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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. There were MPC bootlegs? I want!
  2. It's the Beam Cannon. It's a blast.... how far have you guys charged it up? I got the sides of the outer circle to hit the edges of the screen, but can you get it further? By that point the beam last for like 5 minutes afterwards anyways....
  3. Hidden feedback always cunfuses me... defeats the purpose, so why do they allow it? I am psyched about 1/72 Alt jets... should be awesome. Solscud... so whcih toy is that? I am unfammiliar with a mini Prime smaller than WST Prime... I want one.
  4. Looks alot better. I see what G means now abouyt the angle of the head laser mount... that would be a tight bit to work on tho. Great work on the head itself tho. Looks much better.
  5. Where can someone get one of those 1/72 Battroids? It's not the LS, but it's still gorgeous....
  6. Nice looking work so far, but I agree that narrowing the lower bit (chin?) would help alot to make it look longer. I always think of the 1S head as pretty narrow there... and that is part of what makes it look so distinct I think. Another problem might be the wicth of the head lasers.... they look kinda fat to me.
  7. Sorta like bumpers on bowling alleys....
  8. Thanks, that's EXACTLY the kind of pic I was looking for. You're my hero of the day AlphaHX!
  9. Hehehe, this thread makes me laugh... and be happy... and make meriment.
  10. Hmmm... the 1/48 makes it look much more like a fan propellor in there, which wouldn't make much sense anyways... that last one makes it look much more like an exhaust vent. That fighter one is gorgeous, even if it doesn't quite show what I want...thanks alot for that one.
  11. I've got a Banpresto VF-1A CF I am planning on doing a whole repaint to with a full weathering and detail job.... got any tips for applying acrylics on top of the Fusion?
  12. They look to be the same covers as used by the comic reprints which I have. The first one with the VF-1J Hikkie and stuff in teh background, and one with the Battlepods, the one with the Monster, and that other one I can't remeber right now... They were only like 3 bucks each so I figured you really couldnt go wrong and would have grabbed them if I didnt already have those episodes. They were in packages about the size of a umm... er.. like 3 inches square.
  13. Has anyone besides me seen these? I was at the mall the other day adn saw episodes 1 through 4 on single episode mini DVDs. They were kinda neat and I woulda gotten them if I didnt already have the first few episodes on full sized DVDs. How come Macross can't get thios kinda support? And are tehy gonna release ALL the episodes one at a time like this?
  14. Hi all.... On the VF-1, does anyone have like the line art and stuff of the inside of the feet of in battrroid? I know that it has a turbine thing in fighter mode for the nuclear turbines... but on the 1/48, the circular fan just splits amiong the two halves of the feet, whcih is obvisouly not what happens in the actual transformation. Do any picture exist of the interior of the feet in Battroid mode? On the Toynami Super-posables, it has a rectangular jet exhaust type structure so I am really confused. I figure AlphaHX or someone has pics. Thanks alot! Ben
  15. It's fun to kill.... i wish there was a more reliable way to find it...
  16. Is that a bootleg? The red looks really bad.... but i like the chrome... neato.
  17. Haha.... glad someone got the drift there... and I'm turning 16 soon so it;s okay ActionJackson
  18. AAAhhhhh... the gun drones! Thanks mate. Mulitplayer on that would be awesome! That would be so much fun... Is the Downloadable file towards the bottom of the page a download of the game to your HD thus far?
  19. Well jeez, if ya want one, you gotta specify all the important specs first.... like uhhh... hair and skin color.... accessories... number of 'happy tunnels'... You guys are sick.
  20. Boooooo! You Stink! Go HOME!!! /heckle
  21. Neato. I was wondering where it;s arms and head were.... cool beans. Like the light setup alot. Adds some cool uniqueness to your display.
  22. What is that very large and scary Gundammy thing in the far bottom?
  23. Oh man, that is gorgeous. really awesome. I love the soft touch on the off colored panels... most impressive.
  24. You guys are silly! Granted this thread is worthless, but I LOVE worthless threads where A1 and DukeTogo dance around the fact that are in denial about being madly in homoerotic love with each other Zing!
  25. What is the funnel thing you guys keep mentioning?
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