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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Wow.... you guys are just a wee bit OT here.... A1s sexuality was alright, but politics just dont fit with M7...
  2. Looks good...sounds like you're having every thing go wrong that is possible.... hopefully it'll work in the end tho...Im sucrious to see your gunstrap mod.
  3. Nonetheless bitter, are we?
  4. Hope and do are two different things my friend... and we can't chose
  5. I must ageree with everyhting stated here... Godwin's law on Nazis in posts, A1's cranium size, and the bulb faye included!
  6. Thanks... the Officer's pod, a Khyron/Kamjin figure, and a pilot for the Battlepod are my next intended purchases, followed by at least one more Battlepod (I must admit that I life the grey legged one I have much more than any pics of the blue legged one I have seen.... there is some minor weatehring on the grey legged one that looks really nice IMO)
  7. Hooooooley Shiiite! That is un-freakin balievable.... I thoguht it was a CGI at first, and I was like 'wow, that looks really realistic) and then you said it was a kitbashed model, and all I can say is: WOW!
  8. I must admit, that's one weird assed camo scheme.... I really like it, but it seems odd on a Battlepod. Looks really nice tho, with the colors of it, I was was afraid at first that you were gonna say you had chipped uo the blue and I was like 'er...a little much mate'. That'a a really neat camo, but Im not sure what it'll hide it from
  9. Just got my Battlepod in the mail and finished fixing the small barrels.... i love this toy so much already.
  10. I would totally subscribe to an A1 newsletter.... hell, I'm thinking of starting an A1 fan club.... optional doorknobs included by request
  11. Umm.... call me weird but Im curious now...
  12. Er... actually, I think i was referring to the Vinyl.... the wooden one I'm thinking of was something else completely... EDIT: One thing I would do is to work on the cockpit... At that larger scale, the msot convicing technique I have seen is to do the glass gloss black... a clear canpy with scratchbuilt interior would be really cool too, but it's a little late for that now... I think that the color you;ve got on it right now is a little flat tho... not enough shading or anything compared to the rest of the mech.
  13. ? I dont get the doorknob thing.....?
  14. If these were true, they'd all be pretty cool.... I would be all over a Low Viz and another Koenig Monster just to see the changes in the Koenig QC....
  15. That's sweet... Aiden Pryde is badassed! Which Timberwolf model is that in the background of the one pic? It's not the large wooden one, is it? EDIT: Man, I wish I could afford an Armorcast...
  16. What took you so long A1? I'm not impressed....
  17. I have to agree that it looks more like mottled camo than wear and tear... you might wanna think about making chips in the paint job and streaks where water has settled and stuff around the contour of protrusions and stuff... I dont relaly know how to explain it on a CGI model, but if it were a miniature, I could give you a dozen ways to do it lol.
  18. Only thing I have to say is: Star Wars figures suck balls! They are of very poor quality, the paint jobs usually suck, there is almost no posability, and the materials are very poor... this is especially apparent on all of the battle droid designs.... small spindly figures should not be made of uber-soft plastic because by the time you get it out of the package, it's a bent out of whack, warped, gangly mess... I can't comment on the 12 inch figures and such, but I have always found the small figures to suck righteously.
  19. Is that thing entirely in greyscale? Im wondering if I could do it on my laser printer...
  20. That's looking awesome Dave! I REALLY like the weatehring on those internal bits.... looks awesome. I like the historical markings alot, great idea, no offendedness here.
  21. Those are some gorgeous renders there.... I always loved that three legged mecha design for its utter impracticality... looks great all around.
  22. Judging by that pic, I assume your gunpod won't be the dark grey color of the toy one... looks good, my bad for mis-interpreting the pic with the file in the hole...
  23. That's gonna be touch to make with all those round pieces.... sure looks nice.
  24. Don't you have to be really careful about the diameter of the hole for mounting on the forarm? if you file it too much it wont stay on.... Cool idea otherwise.
  25. So who's taking bets on how long it'll take for A1 to kill this thread with Mac7 homosexual comparisons?
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