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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Too bad it doesn't actually LOOK like L/Misa at all....
  2. We've already been discussing this in the TF topic in the OA section...
  3. Oh damn! Those are gorgeous mate. LOVE the figure work.
  4. Can we see some of your other work? I love tank kits and the like. Weathering is my favorite part of a model.... but all of my stuff is even smaller than that Hase (wargamming minis.)
  5. I erm...accquired it a few weeks ago and watched it and loved it. I laughed so hard during some parts... it's much better thna the new season episodes, which, IMO, have bene aweful except for a some few and far between good lines.
  6. Seems a bit harsh Stamen... sure it isn't the greatest, but it's most certainly a solid effort. Keep it up man, I want to see more... with practice you'll get better.
  7. promethuem5


    Well, I'll be painting them on, so, eh
  8. Wow, those are really nice. How hard is it to get that 5000 kit?
  9. Man, I was kinda looking forward to Star Convoy too.... shame it's so crappy. A release of Star Saber and Victory Leo would be awesome. The Robotmasters versions are fantastic, but you can't beat the original.
  10. promethuem5


    Ana, I'd say you oughta add the trapezoids on there for people who want them, but I guess you really can't until you know the size for them...
  11. Erm...yeah, that's what I meant... but I thought that these would contain die-cast anyways, so it oughta at least be balanced, but posable over die cast is without a doubt something I love.
  12. promethuem5


    Oh man....I'm gonna have to pay for this sooner than I thought! Oh well, it's absolutely gorgeous... can't wait to see the improved head mount pics.
  13. Not to go horribly OT< but what exactly is teh difference btw/ gattling and vulcan guns?
  14. Die cast parts, but BALANCED!
  15. I just geek-splooged myself.
  16. Looks fantastic. I'm totally psyched to have ANOTHER gorgeous Yamato to have to buy
  17. Alt Prime is atrocius! What a let down.... Mirage looks decent tho... I'm still not sure about Primus... and the Star Wars TFs are embarrassing beyond words.... I'm gonna go fondle my MPC COnvoy in grief for the look of the new releases...
  18. Hi again, sorry for not explaining myself properly before, I was in a hurry. Read this: http://www.brushthralls.com/Pinning/index.php And apply it to the hip piece of the 11B. It will work best if you use one rod the entire way thru, but if you can't keep it straight, you can do one for each hip that don't go into the main bar as deep.
  19. You'd be better pinning the joint. re-break both hips, and drill out the shaft, and then implant a metal rod thru the main piece and into both hips.
  20. Was there ever any question?
  21. Agreed. Quote button is almost always for homos.
  22. Those pics are superb! I am sooo excited now that I know I've got one preordered Too bad the hands aren't panel lined... I don't know if I'll want to line them tho bc/ then they won't match my VF-1S Roy that they are destined for (I've got TV hands for Hikaru's VF-1J.) I wonder if you'll be able to mount the side torso panels on a valk without the GBP armor... they could make a good recast item for people who want, seeing as the flip up ones on the valk don't line up right.
  23. Wow. That's utterly stunning.... and as for the pilot, it looks pretty damn good from here.
  24. I find that it helps to have BOTH hands on the keyboard Seriosuly tho, I don't have any problems... MW is one of the faster forums I peruse...
  25. I wish.... if it had it, we could do that one realy common piece of art with the Valk standing straight legged with the gun up.... I wonder what it would take to mode the elbows...
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