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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. I would do a VE-1 mod if I had a 1/55 and the kit... it'd be fun. bet i could do it perfectly fine with one of the 1/55 boots off of ebay.... or I could actually exert myself to get a real 1/55
  2. 40 bucks for 1/60s isn't too shabby....
  3. Hmm..... the rotocast 1/48 is sounding VERY appealing.... and if it is rotocast, I bet it would be possible to leave it posable if you were gentle.... maybe.... (wishful thinking). Either way I guess...
  4. Noone else.....
  5. MPC Voltron painted. One box only with all five Lions: http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/toystan.asp?Queryid=pr015
  6. Hmmm... impressive just how much it vaires from picture to picture. ALtho I think I like it much larger, and am now going to have to go out a grap a few of the IMAIs and call them 1/100 so I blow them up with my Koenig.... On that Studioe Nue pic, I LOVE the VF-1J gunpod. In all seriousness that is a sweet looking gun, even if it isn't right.
  7. Oh. welll Idk where Mac7 takes place anyways. Thansk for an answer tho...
  8. Well, testicle referances aside, it seems to be AOL that's my problem.... so I switched to surfing on IE cuz Im always in the internet anyways. And A1.... if your nuts are the size of tomatoes, isnt that a sign that there might be a little bit of something wrong.... like you've been letting Duke Togo suck on them too much and they have become inflamed?
  9. Christ. 400G? 3 HDs? woah..... Actually umm... I dont have any Hases (except one half built YF-19) but it's bc. Im not a big large scale modeller.... I do minaitures. I dont care much for the lineart innacruacies of Hases tho bc/ there's not much else.
  10. Uhhh.... Ginormous to say the least.... that would be big paper.... more than 11x17 I think...
  11. Yes! Line art accuracy is a must. That is my one gripe.... size you can fudge a little based on your scale interpretation, but the panel lines and such are pretty concrete. AlphaHX- glad you liked it.... I get a sick thrill out of making fun of you and your picture library for some reason.... what kind of HD you runnin with all that data? An external portable HD?
  12. Hey! That's pretty neat looking too! Are you drawing it yourself or photoshopping in still of the VF-1 from an outside source? Looks great either way...
  13. OMG you guys...... I actually liked MacII but I was wondering one thing: does the SDF/Macross ship appear in Mac7 at all?
  14. Yeah, and let AlphaHX go and spoil our fun wth his smartness and goody too shoes having more pictures than god-ness. Honestly, while realistic, it sounds like it could be getting a wee bit large.... altho I can be quite the canon-Nazi when I want.
  15. Lol, thanks... but it's not yet! Computer gamming is defenetaley intersting to me.... very cool. Shoot me a PK or something about where you went to school and such bc/ I am curious please. And wongster, be warned.... I do have to kill you now that I know you're younger than me....
  16. Lol.... I'm turning 16 next month. I'm pretty sure I'm the youngest person on this forum... (and prolly on most of the other forums I frequent). The funniest thing I have read was Haterist telling A1 not to make fun of me cuz I'm too young or something....
  17. Yeah...that's a really dumb sounding name... guess he'll bo Dragstrip to me. Maybe they changed it to steer away from the Stunticons bc/ they don't combine... And hasnt Shockblast been out for a while? It's one of the only Energon releseases I'm interested in getting.
  18. Well...aside from the bits you havent sanded, I'd say it looks pretty hot. One gripe tho, is the large gap between the chest piece and the nosecone.... you oughta move the nosecone up or the torso down to fill that gap. Otherwise, awesome. Love that second pic on the stand...
  19. You worked for Pixar? Can I talk to you about the industry and such.... I;m trying to figure out what I want to do wtih my life and where to go for college... and this type stuff interests me... I'd PM ya right now but I gotta go.... let me know tho if you're interested in tlaking about it.
  20. Oh man! The bootleg toy collector in me waaaants those bootleg superposables! Those are 'teh shiznit' edit: since when do we have a lanuage filter? .... shows what I know
  21. *smack* Alright.... guess I will have to clear nail polish it at some pioint.... it;s a good thing the GBP armor is all plastic, cuz Ive dropped it like half a dozen times already....
  22. ah crap.... this is sounding like quite the fun kit with the possibility of add on kits and posability... dammit... now I'll actually have to buy one after exrepssing interest in it.... lol.... it's been a looooong day....
  23. Yeah.... good point on the folding. I'm always too lazy to crease properly.... and now I wish I had on my Monster
  24. Nitro Convoy looked rather feminine anyways.... so it's at least remotely believable.
  25. promethuem5

    1/60 GBP help

    Hi all, I relaize this has come up before, but I couldnt seem to find anything about teh 1/60 when I searched for some reason... Anywyas, I got a 1/60 GBP armor set without the Valk, and I was wondering if anyone has devised a way to help the hip rods stay in better..... Like, on 1.60s in general, has anyone wrapped a little tape around the rod or clear nail polish to some success? I need to re clear nail polish the hip ball joints anyways... I was still wondering if anyone has done anything to help it....
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