Holy hell Sean, it's perfect. For a display base, you could also go with the classic 'crew sitting around lazily in between sorties' approach with some details and such. Maybe the Krote moving around some cover with a pair of troopers as a fireteam using the cover to move as well? It's tough to decide if you want to go for action or inaction in a dio.
Speaking of Mazinger/Go Nagai music, you know what was bullsh*t? The Legends of Mazinger CD (which I recently got) doesn't include the Great Maz theme used in Great Maz vs. Getter Robo/ vs. Grendizer. The one that starts 'Dash! Dash! Dundundunnuh!'
I thought ep2 was pretty solid, and am excited to see more. I can easily see this show just finally getting established and really intriguing before getting canned tho, sadly.
I have the directions for CA's VF-1D kit and Kamjin figure, thought I had the Tomahawk instructions, but I can't find them. If you do find the Destroid instructions, let us know, as I need the Defender set, and the Spartan set.
See while Mazinger Z is cool, we need Great to show up, because if I don't hear a Thunder BREAK it'll be all for naught.
I also really want Great to show up so we get a new SOC Great using the joint system like the new Maz shown above.
Phyrox, the whole point of the HGUC ground set is the tanks! Use the Zaku for a diorama or something... the ground set is an awesome package in one box.
Honestly all the new VF-11 has to do to please me is have PT heat shield (which it does), be more posable than the old 1/72, and have no shoulder hinges/wing hinges and correct length FP Boosters... then again I haven't bought a Yamato valk since the Ivanov SV-51, but I still like them!
You've gotta be sh*tting me... I was stupidly actually looking forward to seeing how they treat Devastator, and they still managed to do an evne more atrocious job than I expected. He was the one thing I was kinda looking forward to in the new damn movie, and what the f*ck is that thing supposed to be?