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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. I do really love this show as well... and miles, you're probably right on the money.
  2. Hardly... if that's your attitude, maybe you should buy the prebuilt toys
  3. I can't find a good direct download link for the RAW... anyone got it?
  4. Oh jeez.... I didn't realize this was coming so soon.... we need RAWs and then subs people!
  5. I've had plenty of good experiences with BBTS, and am a huge proponent of theirs for their excellent customer service, but on the VF-25s they just dropped the ball and didn't tell anyone.
  6. I preorered Alto ages ago as well, and BBTS basically told me they somehow didn't get any of the first release. They're waiting for the April re-release, and I'm in the same boat as you, having the armor set ordered and paid for, but at this point, since I got my Alto preorder in at the $129 BBTS price before they jacked it up, it's just not worth the hassle or actual dollars to cancel and find one somewhere else. They did seriously screw up tho, and they have a terrible track record of not making it known when items are going to be delayed, or are simply not going to be stocked. Last week BBTS FINALLY got the Revoltech YF-21 and 19 figures... there are also multiple Gundam import item preorders that are well over two years old and still listed as arriving next month... their computer system I think just auto pushes stuff back, and things slip thru the cracks.
  7. "Boring College Student Goes to Class Every Day, and Wishes He Were AgentONE."
  8. The RVF looks great IMO... I've only been able to judge from the pics here, but I almost like the color differences. I know the art says it should be one color, but the variation suggests multiple colors, almost like a disruptive scheme.
  9. Here's all you need to know about Dougram toys of the past... model kits are a whole different story, and for modern toys, there's just the Revoltech Dougram and Soltic(s). http://toyboxdx.com/datafiles/data/dougram/dougram.html Dougram's an awesome series by the way... one of my favorite sets of classic 'real robot' designs. This guy's finally fansubbing the series, but he's been offline with hardware problems for a little while now: http://xnebula.blogspot.com/2009/03/missio...t-dead-yet.html
  10. There's alot of references in general... Heavy Boots of Lead, Omega Supreme... I'm trying to figure out what the other tagline ones are from... like the Systems are a-Go.
  11. Neato... I'd say the suit still has the right amount of spandexyness balanced with the added armor effect. It's like when they started drawing Captain America with an armored suit... it still looked like spandex, but has the same subtle kevlary effect.
  12. Fantastic clean work! You blended alot of parts really seamlessly, and it fits right in with the 21 figure. Hope to see some more!
  13. If they'd only included stickers for the Luca Ghosts, the modeling side would have RAGED after Bandai's been good enough to us to include decals with all the releases so far... The problem is Bandai can never decide with their models if they want to appeal to the snapper-enthusiast modeler who just wants a fun afternoon project that doesn't require any toxic chemicals and yields a fun action figure or the modeler-side who want a glue and paint kit like from every other manufacturer that after hours of work yields a masterpiece model. Bandai kits lean towards the snapper-side, with mostly stickers in their Gundam releases, but with Macross, they know alot of Macross fans are modelers first, as evidenced by Hasegawa's success, so they need to still appeal to that crowd with these releases. Then again I've seen like, what, four people paint and 'model' their VF-25s?
  14. To quote the greats: 'EFF YEAH!' Great Maz looks great in the new funky style. I assume those are just some cheezy Gashapons, but hopefully we'll see more merch for everyone besides Shin Maz.
  15. Oh... my bad then. It's great help for the others tho!
  16. It's the Fewture set I think. I'm not nearly old enough to know anything about BOTP/Gatcha...
  17. Check out mahq.net for summaries of the OVA/movie plotlines.
  18. Bandai's pilot figures also all seem to be a bit off-scale...
  19. Hi... always glad to see people who like to try and theme their mecha displays by scale. 1/60 is a pretty solid choice... you can get Gundam stuff (Perfect Grade kits are 1/60, and the large DX action figures are roughly 1/60, just a touch undersized). There's alot of selection in the scale, but I'm drawing a bit of a blank right now... There are also some adorably small VOTOMS products in this scale.
  20. Yeah, the Warhammer silhouette logo which was replaced by the MadCat logo.
  21. Yeah, it was confirmed on TFW.
  22. I tried to look around to find the image but no luck... I have that stupid box at home tho, but it's 3 hours away...
  23. It's an upcoming Soul of Chogokin SPEC toy... check that thread for info.
  24. I'm stoked... the older Maz SOC's are great, but still fairly static... the new Mazinger will be mine!
  25. Either way it reads good!
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