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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. WOW. That's a really fantastic site... I think I will have to try alot of the technique there next time... less chipping and more actual physical dings and nicks on the armor... As for the rust, those spots on the legs by the climbing ladder handles are actually ink from the handles that ran and I didn't clean up properly I could probably go back in and cover them up with sume rustier paint looking streaks like on the rest of the kit. I think on my next one I am going to do surface dings and nicks and try the salt method for rust.
  2. It's a really old 1/48 scale WWII fighter ace figure.... the sculpting is downright ugly in some parts... and the arms are actually supposed to be in his jacket, I just painted them as flesh because Mechwarriors ususally wear next to nothing because of the heat buildup...
  3. Hi all, This kit is a 1/48 scale Dougram kit that I bought preassembled but not really painted. I did it up in Battletech colors as it is the Wolverine in CBT. I decided to do it up in the Benjamin Regulars parade scheme, complete with the classic markings. I then decided that it was a member of a garrison force that saw early Clan action, and got into the thick of the fighting before it could be repainted in field colors, so it is in the dress scheme, but is really beat up. I also added some extra stowage on teh leg and back to give it that WWII tanker 'bring everything you need and strap it to your ride" feel. I also used some steel rod to add a set of climbing handles for the pilot on the back. Speaking of the pilot, on the original kit, there was just a big empty space under the head that was just begging for some work. Some plastic and metal GW pieces and a WWII fighter pilot figure later, I had a whole cokpit interior. I might go abck in and build up some sidewalls a bit, but it's pretty cramped as it is in there with the gun turret and all. Anyways, here are the pics and I hope you all like it. It stands about 12 inches tall.
  4. That's right, Tolkien was the actual Catholic...I had to two mixed up. My bad.
  5. Crap.... guess I'm not getting anything else for a REALLY long time now... I can't get anything until after X-Mas, and this has to be my next purchase as I've already got the GBP on preorder...
  6. Wow. I absolutely wish I had money to get this... I'd lvoe to see the series and get the special book.
  7. So....anyone got a copy so I can see it and laugh really hard the whole time?
  8. Oh man....Chogokin Glaug? That WOULD be awesome... I'd need one or two for Macross and at least two to repaint for CBT... what a great idea... maybe someday...
  9. Well, I guess those aren't the ones I was thinking of.... sweet looking tho. Thanks for the info!
  10. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so.... And as for CS Lewis, I stand corrected. I thought he was an actual Catholic.... I now the difference between the two sort of being one myself
  11. Hmmm.... if those are the ones I'm thinking of, I think versions were released for GoBots for the truck at least... orange truck with a transformation really similar to Primes except that the smokestacks became guns and it was one where the engine block juts foreward like modern semi trucks and the cab window piece bacame the head? And the green Battletank, was it a big one that like folded in half and the turret becomes the head? I have both of these but am missing the gun for the tank... it's a pretty cool fig tho.
  12. I'm spoiled rotten, what can I say?
  13. I THINK they were launchers in the game, but you'd have to ask someone who's played it...
  14. Really? Huh... I did not know that there were pre-Gobots releases of the toys... guess I learned something new today and stand corrected.
  15. That's actually a bootleg. It's supposed to be Crasher, who's black. I've got another of this bootleg that has blue trim and was actually done up very nicely as a police coup somewhere in storage...
  16. No. It is a single missile launcher for when the VB-6 is in Shuttle mode. Interesting idea, but sorry, this has been confirmed and everything... EDIT: Not trying to come off overly harsh, it's just rather impressive how many comments and queries there are about the stupid pop up launchers that Yamato tarted up...
  17. Wow. Awesome.
  18. Wow. Insane price, but it does look pretty decent... too bad Appleseed has the most convoluted and whack job plot ever.
  19. I'm not sure what happened with mine, but it is currently sitting perfectly flat. I have a feeling I pressed down really hard and bent the mounting bracket slightly so that it sits right, but as long as it doesn't break, I don't care. Now if only there were a way to fix the drag racer look. I might still have to get non FP VF11 and 21 just so I have all of them.. Icindentally, I've always been meaning to ask: Why didn't Yamato include the VF-22 conversion parts in the 21FP?
  20. Not only were they both Catholics, but don't forget that they would never ban Narnia when it is a Christ story...
  21. Idk... I don't think it's fat, I think the arms and head are too small... seeing these pics, I can't see what this toy has to offer that MPC Convoy doesn't... one $100 Prime is plenty.
  22. Wierd.... in the linked pics, it's the blue non-FP one that is having the problem... maybe it's just a by case thing...
  23. Hey GR, what did you do to get such light and subtle lanel lines?
  24. SOunds it, beceause all I got from forcing it down is a bunch of stress marks on the peg bracket.
  25. A preemptive quality control move? It musta been REALLY bad for them to start fixing it already!
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