been back a couple of times lately, so stop acting like he's dead or something.... moron.
  12. er....umm... what I meant was, which one specifically? There are a bunch of Gakkens... what scale are the two mode little ones? They look 1/72 based on the cockpit size next to my Mac+ Valks.... Also, how tall would a 1/100 scale ride armor figure be?
  13. Sorry to go a bit OT, but which Alpha fighter /Legioss toy was 1/72 scale?
  14. Jesse, did you get my PM? I can start scanning stuff today if you like.
  15. Well if you keep your in a locked case then you've already lost.
  16. Can I have them? or at least the Blue one? Lol, nice find. Great deal. Those prices on the old school 1/55s seems kinda high tho...
  17. That looks might fine! I think you could probably pass it off as glancing ballistic weapon hits... I really really like the wing patches... msot impressive!
  18. I believe DS9 and Voyager used the same as ST:TNG. I remeber that alot of people had non unifmorm outfits in DS9 tho.... maybe. It's been a whle. Just remember that Red Shirts are like Cannon Fodders in the first one.... that show went thru Red Shirts like potato chips.
  19. Jesus Christ Togo.... ur such a fricken baby! Whine whine whine whine bitch bitch bitch... tell me Tog, what part of MW DO you like?
  20. Soda can's probably too crumpley.... not enough weight bearing ability. I would go with copper sheet... you can get some nice thin stuff that is pliable and workable and stll looks good.
  21. Do the M&M VF-1J's come in NON-super versions? I can't remeber.... He might as well just get the Super version anyways.
  22. A 1/48 survived a dive across the room? Wow...I didnt think they were THAT sturdy.
  23. Hi there! Macross Plus is teh one with the two competeing test pilots and creepy concert. There are a two volume OVa version and the movei version, whcih both have their own different bits, so you;ll want both. It is quite possibly the best Macross story with the best mecha IMO. You'll also need to know the difference between SDF-Macross the TV series,a nd Do You Remeber Love, the movie. They are alt/ versions of the original story, and DYRL has much better animation but less mecha fighting (bu what's there is amazing!) The actual cannon is somewhere between the two depictions if I remember right. As for toys.... there's alot of choices. Jetifre is the Transformer using teh 1/55 (Chunky Munkey) mold. It is a great solid design that plays well, but isn; quite as accurate as some others. The Yamato 1/60 is meant to be displayed in fighter mode, so it si proportioned as such. It requires you to remove the legs to transform it, and shoulder posability is crappy bc/ of a desing flaw. The Yamato 1/48 is the king, it is perfect transofrmation (no parts swap), more posable, more accurate, more detail, and better proportioned, but it is EXPENSIVE. It also has minimal die cast metal in it. The 1/60 has alot of Die cast, as do teh 1/55s/ Hope this helps some! There are also 1/72 toys of the Mac+ Valks.... my favs!
  24. Okay.... I've got a ton of the 2000-2001 reissues of the Nichimo... I've got the box, parts, directions, and some completed kits for almsot all of the valks and the regular battlepod. I can get an actual list and some of them to you tommrrow. How would you like them?
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