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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Wow.... I feel at least a LITTLE bit better for paying 90 for a YF-21FP..... a little anyways.... and I feel alot better for paying ONLY 110 for a YF-19 . It's worth more than a hundred, but 700? cripes....
  2. Eh, I like it anyways..... you're just a baby G
  3. Im with you mate.....
  4. Yeah, good point. The directions are kinda iffy, but you'll have it down pat ater the first because it is easy to tell where things go after that.... I can force that thing together mighty quick, but I try to be gentle bc/ of the stupidly located (IMO) die cast....
  5. Was it more expensive bc/ it was ALOT of high end stuff being used? Like, uncommonly high-tech for the time? Idk... just a thought....
  6. Oh jesus..... anything bigger than the Koenig is just rediculous as a toy. And to me, the Koenig is pushing it.... I would most certainly snatch up a 1/72 or 1/60, and I was really looking foreward to the 1/100 bc/ my Koenig has inspired me to get alot of 1/100 stuff for actual 'play' ratehr than display and minor fondling (1/48)....
  7. Read the review by Graham in teh toys section.... the improvements over the normal YF-19 are better sculpted knees (that can't bend forewards tho) and the shield sits closer to the fusalage in plane mode, eliminating the gap. The normal 19 is my favorite Yammie toy, and I tf it all teh time without breakage. I got it slightly used and it had the paint chip described by katana on one leg, but I make sure to not let it hit the there so it doesnt chip on that side as well.
  8. Soooooooo!? It would still have awesome story-telling potential. Money be damned.
  9. Oh snap! A DS9 movie would kick ass! Like, a crossover with TNG and DS9. That would be killer.
  10. My TRU has Silverstreaks and Sideswipes.... my Target has nothing. It is most depressing esp since I missed Tracks and Ravage....
  11. I had the Phantom kit... it had colored plastic windows, but It also had an OPEN topped cockpit... like a convertible. Very silly.
  12. Most impressive.... especially since I couldn't do it. That looks awesome.
  13. I must admit that as an avid Sci/fi person, I couldnt stand Blade Runner and was greatly dissapointed by it. It was too dark to see much of anything for most of it, the special effects were corny even for that time period (excpet the model miniature work, which I ADORE) and the plot was eh bc/ it was waaaay too open. All in all, I must say that I wanted to love it but couldn't.
  14. Sweet! My only gripe is that you didnt put any texture into the feet so it looks funny with the rest. Otherwise awesome work tho.
  15. That and teh fact that Mine move and I didnt have to hack it... works just fine.
  16. Yeah mate, that's EXACTLY what it's doing to me..... couldn't get into half the forums last ngiht...
  17. Am I the only one for whom posting functions are all messed up? I keep having to re-sign in every time I do something... and accessing and replying to my PMs isn't even worth the effort...
  18. No goddammit! BUY the YF-19.... or second thoiught, DONT buy it so there's more for me My name's Ben and I'm a YF-19aholic.... I love the Yammie.
  19. Oh my.... if there's ever been a kit here I;ve been interested in, this IS it. I will have to check with teh checksigner (mom) but I am defenately intersted....
  20. Yeah. You CAN pose oit in Battroid..... just make sure that you have at least its height in shelf space in front of it.... otherwise you'll have a crah and burn YF-21FP
  21. I had that one in a differnt box... fun little kit. Too bad I built it when I was like 11 and totally ruined it. I would love to get anotehr to do up nicely as it is a very nice kit.
  22. I have the same... er.... problem. I'm gonna have to try the clear nail polish bit.
  23. I can vouch for both! I got a YF-21FP for Xmas, and while it makes a nice display piece IF you can get it to stay standing, or leave it in fihgter mode, it lacks in playability bc/ the hips are just that floppy. I would go for a 1/48 first, because once you go 1/48, you never go bacl (even tho my 1/72 YF-19 is my fav valk toy). The YF-21FP cannot actually tf into adn stay ion Gerwalk mode as far as I can tell, and you are more than likely to get it and have it be missing one of the large screw covers underneath the leg covers. Thye simply dont make it into teh box on most of them. A note on the 1/48s tho, if you get the FPs for it, be prepeared to white glue the micro missiles in place or never take tehm off of the sprue bc/ they dont quite stay right. Itherwise it is a glorious toy.
  24. Why is it that EVERY flame topic seems to be turning into a MW homo-erotic fantasy? It's disturbungly impressive... maybe it's just A1's manliness rubbing off on us.
  25. And the 'Crap Punder' Title...
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