I like Andromeda... far too lazy to watch it consitently, but it is a fun show. ANd who teh hell is YourGod anyways? He's sure not MY god...
I crack me up....
I dunno what you guys are whining about. I just got a Windcharger, and the amrs move, the knees bend, and he looks awesome. I love how much sleeker he looks... very cool. And yes, I WILL be getting a gun barrel.
Is aw it at the store today.... I dont buy games at full price tho, so I'll wait for it to come down. I finally picked up KOTOR instead. Rep Com looked aewesome tho.. even tho I dont really like tac shooters.
Wow guys.....just wow. I didn't relaize that they wre unwritten MW rules about enjoying things. Wow....
As for the 3 mil, I never saw the show so I can't judge, but whatever floats their boats, you know? It's dedication. Who cares anywyas?
I hate A1 but Im not about to PM him about it...or anounce it.. *smack* guess I just messed that one up
I cant imagine that an ass even as big of one as A1 could get THAT much hatemail.... weird.
Well I ahvent drawn JEMstones' wrath yet, adn i;ve got alot of posts... guess I;d better keep one eye over my shoulder.
I must admit that in the past 6 months or so it does seem to have gotten more hostile.... you guys all just need to remeber this handy quote:
"Arguing in an online forum is like getting gold at the Special Olympics; you might win but you're still retarded'
That second one is killer, but the first one is kinda off... still WIP tho, so no worries. Wish I had a hand like that for my Yammie, cuz I would do that too.
A while ago I think.... a friend of mine converted one with a Battletech miniature tho that looked nice. it's a weird design tho. We SHOULD burn Fulcy.... just because.
Heeey....that shot looks familiar. Oh yeah, cuz my 1/48 is sitting in almost he exact same pose on my table. Gorgeous shot man...wish I could do that.
Also, what's an orthograph?
I love Halo 2 on Xbox Live.... my friend's Xbox, Halo 2, and Xbox Live that is. Dont own em and aint buying them. My only gripe is how annoying all the voice synth users get.... the little kid one sounds EXACTLY like my other friend who plays with us over the net. It's erie. That and the rednecky one is just obnoxious. Lotsa fun overall tho....
True....true... variable kits are a pain in the ass, but I think if you spread it out over a while, it wouldnt be so bad, and the final payoff would be killer.