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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Lol, it's gotta be teh best thread derailment ever..... so amusing in such a horrid way
  2. I loved the BBC series and still do... it's fantastically funny and the costumes and FX only add to it IMO.
  3. Says the 'man' who goes around adopting other posters here... serious? what's that??
  4. I just realizewd what it was too.... lol, that's some quality work Now Im actually gonna have to watch a movie to see what to do...
  5. promethuem5

    1/48 Jetfire

    Purrrrrrrty.... looks real nice. As for teh heatsheild, I believe that there are a few corners that need to be sanded on the underside of the chest plate. It'll look awesome with an Autobot symbol on the hs... Looks real nice so far.
  6. I actually thought that it was a reaaally ugly ship design... must just be me tho.
  7. Just my luck, I WOULD manage to turn on the TV and just miss the transformer bit... I saw from the credtis on the TV on Thanks for the pic tho.
  8. Is that mech kit easy to find? I really want one... looks cute and mechy at the same time.
  9. Well I guess that makes me the father and spell checker of the nicest guy on the board... I'm Prometheum5 whereever I go... universal internet name initiative or what not... only problem is I managed to spell it wrong when i came here and didn't realize it... shoulda just re-registered back then before I got a post count I don't suppose it cna be fixed by a Mod or Graham or someone
  10. I'm in for one, maybe two... prolly one tho. This is gonna be great.
  11. That and the fact that it's sooooo much fun to throw rocks at the idiot
  12. er...I suppose... might be a little werid cuz ur prolly twice as old as me, but I wont tell
  13. YES!! Peter just made my day! Best picture ever. And Mcock... you really do sound like a whiney teenager whining at the big scary adults... trust me, I do it all the time All I can say is that you are quite obvisuly a dumbass, so there is really no point in arguing with you. Personally I think EXO should find out where you live and come smack you or something... big one across the face for the unwanted troll.
  14. Is a BAN cannon like a Buster cannon or a Vulcan cannon?
  15. Well in that case I would like to declare myself your grandfather, seein as I am now A1's daddy, and I like to make him call me it.
  16. I don't get the boot thing.... or McFarlene 'toys' lack of articulation.... HWR- I know what you mean... I went to get an APU fig and went thru all 7 of them on the shelf with the exaact same broken arm. Wish I had gotten one anyways and fixed it... it was a gorgeous toy.
  17. Aww.... sooo cwuuuute!
  18. Man, someone's gotta photoshop that puppy to look like a military machine and not a Gundam...
  19. Cap's sounds a lot more toy like, so while D's looks nice, I'm inclined to wait for Cap's for the sake of durability and ease of installation.
  20. Isn't that Graham's line? As far as I can tell, it's the only meaning his posts actually have...
  21. Crap.... I've gotta pull out cuz I spent all of my money, but it looks gorgeous... great work Cap.
  22. That's sweet. The ARMD platforms look a bit wide to me for some reason, but it is fantastic anywyas. Can't wait to see more.
  23. haha, fair enough....
  24. I'm in! I'm in! My birthday is the 24th and I am psyched cuz on the 25th I am seeing Green Day in concert, with My Chemical Romance opening
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