Hi all,
This kit is a 1/48 scale Dougram kit that I bought preassembled but not really painted. I did it up in Battletech colors as it is the Wolverine in CBT. I decided to do it up in the Benjamin Regulars parade scheme, complete with the classic markings. I then decided that it was a member of a garrison force that saw early Clan action, and got into the thick of the fighting before it could be repainted in field colors, so it is in the dress scheme, but is really beat up. I also added some extra stowage on teh leg and back to give it that WWII tanker 'bring everything you need and strap it to your ride" feel. I also used some steel rod to add a set of climbing handles for the pilot on the back. Speaking of the pilot, on the original kit, there was just a big empty space under the head that was just begging for some work. Some plastic and metal GW pieces and a WWII fighter pilot figure later, I had a whole cokpit interior. I might go abck in and build up some sidewalls a bit, but it's pretty cramped as it is in there with the gun turret and all. Anyways, here are the pics and I hope you all like it. It stands about 12 inches tall.