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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Cry for all of those Destroid toys I dont have....
  2. Rad- I've got a Banpresto and a 1/100 scale Battroid model standing next to my Koenig... If you are a bit er... hard of vision you can pretend that the 'presto is 1/100 scale but it really is too small.... looks more 1/144ish to me.
  3. I want a complete version! Wah! Gonn have to track down a Japanese version for the art and an English version to read.
  4. Looks it. It's gorgeous.
  5. Woah, what is that tan mecha from? It's incredible!
  6. Yipeeee!!! What is he doin to the poor thing in the first few pics? And waht is the actual die cast content? Not 100% I wouldnt think.... damn, it's SOOO nice! And tiny!
  7. Haha, fair enough... got any pics? Just remember... for half the price you could buy a force for all four main factions in Warmachine.... And Battlemechs are always fun and flexible.
  8. CNN Climbs out from under the rock ladies and gentlemen.... EDIT: The sad thing is that I'm such a non-mainstrema 16 year old that I'm learning stuff by reading it
  9. Well, if you're feeling brave and want to try something relaly different from your usual large detailed models.... why not try your hand at painting miniatures? Seriosuly, it's alot different but the same principals apply.... And with your talents adn techniques at weathering, you could pull off a really realistic Battlemech or somethin.... just so long as the scale change didn't give you an anurism. Seriosuly tho, check out the links in my siggy for some ideas and examples.
  10. Poop.... I think I deserve a medal for quickest and oddest breakage on a 1/48.... I just got my new 3rd ed Roy in the mail, and after taking it out of the box and moving it for the first time I have a hip problem. Screw O ring sepage, this is worse and by far more impressive and spaztacular... I managed to somehow snap off a fragment of the plastic ring around the ball joint, on part BD3... not enough to impare the hip, just enough to piss me off... it snapped about 45 degrees under the spot where the two halves meet in the front, so a bit of ball joint shows but the hip still works as tight as it should be. I'm probably gonna leave it for now, but if it gets worse, I'll have to replace it I put the Strike armor on it already, so it's a static display piece anyways
  11. What happened to it? The auction is gone.
  12. Here's an update of mine! 1/48s 1x VF-1J Hikaru 1x VF-1S Roy (it's in teh mail from VE for my birthday today! ) 1x DYRL FPs 1/60 1x VF-1A Max 1x GBP set 1/72 1x YF-19 2nd ed (my fav ) 1x VF-11FP (also awesome) 1x YF-21FP 1/100 1x Koenig Monster Misc. Gashapon set 2 (I need 1 and the Bandai sets!) 2x Banprestos (3rd is still MIB waiting repaint) Large scale Gakken Cyclone (super awesome even if not Macross!)
  13. I got into GTIS seeing the first movie, and then I got the Manga (usually my favorite part of an anime series) Both were kinda eh in my mind, but the action in the movie was really cool. The end of both is confusing, but I found that the ending was much easier to stomach in animation rather that print (I'm still trying to figure out what the hairball things are when she's talking to the AI entity in the Manga ) And now I feel incomplete because the US Manga is edited... might have to track down a Japanese release to see what is missing besides the lesbo porn
  14. promethuem5


    Glad I'm not the only one to think that way... I think it is worst in the full sideways shot... your eye really wants the nosecone to stick out there and if you look at it enough, you start imagining it there to fix the curve of the torso.
  15. In all seriosuness, is that a sarcastic comment or not? I was just curious... as that's an interesting past time if you're serious...
  16. promethuem5


    Looking at it agian, I must admit that the angle of the nosecone is reaaally bugging me.... not to look phallic, but aesthetically, it is really throwing off the natural curve of the body... I'm into comic illustrations, and one of the main things when you are planning a shot is to setup your basic anatomy by finding the 'curve' of the figure... the torso on your model follows a natural curve msot of the way down, but then reverses direction at the nosecone and it is really throwing off the look of the model and its pose... just my two cents
  17. Check out the WIP thread.... he'd rate it pretty high cuz there was ALOT of work put into it. And it was damn worth it, cuz it is gorgeous. Great job mate, looks fantastic.
  18. OMG!!... someone's finally made a post longer than LV Lurker's! I skimmed it and it looks interesting...
  19. promethuem5


    Wow, that's soooo cool! Ugly as sin, but really awesome none-the less I'd really like to hear about your technique... that's a superb looking stylization, jst not sure about the air brake and the nosecone angle. Killer otherwise... is the scheme something specific?
  20. 1st Edition anything is almost always worth more for collection purposes... don't ask me why as I'd always rather have the best edition rather than the first.
  21. Well, Mad Max mechs can be a very good thing.. I'm gonna ahve to look for the 1/100 scale ones now. Thanks for the info!
  22. Damn, you guys are lucky with your actually having friends... lol. stupid all you old people and your having friends... bastards. And haterist, you make me laugh.
  23. I would assume they legs and pelvix are backwards with all those screws going.... looks nice eitherways tho. I'm looking forward to this one alot...only problem is that with another 1/48 on the way, I'm outta room completely after I get a Shockwave...
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