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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. I dunno about that one.... not to go way off topic, but I get White Dwarf and lately alot of the painting stuff has been pretty crappy....alot of the WD team's goal seems to be to attract to way noobie modelors, which is fine by all means, but not very useful once you've been painting for about a month.... maybe it's just the veteran in me being sick of seeing another basecoating article and wanting something more complex....
  2. Anyone know of any other good sites like Cody's Coop that have really good weathered mecha galleries? I can't get enough of his technique and am going to try it full scale sometime soon.
  3. NO! NO OPTIMUS PRIMES!! Finish your goddammed paper Alpha/Legioss first! I've still got the old leg files on my computer lol.... hopefully this one works out.
  4. Or you could read my reply and see that I'll gladly send you the files.
  5. But.... I'm still allowed to like them for another year and a half!
  6. What!? Really? So when will we get it stateside? I wonder if BBTS will get it intime for X-mas....
  7. Remember kids, even though the link is dead for it, I still have the files for the Paper Monster and will always send the zip file to people who ask me.
  8. What? I loved Underworld and can't wait for the sequel! And I'm no goth at all, I just thought it had a sweet dark gritty but still mystical feel.... the blood didn't hurt either.
  9. That would be sweet... and motiveate to me get another 21, something I don't really want to do
  10. And so the waiting game begins.... whcih will I find first? The model kit or the toy?
  11. It took longer to clean and paint the figure than it did mod the cockpit.... the only problem is that the clear plastic is some kind of aweful soft pvc that cut like shite and really needs to be cleaned up and repolished better *tear*
  12. Hmmm...I'm gonna try and find the red shoulder Turbo Gear one so I have one in that scale, but then I will get the Yamato and some of the old model kits to actually fool around with.
  13. Can you give us a quick rundown of of what has to be sanded? I want to be prepared for when I do mine...
  14. It's a recast of the Hasegawa pilot figure. I had to do some trimming to the inside of the cockpit to fit it tho... there's a screw socket in teh way that had to be sanded and a panel trimed and the canopy hollowed out more.
  15. Holy crap, I just looked at the rest of the pics and realized how small it is. The pics seem alrght, but nothing spectacular. I just don't see what this has to offer that MPC Convoy didn't already deliver on. Aside from a trailer, which is really just alot of deadspace I have no room for, what will the little one have that the big guy doesn't?
  16. I'm trying to set it as my buddy icon on AIM and my avatar on forums....anyone got tips on resizing it, it's too wide cuz of teh panoramic view.
  17. I dunno.... it's kinda a toss up. The 1/100 kit is ever so slightly taller, but not by much, but then you factor in teh way wonky proportions of the 1/100 kits and I think there's enough fudge room to call it 1/100 if you wanted for display with the Koenig Monster or something. Fighter mode might show otherwise tho...
  18. Off the religion topic, here's atreat for all the Hermione fans that you may or may not have seen already: Enjoy.
  19. Any details on the diecast content yet?
  20. Mac+, Destroids, and Crusher Joe
  21. 8 cm tall! Smaller than I thought... hmm... I think I'm gonnatry and find the Turgo Gear Scopedog after the holidays and repaint it for my 1/48 scale collection, and then save my pennies for a Yamato to go nuts on superdetailing.
  22. I love this picture.... anyone NOT know what is modded?
  23. Here's a fight I'd like to see for real
  24. Wow...those pics are actually pretty nice. I can't read Japanese, so I still don't know how tall the toy is. Also, where can I get the armor set? Judging by the pics, it will obviosuly need to be repainted, so I'm still thinking that if I'm going to put alot of effort into it I might as well get the Yamato... and maybe one of these guys if the price is right Hopefully Yamato comes out with the Artic Gear and the Turbo Gear custom set soon... And what is that horrible pic in the third link of a ruined looking hip socket? Is that a manufactoring problem or something the poster of the pics managed to screw up?
  25. Hi all, I am looking for details on the following figure: 1/48 scale Takara Votoms figure on BBTS It says it is 1/48 scale but doesn't say hw tlal the figure is or anything else about it... it's got pictures of sprues for the weapons and some other parts, but shows a fully assembeld figure that looks like arse straight out of the box. I want to know if anyone else has this peice and can tell me any thing about it, quality, detail, assembly and disassembly so I can paint it... anything. I am trying to decide if I should get this as another 1/48 scale figure to go with my growing stash in that scale, or just find a few of the old model kits and save up to buy the Yamato figure to have more fun playing around wtih. Thanks to anyone who can help!
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