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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Woweeeee! I want it I want it I want it I want it! I hope that crotch piece is removable, but I wouldn't mind if it wasn't.... makes it more realistic. This design really makes me wish they had made the neck on the VF-1J a little longer... he's looking over his bust It looks pretty crappy right now with the Chicken hands, but that might just be me hating the Chicken hands.... That's a FANTASTIC photoshop coloring job Chris. maybe we can pray that the paint app on the release will look half as good... Oh man, this is gonna rock.
  2. I would look and see how they are done on the Yamato 1/48s of Max and Milia. I relize they aren't models but they still look alright and are accurate.
  3. iTuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunes! Serisouly, it's my absolute favorite. I can't stand WMP or Real Player. And I have an iPod. On a side note, anyone know how to convert .wma files to mp3s? I ...er... aquired a CD in wma form and want to make it mp3 for my ipod.
  4. Stupid model elitists... now your 1/60 Battlemechs really won't have any friends... I still want 1/100 stuff anyways.
  5. That's gorgeous. Fantastic work mate.
  6. Nope never. Which is why he went back to UPS for the flat rate shipping already, because Parcel Select blows chunks and lied to him. I almsot cried it took so long for my VF-11 to come... it was well worth the wait tho. While not my favorite design, it is easily the most playable Macross figure I have. It's a blast.
  7. I for one would LOVE really accurate Destroids. I know there are 1/100 and 1/72 kits already... but 1/60 and 1/48 could go a long way.
  8. 1/72 enemy mecha! I like stuff in 1/72 and 1/100 scale for my models... I relaize I'm in the minority on the 1/100 tho
  9. BBTS fir 87 bucks. I have been passivley looking for one to complete my Mac+ collection for a few months, and jumped on it when Joel got some in stock.
  10. Evil robo army gooooo! I read all the stuff about that, thanks for the link. Sounds hella cool. Love anything that blows up our enemies without risking our guys. Looks neat too. The Metal Storm tech is acutally quite impressive and intersting...their site is neat.
  11. GOOOOOOO Titanship ROBOOOOOOOO!! Sounds neat, but not 320 neat.
  12. Just got mine in teh mail today and It's already my second or third fav toy. I can't beileve you guys bitching about these little tiny shoulder sliders.... My only gripe is the fact that teh curvature of the sheild makes it hard for it to stay on... And the shoulder assembly with way too many moving parts
  13. Get him a Chunky Monkey! And some Mac+ toys! Macross is soooo much cooler than Gundam for its paintschemes and realistic mecha alone. EDIT: and give him a MW screen name! We'll protect him from A1!
  14. Hving read quite abit about Mac7 (and laughing my ass off at A1's comments) and owning Mac2, I've got to say Mac7. I have little intention of ever seeing it.... too little kid oriented to be Macross. I absolutely LOVE Macross 2, except for the part where they blow up the Macross. Otherwise I almost like Mac2 more than DYRL (can you say plot PROGRESSION?) The only thing Mac7 did for us was give us respectable bootleg VF-19 toys
  15. Thanks Scud for the dl! Low Viz, I notice the invincible units sometimes, but not alot. I agree the frame should be more faster when beam canoning....
  16. My birthday! What a nice present that could be.... aside from the one I'm already going (hint: it ryhmes with Breen Bay Doncert) Hope there are more pics, this looks awesome.
  17. You can shoot down the missiles... or sword them if your timing's right. Alot of the time, you either want to strafe the bogies with your guns alot, or make relaly fast swipes at them with the sword while blitzing past. That or just fly in circles in the red mech and use the missiles lol....
  18. Fantastic. I watched it with my 9 year old bro and HE loved it I thought it was great... The story line isn't too complex so i see it as a good seguay into teh other stuff. I like the animation alot too, and the mecha desgins. Mac+ is still my fav tho, but I liked Mac2 over DYRL.
  19. ....gah!..... too many.... smileys...
  20. Those are killer. Dam, AND you've got a plush Hikkie.... you stink man. Isamu's soooo goin for the skirt lol.
  21. I must admit that the Great Tomato Head does have a point.... who the hell ARE you??
  22. Noone is quite sure where to place Mac2... hence it's being stricken from continuity. It can work as an alternate reality, an in universe propagande film, or many other things.
  23. I want it..... it's so ammusingly ugly. What's in the blister next to it?
  24. I ALMOST held out on teh 1/60 lol..... but I found one cheap and for the price I can't really complain. I was expecting this one too. I hope it doesn't end up too heavy. The hips could be an issue if it ends up really big assed... and general balance. Hopefully it wont be a problem tho.
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