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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. That implied that he HADNT done anything....
  2. The ULTIMATE punishment!
  3. I'm not sure if that was supposed to be a mean comment or not, so I'll jsut laugh.
  4. No apologies necessary
  5. It's not the 'to each his own' part, it's the 'to me my own, whilest I wave them all in front of you and act so high and mighty about it' that bugs me.
  6. Holy crap! WOW!!!! That's fantastic.
  7. Thanks mate... I couldnt remember if you had gotten these ones or not and was too lazy to look.
  8. http://nanashino.macrossmecha.info/variable/vfx3.html http://nanashino.macrossmecha.info/variable/sdp1.html http://nanashino.macrossmecha.info/variabl...ed_gerwalk.html Okay...who wants to rip these images so I can save them? Sutpid idiot turd and his making internet images he dosent own unsavable... you'd think he drew them all himself Thanks to whoever helps me out. They will get a cookie or a gold star.
  9. Hi all, Isn't having multiple screen names on the forum against the rules? It's just that there's this...erm... person with a website that is never completed that seems to have a new screen name every month to taunt us with his locked images of things he didnt design himself , and it seems rather annoying.... What's up with this?
  10. http://nanashino.macrossmecha.info/variable/vfx3.html http://nanashino.macrossmecha.info/variable/sdp1.html http://nanashino.macrossmecha.info/variabl...ed_gerwalk.html Okay...who wants to rip these images so I can save them? Sutpid idiot turd and his making internet images he dosent own unsavable... you'd think he drew them all himself Edit: I'll start my own thread to avoid hijacking this one....
  11. Well thank you Ghostbird, but that doesn't answer the question.... I was using fighter as a general term for a thing that zips around and shoots things.
  12. promethuem5

    Gummy Bear Pilot?

    Wow..... I hope those dont end up being too expensive, cuz I will defentaley have to get one.....
  13. OMG YES!!!! This is my FAVORITE computer game ever.... I LOVE it. American McGee is awesome. And for the record, Into the Looking Glass and many of Lewis Caroll's otehr works are pretty dark in themselves.... Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb, the Jabberwock.... not Disney stuff.
  14. Mauser? Almost all of the Star Wars blasters from the OT were converted from surplus firearms..... I actually dont know if any weren't... they used old military stuff for props all over the films... the Star Wars magazing did a really nice set of details about this once... interesting to see how ingeneous some of it was. EDITed for historical neutrality so as to not mess up the time periods.... (thanks JsArclight.)
  15. Scratch that.... I'm not just gonna weep bitterly, I'm gonna weep bitterly while clutching my G1 'Plex tightly.....
  16. Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but does Heavy-use fighter mean that it was used alot (heavily), or is a heavy fighter?
  17. WHY DOES MY BELOVED TURN INTO A STEAMSHOVEL!? I'm gonna go weep bitterly now...
  18. Oh crap...how did I end up on the list??? I could never get a 300 dollar kit... gorgeous as it is.... sorry to dissapoint people, but I cna't be one of the 25 on that lsit to be like, important and dedicated to getting one.... I dont even remember asking to be on the list....
  19. YES!!! I've actually been listening to alot of 'emo' stuff lately (I hate that term, lol) like the Used, Alkiline Trio, and My Chemical Romance....
  20. Wow..... just.... wow.... except for the guts, the statue looks neat, but the poster is just aweful....
  21. WOW!! I really like that.... very interesting. Can't wait to see it detailed up some more.
  22. I dont get zombie movies at all..... when I see a movie, I want a PLOTLINE. I'd sit thru a zombie movie and be like 'This is great, but I want to know WHY the combies are attacking... where did they come from? How were they reanimated? Are they being controlled by someone? Is there a polot to this movie?'
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