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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Ugh, no, I hate SD stuff.... sorry...
  2. OMG those kits are awesome.... I've gotta get both, cuz they're two rediculously cool designs. And if nothing else, the little 1/550 scale Zaku II and Gundam are soooooooo cute! Thanks for the headsup on these, now I know what I've gotta get next. Now if only we could get an MG Dendrobium... we've already got the GB-03 Gundam, and I think I read that it has potetianl docking points, so it's obviously the next step....
  3. That bad... crap.... One more thing, is there a kit of the big green ass-kicking mobile armor that Gato pilots in the end of Stardust Memories 0083?
  4. Anyone know of a good place to look for a PG GP-01FB? I guess I can look on eBay but it's gotta be stateside.
  5. I got SOCOM and SW Battlefront 2 for Xmas but havene't played SOCOM yet except once to test the multiplayer connection. I will have to add you... EDIT: And how come my PSP keeps locking up on the after level stat screens of Battlefront 2... someitmes wwhen I push square to go to teh next level it just freezes... and then if I push HOME to go abck to the PSP menu it just hangs up on PLEASE WAIT... and I have to remove the battery to restart it bc/ the power switch won't shut it down... it's happened twice now....
  6. that's what my mom said when I showed it to her.
  7. 1/24 is kinda a useless scale... 1/32 would be sweet so you could put it with all your real life military models...
  8. Oh god...the whore off is one of the greatest scenes in television history.
  9. I havent been on too mcuh lately so i musta missed it.... interesting tho. Hopefully there is a glitch in teh system and all psots by MGREXX are deleted
  10. hey all, Just npoticed in teh bwosing memebers that we're being perused by an archive.org bot, which mean's MW will be part of the 'digital library'
  11. HAhahaha... I am speechlessly amazed. That was the finniest SW spoof I've ever seen, and I agree, much better than the movie Thanks for sharing. Now im gonna have Cher stuck in my head all night...
  12. That shot with the left shoulder armor off was just so I could put the armor bit with the other removed panels and stuff... it's not actually supposed to be blown off, just not there for the photo As for some more really subtle weathering, i'm still debating... I haven't got an airbrush so there goes the best way to do it... I've been trying to decide if i wnt to slap one super light and subtle tan drybrush over the whole thing.... whcih amrsk look like leftovers from a greasy-handed kid?
  13. Ouch.... doorknobs galore. And welcome aboard. I also think it'd be awesome to get a Bandai MG quality variable kit.... it certianly would be an aweosme site to behold.
  14. Photos are perfect, and DAMN the new hands are gorgeous. Someone's gotta recast those suckers so I can put them on all my valks from now on.
  15. Hi all, Here's pictures of my first MG model kit, a trusty old GM. I really beat the snot out of this kit as I wanted it to look as tho it had seen alot of action and was in the middle of a big firefight, and had been on the ground like inside a colony or on Earth.... This is about how all of my kits are gonna look.... I intend to get a whole big wad of different OYW models and set them up in a big fight scene, and then get a few of the neato space suits like from Stardust Memories, which I'll do differently. Comments are welcom, I'm looking for feedback here.
  16. Looks good. The tubing and cable on the shoulder joint looks really awesome.
  17. You are gonna make me cry.... I want mine so badly now. I'd also like to know if the forarm missiles come out, and see some more shots of the waist area. And Zero-Mare, i'm with you, the stickers do look alot better in these pictures. Hayao, are the stickers for this different from Yamato's usual stickers?
  18. Freakiness aside, that suit is pretty rediculously awesome....
  19. Crappy storyline aside (I didn't even really like the first SEED) can someone explain to me how funky wonkified versions of OYW designs end up in the SEED universe? I thought the alternate universe stuff was seperated from OYW continuity for a reason....
  20. Hi all, I just finished my first MG kit... a GM. Now that I've got a little experience, I've got a question before starting my next one... how do you guys mask all the joints when painting? Not the detail bits of the joints like on the knees and elbows, but the actual moving surfaces of the joints like ball and socket... I had to pin the ball for both thumb joints bc/ they got all gummed up and started to break... they can still move but I had to pin the ball to the thumb to add some extra support... And yes, I will get up pictures tommorow in between working on my report....
  21. That looks like an exactly scaled up G! OP Trailer....
  22. I managed a pretty good very subtle MAX style shading by painting a thinned down dark black-brown mix over the bare sea green GM plastic and then spraying the whole thing with white primer... add in the rain streaks and armor damage ala Cody's Coop, and it's just subtle enough to notice without looking too dark. I'm really pleased with how my GM is comming out... it's one beat up mobile suit.
  23. Alright... I've had my Xmas GM for about 20 minutes and I'm prepping it for painting... got a question tho. I IDed the extra handles for a ladder for the pilot, but I can't figure out what the little square venty things and triangle things are supposed to be for the extra detail bits... anyone got any clues?
  24. PSP, 2 games, 3 MG Gundam kits, some Transformers Alternators and the 1/48 GBP when it comes out...
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