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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Holy hell Sean, it's perfect. For a display base, you could also go with the classic 'crew sitting around lazily in between sorties' approach with some details and such. Maybe the Krote moving around some cover with a pair of troopers as a fireteam using the cover to move as well? It's tough to decide if you want to go for action or inaction in a dio.
  2. Speaking of Mazinger/Go Nagai music, you know what was bullsh*t? The Legends of Mazinger CD (which I recently got) doesn't include the Great Maz theme used in Great Maz vs. Getter Robo/ vs. Grendizer. The one that starts 'Dash! Dash! Dundundunnuh!'
  3. I thought Mike was doing a tutorial buildup of his Monster but I don't know if he finished it...
  4. Tonight's was pretty interesting, but I was really hoping to see Sigma mow some more effers down like she did in the first one.
  5. I thought ep2 was pretty solid, and am excited to see more. I can easily see this show just finally getting established and really intriguing before getting canned tho, sadly.
  6. I have the directions for CA's VF-1D kit and Kamjin figure, thought I had the Tomahawk instructions, but I can't find them. If you do find the Destroid instructions, let us know, as I need the Defender set, and the Spartan set.
  7. It's right in the Toy forum, right under the Other Anime one on the frontpage.
  8. Well, Oilslick's a ninja like Jazz, but Lockdown actually appears in the show, and has a couple repaints to chose from.
  9. See while Mazinger Z is cool, we need Great to show up, because if I don't hear a Thunder BREAK it'll be all for naught. I also really want Great to show up so we get a new SOC Great using the joint system like the new Maz shown above.
  10. I'm curious to see where this goes, altho I'm more a fan of Great Mazinger.
  11. You could even recast the pickle and sell it with the two skittles as a kit.
  12. Looks great... the cast texture is especially convincing... what's your secret?
  13. I'm jealous... still haven't found IH even tho he was one that I was totally stoked for! Your detail work really makes him pop too.
  14. Holy effin sh!t... just finally watched GL and wow, this series is unbelievable. Most epic battles ever. I am in awe.
  15. Phyrox, the whole point of the HGUC ground set is the tanks! Use the Zaku for a diorama or something... the ground set is an awesome package in one box.
  16. Way to ruin my birthday
  17. April 24th is my birthday! Can you get it up that night
  18. holytoledo, everyone's Transmetals apparently do that... there's something wrong with the chrome and most of the figures just shed their chrome now.
  19. Thanks!
  20. Honestly all the new VF-11 has to do to please me is have PT heat shield (which it does), be more posable than the old 1/72, and have no shoulder hinges/wing hinges and correct length FP Boosters... then again I haven't bought a Yamato valk since the Ivanov SV-51, but I still like them!
  21. Sari has boobies I dig Cyclonus, even tho he's basically just Cyclonus with curvier lines.
  22. You've gotta be sh*tting me... I was stupidly actually looking forward to seeing how they treat Devastator, and they still managed to do an evne more atrocious job than I expected. He was the one thing I was kinda looking forward to in the new damn movie, and what the f*ck is that thing supposed to be?
  23. Glad to hear!
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