Lol, I wasn't in a panic mate, but the way some of you are talkin about making whole air wings of them isn't exactly comforting when some of us have limited buying power as it is
How is that BP toy? I just snagged one for like 20 bucks and am curious as what to expect. Oh, and I got the two male power armor figs as well... how are they?
I really, realy, REALLY can't wait to get this toy... it looks sooooooo nice! The level of detail is outstanding. It really is a gorgeous looking toy. Here's hoping the wepaon packs are just as much fun
I love the DYRL hands.... soooo awesome. I will porbably still be getting some of Eternal D's tho, cuz my Roy needs em anyways This is looking cooler and cooler as it progresses, I very much appreciate the codpiece being removable. Very good decision on Yamato's part IMO.
* F71 G-Cannon
* F91 Gundam F91
* RGM-89J Jegan Normal Type
* RGM-89M Jegan B-Type
* RGM-89R Jegan A-Type
* RGM-109 Heavygun
* RXR-44 Guntank R-44
I am interested in all of them, especially the Heavygun and Normal type...
umm...sorry, but you guys lost me on all the acronyms and such... I don't acutally know what the names of the MS I want is. It's the one that is like teal or greyish white that 'Bearguard' (sp?) drives... I wanna do one all battle damaged up and weathered and stuff cuz it's one of the only Gundam designs that comes off as an actually military machine IMO....
Thanks! That helps alot to get a basic feel of what you're doing... sounds really cool. I've been getting into blending alot more lately, and might have to try this to further my learning some more. A pic tutuorial would be stellar!
Does anyone know which kits are good kits of the Gundam F-91 units? I looked around and don't know whcih ones they are exactly.... I really want one of the basic 'CF' Colony MS in 1/60....
Don't kid youself Dat, you know that you, like everyone else here, want a huge air-wing of CFs to whiz aorund your room and blow up and make shooiting noises with I know I do!