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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. I was rather impressed by the grammer myself.... Togo's usual lack of subltly sums it up pretty well for me
  2. Subtle, but I totally agree.
  3. Who wants to bet that it's MGIdiot under a different sn?
  4. Woweee! Look at this guy..... he makes me laugh
  5. Lol...nice MPC comments. What kinda cloth did you use? I used clear nail polish on my only 1/60, but it has since become loose again...the cloth idea makes alot of sense tho...
  6. Girls make me cry and this thread is part of why.....
  7. Invalid auction....what was it?
  8. So, who's the 0.0000001% of MW that's clinically retarded enough to be dumber than him?
  9. Yes, because you're oh-so reliable.....
  10. Wow... I really wish I had the money to get one of these puppies... you are truly one dedicated bastard Valkyrie!
  11. I wouldnt strip it, it looks pretty damn good. You managed to weather the white alot better than I have ever managed (I can do everything else, just not white )
  12. OMG! Most shameless plug ever!
  13. Kosher salt like on those big softee pretzels MG, you are by far, sitll the biggest idiot I have ever seen.... 250, thats just absurd no matter WHAT kinda of friggin insane toy it is....
  14. The Photoshop's better than whatever the stock paintjob will look like anyways....
  15. This puppy just came OFF of my workbench after sitting in a drawer assembled for like 6 months.... I took extra care on this one as It was a birthday present, and I am trying to get my stuff out there because I am looking to start taking minis commisisons....
  16. No worries.... So anyways, back on topic, I really want this toy to come out and be done right.... along with an FP re-release....
  17. Dude..... woah....
  18. THAT I wouldn't mind.... he's a pretty cool transformer himself...
  19. Lol.... I seem to be getting this alot lately but no, Im not gay....
  20. *cough* a truck *cough* Well, that's what I'd like to see.... a van or truck.... not an ass-ugly Scion.
  21. I think that there was both a topic recently on this in this forum (search function is your friend ) And pics of it in the model section of the main site.... From the way I understand it, its size is its best feature (I could be wrong tho)
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