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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. I thought it was rather clever myself.....
  2. Wow, I am really starting to want about a dozen of the bootlegs to customize on my own. Really nice paint job... my only suggestion that you might want to consider is to paint the cockpit black and then apply some future floor wax or clear nail polish to it. You'd be surprised at how good it looks, and it might be a little more realistic than the silver. Just a thought....nice job otherwise, I like the colors alot.
  3. wow, teh silly shoulder pumps make the 1/60 look even siller than I thought.... nice pic otherwise.
  4. Thats a slick looking custom.... silly with Strike packs tho...
  5. *sigh* Dude.... your psot got moved because it's not Macross related.... it has been flourishing in teh Other Anime forum without you..... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=13497 dork...
  6. Better than a photon torpedo launcher.... I guess... One of the best parts of old school TF fluff is the weapons...some majorly hokey poo there.
  7. There's a recast of the 1/55 GBP avaliable? yeah, teh guy obviously is looking for Jetfire armor, sue him.
  8. Grar Pat, you;re gojng to get me hooked on ANOTHER forum now....
  9. Wasn't there supposed to be a Xevos TV show and/or comic? I really liekd the human trooper and mecha trooper designs, and some of the ninja goodness....
  10. Someone who frequetns AP get us some of those trailers! Man, the die cast Prime looks niiiiice..... cant wait for it to come out.
  11. hmm..It's actually not quite as bad as I was expecting...not that I'm the one making it. I thought that the cockpit and nose were longer and struck out further, making the whole thing longer... no, the chestplate it indented more...okay. hmm...
  12. promethuem5


    Wow... I feel alot better getting a v2 YF-19 with a couple minor paint chips for 110.... those prices are even higher than I thought the median was..... I would get it... I love my YF-19, especially since mine seems to be one of the only ones that has the leg fins folding the right way... almost every picture I see has them going onto the sides of the legs, when they are supposed to fold the otehr way onto the back of the legs... like there was an assembly issue of sorts. And Seph....where are those 1/72 people from?
  13. Is that what I think it is? what anime is that from????
  14. mmm....transparent plug suit... er...sorry. What are those Prime figures? They are funky... are they statues? And yes, you can get the paper Monster to look that nice.... I'm trying to....
  15. Why? why in God's name would they ditch two of the nicest toy lines out there..... Makes no sense.... that and the fact that cloth pants can have vaguely obscene implications.....
  16. Lools nice... love the energy nightstick.... man, they gotta get more toy-inclined people to do teh transformations for the demos.... looks like ass.
  17. Me too.... the large one on the underside panel.... missing in the sealed box....
  18. wowee! I would snap up one of these in an instant if they were able to maintian the durability of the 1/48. I would love a VF-1D... that would be a blast to do the conversion for...
  19. Wow, those are great.... really like the Lightening twins and the Mustang girl.... and the one Japanese one that I cant read... far right on top. Cool beans.
  20. Wow mate! that is great, Victorian era-sih Steampunk is my favorite genre ever.... I love it... relaly nice looking work, are you drawing and inking and writing by yourself? Fantastic looking work, love all the little cameos. I'm not big on reading web comics (hurts my eyes) but I would sign right up for this if it gets published. Keep it up.
  21. Isn't that one variable? I got one of the Imai ones and it turned out to be armor mode only... that one is variable AND a Blowsperior, right? Man,. I gotta get me one.
  22. 25 bucks? Holy poo! I payed 70 for a loose compelte one with a minor breakage and slight yellowing... (still not sure if I over payed, but I'm not complaining)
  23. Mine is.... just enough to not be able to stay in a upright position, but not loose and saggy like YF-21 hips... I love it to death tho... the 1/48 sticker sheet by Takatoys provides almost everything you could possibly need....
  24. Hmm.... it's tied somewhere between the 1/100 Koenig Monster, large Gakken Cyclone, MPC Prime, YF-19 (even with all it's faults), and my G1 Metroplex. I've been playing with the Koenig the msot lately.... but the Gakken's a blast too. The 1/48 peeves me because every time I touch it, the FPs and large missiles fly off.... it's fun otehrewise...
  25. Ronny mate.... he is showing up as unregistered.... Togo, you're an ass! Serisouly tho... I was always kind of confused by it, but to each his own mate... I jsut never understood why he put all that effort into it when it was unnaccesible....
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