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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Does anything cover what sorta stuff happened to the other pilots of the 19? They never explain what happens to the 19 to need repairs for the scene when Isamu is in the 11, so I wonder what sorta technical trouble plagues the 19 the whole way thru, constantly wrecking it...
  2. Hi all, I just finished my fisrt 1/48 custom, a weathered and beat up Cannon Fodder... and I ended up making a mess out of the canopy. I couldn't avoid getting some matte varnish on it when I was sealing the pilot name decals so I coated the clear parts with Future afterwards and it fogged up. I then ended up cutting off the part of the nosecone top that holds the hinge.... anyone know how to get that off without having to cut the pegs? Then I sprayed the canopy with gloss varnish and hit it wtih the heat gun to get rid of the fog... and the canopy started to sag and melt, screwing up one edge and the hinge. I blasted it some more to repair the hinge, but actually it still ended up not bent enough so it's tough to open, so I might have to try again. So my question is, how do you customiztion experts handle the clear canopies? I'm a competant modelor, and it bugs me to screw something up like this after managing everything else on the job so well (it's really a gorgeous work... I will try and post up pictures later.) Ben
  3. Love the Shwimmenwagen.... those crazy Germans...
  4. My little brother was Friday the 13th and my mom's the 14th
  5. Nice pics....I've loved the over-body pod since I first saw it... wish they'd slap it on a VF-1....
  6. What a beautiful merger of two LE products Nice work.
  7. Crap...the only problem now is gonna be getting ANOTHER valk to make a 1D with....I just got my CF and Armor sets in the mail so I won't be getting another one for quite a while most likely... maybe I can find a 1J Hikkie with TV armor so I can kill two birds with one stone.
  8. YES! But wait....pirates are too cool to be Homotekies....
  9. promethuem5

    Rohby's SD Max 1J

    God that thing is gorgeous.
  10. Someone please report this guy.... what a dick.
  11. Oh god...what if he actually HAS a kid? Just think of what what a disfavor we'd be doing to society by letting that thing reproduce....
  12. God MCOCK, you certainly ARE the most clever posted I've EVER seen....
  13. Utterly grorgeous...
  14. The anime club at my school smells really REALLY bad.... like, unbareably bad.
  15. Payment sent muzzahfuhkas.
  16. You should check out the Models section of the MW main site for kits and such, most all are there. And welcome to the board! I'd tell you how long a kit takes me, but as you can see from the links in my profile, my 'kits' are a bit smaller and different
  17. Pretty hella lame... weak assed job and a waste of an MPC Prime.
  18. WTF is that Dharma site supposed to be!?
  19. How does one get the LE version?
  20. Well, the little guys in my profile just LEFT my workbench... and remeber kids, each one of those battlesuits is the size of your tumbnail. And those are the big ones.
  21. *cough* Wrong forum already had one topic closed on these here *cough*
  22. Looks like a horrible hideous mutagenic cross between the Crusader sculpt of the GBP-1 from Battletech and some poor hapless Autobot... good god, the carnage.
  23. The ONLY thing that could save a series with as convoluted and disaturous or a plot as this would be a really big sweet awesome mecha battle every single issue that took up more pages than the dialog... and it doesn't sound like we'll be getting this either...
  24. BBTS recieved shipments of VF-1S, Strike Armor, and part of its CF shipment today...
  25. WM_Cheng's? I'm really psyched for this release...only problem is that I am running out of room really quickly... I've got space for my VF-1A CF and then Idk what I'm gonna do... I want this, 2 more 1/48s (VF-1D, and one plain one I think) and a Scopedog too, and have to keep current with TF Alternator releases... just too much goodness for one house...
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