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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. The 'non'-sexist comments comming from the guy with a pinup pic in his avatar
  2. Your logic amuses me.... the point of having functional removable armor is to use it on your functional PT 1/48 variable toy... a big super posable would be kinda neat, but that's what Gashapon trading figures are for. On the 1/60 note, I happen to like mine... the only issue is the hips, but that's mostly because I need to re-clear nail polish teh ball joints anywyas...
  3. Guys, how tall is the Koenig Monster in 'real life'? I'm sick and have an English paper to finish, so someone else do the math for me...
  4. Hi all, How tall would a 1/100 scale figure be of a 6' man? I was wondering how big infantry figures would be in scale with my Koenig Monster....
  5. Oooooh.... duh, when he breaks away all the weight and goes beserk in it... duh.
  6. I thought 80ish US sounded pretty fair.... I won't be buying more than one probably anyways... seein as my goal is to have one of each type of Valk, Fokker 1S w/ Strike packs, Hikkie 1J with GBP, and a DYRL Max 1A with DYRL super armor to play around with, and of course any of the two seaters we end up getitng from Cap's mod
  7. He's got a point.... he finally posted something besides M7 hate and Arnold fantasies... granted it was kind mean... but bah, I hate hippies anyways...
  8. Well at least somebody is enjoying it...
  9. That's remarkably obscene lol... guess the 'unmolested' description was to state than he has yet to do what the buyer is going to do to it.... warm it up in the oven, butter up the middle and *ahem*... I'll stop there....
  10. Idk.... the addition of Vader is reason enough to go see it... we finally come full circle and get to see young Vader AND a tricked out lightsaber weilding driod kick major ass. Can't complain.
  11. Yup.... I still win. That's what I thought...
  12. Mmmm.... Deep Throat...godamm hippies.... hehe.
  13. haha...owww...ha...owwey... Goddammit Hurin! You made me laugh so hard.... it hurts bc/ i strained all of my body muscles puking yesterday... dammit.... ow it hurts soooo much but it's soooo funny... Culvey, yeah mate, I think it's your fault in the first place! Look what you did, I heard the word Macross form one of your posts on LotB and look where I am now.... hoplessly addiceted and out thousands of dollars....
  14. What's 'NON-LIMITTER MODE'? Also, why is that such an expensive kit? Is it really rare or something? We should pitch in to get one and recast it....
  15. I think that's a custom mate, cuz as far as I know, there isn't a Hasegaawa Battroid kit for the YF-21... it IS a gorgeous mod at that tho...
  16. Uh oh.... I think I beat all of you guys because I can fit dozens of miniatures on one table as oppsed to two or three large scale kits.... Let's see.... 1x 1/200 scale Destroid Tomahawk, 1x 1/200 Destroid Gladiator, 2x 1/200 scale Destroid Defender, all in a custom camo scheme. 4x GROPOS IFV/transport tanks in scale with the Destroids, un built, same scheme 4x CAV tanks in scale with teh Destroids, unbuilt, same scheme at leaast 30 infantry minis the size of your thumbnail max, in scale with the Destroid/tank group, most still on sprue (and that's only the first group!!) 1x Rhoby mini Tachikoma, dry fitted and flash lines removed, still needs to be washed... 1x CAV mech mini I just got, dry fitted and lines removed... dunno what I'm doing with it yet... 1x Resculpt Thor Battlemech, cleaned up but WIP because I am adding ball jointed shoulders using the Wing Zero ball joints from the poly cap sprue... (misc stuff) (and now the 40k stuff...) (infantry figures stand about 1.5 inches tall) 1x Assault Terminator w/ THammer and Storm Shield, arm glues but not primed 2x Heavy Weapon Marines, assembled but not primed 1x Razorback Armored Transport tank with modifications to make every door openable with full interior, everything is done except the cockpit setup and the treads... had to have missing track links casted in lead as replacements About a dozen other mostly painted Space Marine figures... Oh yeah! And a 1' by 1' diorama with like 20 40k figures, the marines are all painted but not sealed but teh Eldar guys are assembled but I still have to carve out their base slots in the foam board.... 1x 1/72 Scale Hase YF-19, assembled some of the fusalage and the cockpit, painted the cockpit Like 4 other 1/200 scale Nichimo Macross kits, basecoated and forgotten... I think I was doing DYRL VF-1As... Umm... I think there are a few more minis flaoting around too.... but yeah, I definately win... by sooo much...
  17. Those are gorgeous.... but you need TV hands for them... Nice clean planes, they look factory fresh.
  18. Can;t wait to see the painting part of this build up. I expect some nice stuff from you as usual.
  19. hahahaha, bsu, that's gotta be the best post in this whole thread... so true.... So all we actually do know is that the colors are nice and we might be able to get some good still images of the updated characters in ugly uniforms.
  20. Good Christ Alpha.... that's gotta be like almsot every Regult kit picture ever.... it;s so awesome, I just have to save it for myself!
  21. The mini Ride Armor is sooooo cute!
  22. What? You didn't know that all 2-seaters come with phasing material seats so that you can make them disappear when you don't need them?
  23. Actually I believe there are a few speckles of darker paint... maybe intentional or maybe just airbrushed paints that beaded up a little more... I don't think it really detracts from the look.
  24. Your weener is green, wrinkly, and wears a robe? Man, you ARE soooo messed up. I got the DVD of the first 20, it's on my 'To Watch' pile ..... someday....
  25. Oh man! Those pics are just gorgeous. I am sooo envious. I really like your drybrushing on the blue parts, it complements the gray stuff on the white well without over darkening the blue. Gorgeous.
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