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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. How could he be the highest paid actor in the film? He's not Gwinny or RDJ... And yeah, looking back he probably was the weakest part of the film, which is a shame because Rhodey is one of my favorite second-tier characters and really deserves to be treated well, as he has taken over the comic's duties as main man multiple times. Now if they hadn't ruined Rhodey in the current Marvel U...
  2. Probably not... there's ALOT of different designs, especially if you count MSV stuff, but I don't think that beats entire casts of characters for every different Transformers sub-franchise.
  3. I built the Hase YF-19 ages ago and hated it myself... when I built it, all the black decals curled and desintigrated under my setting solution. The advice above is generally good, but I will further emphasize that you get something else to practice on first. Anasazi's decals need to be cut pretty close to the markings, and you will want a stronger setting/softening solution. His decals are fantastic, and I own a bunch of sets for projects myself, but the film is a little bit thicker than on say, decals in a DML tank kit, so you'll want to cut the decals close to the edges and use a stronger solution to minimize the edges. What I do when I apply decals is coat the surface with Future floor wax first (an acrylic gloss coat) so the surface is as shiney and smooth as possible. When I apply my decals, I use Q-tips to blot them down, and then apply my decals setting solution, and then once that is dry (typically a few minutes, maybe longer) I apply with a brush a light coat of Future ontop of the decal to help feather the edges of the film more and really secure than sucker on there before I start whatever else I'm doing to the model.
  4. Interesting so far... I was thinking about picking these toys up, and everything I've seen looks good enough for the size, and for a complete line of valks, but the price point is just all wrong.
  5. No problem! I cannot believe how good the chunky GBP looks with a good paintjob on it. Your masking job is impeccably clean.
  6. Weathered looks alot better on a 'real robot' mecha figure, but the weathering shown above isn't really what I'd shoot for... the sooting around the vents looks good, but the rest of the machine should be more chipped and faded rather than looking like it works at a coal factory. Take a look at some of Kurt's work, or even some historical scale models, or anything HWR MkII has posted to the boards.
  7. Honestly I really liked the changes to the ending... the giant squid always seemed like the weakest part of the ending of the comic... all this real world humanity and deconstruction stuff and then we still manage to end the book with some kind of space monster?
  8. I was seriously debating picking up the soundtrack (probably not the score), glad to hear it's solid... I'm a huge MCR dork, so Desolation Row gets really high marks in my book. I actually don't have alot of stuff from the OST (like Watchtower), so it's probably a good buy for me.
  9. Just got back from it and wow, I LOVED it... took a non-comic book fan from work and her friend, and they were both glad they saw it at the end. The film was INTENSE, and that's both in a good and bad way, but overall I loved it and voted for 5 stars. I'm in decompression right now, and definitely going to reread the book now, but yeah, this one seemed spot on to me. I can see where people complain a bit about the pacing, but I'll decide on that after rereading the book... I don't think it was bad at all, but I suppose people could feel the middle drags on a bit, where we're past introducing the characters but not ready to get to the heart of the plot yet. I also found the casting and technical aspects of the movie phenomenal... Rorschach was excellent right to the end, Manhattan was just the right amount of distant and clueless while being omnipotent, and Owl was great too, and the modern costume really worked. The opening montage also blew me away... especially with the music, which was excellent throughout the film. The work done to set this as a period piece really paid off, and I for one appreciated it greatly.
  10. I liked her in the Prestige, and thought that film was a phenomenal and seamless sum of its parts. I'm looking forward to this alot, and think she's a solid choice... I'm not sure how some of you guys can suggest Anisten for the part. Widow needs a heavy Rooskie accent, and I'm assuming she'll be bad in the movie and turn to our side in the end like she does in the comics so she can be a part of SHIELD for the Avengers movies, which I'm willing to bet will be MUCH closer to the Ultimates portrayal than the classic comics anyway. Rourke as Blacklash is solid too... he's big and ugly. The real question is who will play Boris alongside Natasha?
  11. I bought the CPM discs as they came out, and VOTOMS is one of my favorite animes and mecha franchises. The series is excellent and alot of fun, but it does tend to drag on a bit at times, but not cripplingly so. thegunny is right tho, this is old school mecha action at its finest, which can be an acquired taste. One of the biggest draws to watching the original series is that then you can go and watch and understand the OVA movies, which fill in gaps in the story (before, during, and after), and the movies are exquisite... aged like fine wines, and something to be savored over and over again. Plus, after watching AT:VOTOMS, you'll have an excuse to pick up either Bandai's or Yamato's large Scopedog toy offerings, most all of which are awesome.
  12. I preoredered MP Grimmy ages ago, so I'll just stuck it up and buy it... I bought a GreenScream when it first came out for full price AND still bought the US one, so I'm okay with being a whore.
  13. You are planning exactly where to put a toy that won't be out for almost two years... Anyways, what's that black and white figure in the lower right corner?
  14. Finished this guy the same day I got him: HCM 1/144 Walker Galliar
  15. So basically HCMPro quality, which is a good thing as I LOVE HCMPros... they're closer to model kits than toys, but that's mostly a good thing. I just can't get over the price... a big part of the appeal of the HCMPros is that they are relatively cheap (SHCMPro line notwithstanding).
  16. Wow, that is big. What's the color your used on it? I haven't been able to decide if I want to go the tan route or closer to IDF tank colors when I do a T61.
  17. Bandai's HCM line did a really good job of incorporating articulation... I have the Walker Gallier, which is just as poseable as the 1/55, but you are right that most toys at the time we bricks. The HCM lone was also much less durable than the 1/55.
  18. Surprised the Revoltech thread has fallen so far down... I just picked up Mazinkaiser from my local comic shop and he is a blast! I got the YF-19 and Regult at NYCC a couple weeks ago, have the Getter-1 OVA version waiting for me at home, and have Gurren Lagann coming from Japan, but Mazinkaiser has that simple fun that reminded me why I really love this line... seems like it's been a while since there has been a really good must have mecha design from the series... seems like they could spend some time going back and looking at more of the super-robot designs or something. I still wish the Scopedog protoype we saw would come out...
  19. Thanks... let us know how yours goes. I have a Transformers G1 Overlord that could use some cleanup, but it cost me far more than enough to get it out of guinea pig duty!
  20. Don't get so hasty to call for a threadlock... this certainly seems like a big enough advance from the previous discussions to warrant a new thread, or at least merging with the old and bumping it back up. Thanks for the link Rog... I really need to try this out!
  21. Pretty sure the weathered Hawk came out already, and is pretty hard to find.
  22. Oh man, haven't ordered my T-61 yet... how was the build?
  23. I dunno... I haven't seen the series, but all of the crossover films make Grendizer look like a chump. All he does is get his butt stomped and get saved by the Maz's, and have an idiot pilot.
  24. I would love it!
  25. Ah. I didn't realize there were AI machines in MaK... very cool. Your idea sounds pretty slick.
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