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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. I almost did..... bastard.....
  2. I wonder if you could combine a super posable 7 inch figure and an Imai Cyclone kit and get a super posbale Ride Armor..... hmmm
  3. If you go back in and fix them properly, they are pretty cool.... only problem is that one of mine is a little bit saggy....
  4. OMG! Is Max going duel Strike Cannons? Cuz that's fricken awesome!
  5. I almost want it to be a Cyclone/Ride Armor, but I am afraid of just how badly Toycrapy could screw that puppy up..... that could be one hell of a shelfwarmer.
  6. I almost pre-ordered the Star Convoy... I almost pissed myself in shock when I read the newsletter too, but I decided to pre_order a 1/48 CF and get Star Convoy when it comes out.....
  7. Just needs a big turbo fan on the back....
  8. I would LOVE a mulitplayer demo.... those ar the shiznit!
  9. With a dot of superglue on each shoulder, I think mine'd break under the joint before it broke at it...
  10. Good enough for me!
  11. Are you serious? That's awesome....
  12. Erm... I can't possibly see nedding to pin a figure that small.... there isnt even enouch shoulder material to sit a pin in
  13. Haha...thats pretty funny
  14. Amen! (Altho, the RID Prime was a really nice toy....) Side note- Does anyone know wtf actually HAPPENED in, about, around, or related to Beast Machines? That had to be one of the msot confusing 'plots' ever....way to kill a franchise
  15. ......main.... site....? What's that? Some kind of myth I heard.... once, from a long time poster, that there was once an actual MW WEBSITE that was updated with pictures of toys and things.... man....I wish I was alive back then to have seen it....
  16. Based on teh fact that he's asking about the 19 pilot, that might not be his question..... I found that the pilot figure for the YF-19 was a little sketchy in where the arms and head actually mount... the joints are kinda undefined, and it takes some fidgeting to find his actual shoulders and neck... That, or I'm completely retarded.
  17. I have since finished these, but these pics are from a few days ago... And yes I know, the pics suck... Ben
  18. VF-1 2NV, there's an ugly man hiding in the back of your display case that you might want to watch, cuz he's taking spy shots of your collection
  19. I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but I guess it works: Are they going to animate Astray?
  20. Woah...... umm.... word.
  21. ROFLMAO!!! That's....ickkily hilarious....
  22. It appears that Richard Simmons isn't the only one......
  23. Alright...I've got an itty bitty question after following this thread for a while but mostly just for the pictureds I can see that you are doing ALOT of work to this bird before even painting it so I ahve to ask: Was the kit like, really relaly effed up in the box when you got it, or are you jsut rediclously anal retentave and redoing all the details yourself? I mean, you've done an assload of work thus far, and I'm trying to figure out why....
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