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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. I used white glue on the microlissiles and the RMS missiles. It holds them on without actually bonding to the plastic and comes off no problem.
  2. Wow, the PGs are really that big? I really really want some now....
  3. I've been looking for a torrent of that too
  4. What is that absurdly huge figure the girl is holding in the second row of pictures from the top? And what is that one with the pink energy wings?
  5. Wow. I'm really glad I missed all this.... I was pissed when my MPC and 1/60s arrived.... I can only imagine how I woulda felt with a Chunky Monkey... it's all 1/48s and models for me.
  6. Wait, you're married A1? Oh god.... if you reproduce, can I have one?
  7. Well, they were obviosuly designed to look better in vehicle mode, cuz ugh, the bot modes are just unbearable. What marketing dweeb keeps thinking that every property needs a transformable toy line? It didn't work for Marvel superheroes the first time, and the new ones still blow, and these StarWars ones are attrocious too. Transformers don't mix with other properties unless they are fighting each other....
  8. Not RX-79, sorry, I meant the RX-78-2, my bad. I'm getting all of those MG models, I was just curious if there was a way to make a larger more detailed model... I'm trying to decide if there's a way to make an MG 1/100 scale Guntank... I figure that there's gotta be a tank design similar enough that some modifications could make it right for the bottom, but I'm still trying to figure out what MG gundam has the most similar upper body... anyone else got any thoughts?
  9. I'm sorry? Lol, thanks for the link...I've obvisouly got a few series to download. Are 080 War in the Pocket and 083 Stardust Memories any good? And what would it take to convert the PG RX-79 into an RX-79G? Aside from the chest vent and gun and the knee studs and not having a core fighter (a detail I would overlook and just leave in), are there any real differences?
  10. Those new pics are awesome. I hate all the shiny chrome, but the sculpt looks good.
  11. Hahaha, we didn't say you COULDN'T do OP, but we just said that we also wanted you to finish this...I'd say you could do both, but you seem to have trouble doing one Seriously, finish this, then do OP, then do a whole lot more cool stuff for us.
  12. Is Tom Cruise even ALLOWED to make movies anymore? Someone oughta stop him.... I've lost any and all respect I still had for him in the past 5 years.... I wwas too young before tehn to know that he is batfarting insane... but now I know.
  13. What's OYW? And howcome the Acguy, one of the ugliest Gundams, gets the most awesome substructure assembly of all the kits? And backstory wise, how come the 8th MS Team designs don't have 'Core Fighters'? Sorry for all the questions, but aside from stupid Gundam Seed and Endless Waltz i'm pretty new to Gundam stuff.... are any of the other series or movies as down to earth and gritty (realistic?) as the 8th MS Team? It's basically the only Gundam series I've watched and actually enjoyed.
  14. Awesome.... I think that by the time I'm done, I might actually try nad have about a dozen of these guys for different functions and in different states of repair... oh, and how come they didn't make a 1/100 scale Guntank model?
  15. Awesome site. Thanks for the link... now I know that there is only one version of the RX-79 from 8th MS Team.. and a couple 78 variants, and alot of Zeon mechs to get.... are Zaku IIs hard to find or crappy kits or anything? I read that the coolant hoses are nasty, but otherwise it sounded alright....
  16. We just kinda float along in the ebbs and tides of cyberspace, lost to our own devices.
  17. So both are older kits? Hmm.... I don't know if I'll go and putty them... I'll have to see how bad it is. Are there different kits of these designs that I should have gotten instead? The one on Amzon seemed to be the only 8th MS Team RX-79 I could find... and I still intend to get the Sniper variant GM model for all the weapons... but I'm basically stuck if I want all 1/100 scale MG kits of these designs, right?
  18. I agree. Stickers suck. Thing is, I wonder if the majority of people who buy teh kits are kiddies who snap them together and throw stickers on and play with them, or model kits makers who hardcore them and repaint and everything... maybe they should just include both stickers and waterslides. Dry transfers are still okay in my book, I'm a pretty big fan of them actually... Now for speciifcs, I'm getting a RX-78 GM (still need the snoper model for all of the extra weapons) and two RX-79s (08th MS Team version).... are there any problems I need to watch out for? Everything I've read says that while the 78 is an older and slightly simpler kit, it still works fine. I'm gonna end up ahving a whole bunch of these models and a wad of Zeeks bc/ I want to make the 8th MS Team, my own MS team, and a kill team of Zeeks with support.... so are there any kits I should avoid like the plague?
  19. Does anyone have pics of the other modes for the VF-9 Cutlass?
  20. Okay, while I'm gonna buy them, I've still gott ask...why are the MG kits on Amazon so cheaper? I'm gonna be getting my first MG kits, and for the price I can't really complain even if I screw them up, but it still seems odd that they would be THIS cheap...
  21. Yeah, Sithlord's collection is rediculous. I basically want his entire house... artist setup and everything.
  22. Pshaw. I want a better bootleg dub set...i've got the ones that go up on ebay all the time, but they are the worst dubs ever.
  23. Wow. I just finished The 8th MS Team, and your model definetaly sums up the entire feel of the war and the sombre ending to the series... I almost don't know who to root for, with the Zeeks all being basically nuts, and the Feds being led by a truly souless man who orders the destruction of the hospital ship.... I totally wanna model an entire Master Grade Fed MS Team and a kill team of Zeeks....
  24. That Zaku is absolutely awesome. I plan on getting a whole bunch of 1/100 scale MG kits of the suits from the 8th MS Team and doing up a squad as anotehr MS team serving in the same group... 2 RX-79s, an RX-78 GM Sniper (for all the extra weapons) and probbaly the Shirow's Ez-8 from the 8th team. I'm gonna do them up with the same feel as this mech and use some of Cody's techniques. I'm also getting two more Dougram kits, so I will try out the actual physical damage techniques sometime soon.
  25. I think the visual aspect vs. story aspect makes sense... and just makes me wish even more that someone'd go back and redo the series with modern animation technology and DYRL visuals.
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