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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Wow..I had forgooten all about this. I was really interested in seeing how it turns out too. Any updates Pat? Does Pat even post anymore?
  2. William Shatner + Kidney Stones ---> Childbirth ---> Pain of Kidney Stones---> Hurin's worst story ever ---> Jemstone hates everyone? I'm so confused! It dones't make any sense...
  3. Hurin: AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! That can't have been good. I had a catheter put in without any painkillers too last year when I was in the hospital for a ruptured apendix and dehydrated so not 'going'... it went in but didn't accomplish anything, but as soon as they took it out it motivated me to force that pee out as soon as possible.
  4. Is Battle Tactics for PSP out in English yet? I thouhgt it didn't come out for a while....? How is it? I haven't seen much for it, but the thought of a third person action game for PSP had me psyched.
  5. That would be un-fricken believable. Huge, but amazing. Anyone else remember all the speculation that was shooting around about a BT Menasaur when the black Sideswipre repaint Dead End came out? That woulda been amazing.
  6. Best fight ever.
  7. Aww, what was it? I'm curious now.
  8. He would probably have screamed it while passing it too..... KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANN!
  9. Yeah, why is it named after the Messerschmitt? And yes, Estes rockets would be amazing.
  10. I dunno man, I've been wanting them to use the G2 Tank design for ever... fix the color scheme at least to be a bit less garish, and it'd be great. Come to think of it, I should go get my G2 Megs out of storage...that is a sweet toy. Sound effects and missiles, too bad I los the machine gun though I think...
  11. Yeah, military vehicle Decepticons would be fantastic. And I don't see why we needed a Prime either. Isn't MPC Prime basically the same scale anywyas? I've got him set up with a whole bunch of my Alts and he looks fine (actually, I've got Shockewave clinign onto Prime's arm in mid air with his gun bared while veryone else is in a big melee around them trying to shoot or protect Shockwave... I should take a picture, it's soemthing that no other transformer toys could do.)
  12. I agree...more of the classic characters would be sweet. And when are the jets comming out???
  13. Six new molds and two new repaints would be better.... but new molds are always good news.
  14. My mistake, I meant the Mazda RX-8... not sure why I said Honda.
  15. Wow. I am so sick of recolors. Especially god aweful recolors, and recolors of the original Suburu mold... seriosuly guyts, it was the first BT mold, not the best. We don't need half a dozen recolors of the now-worst mold in the line. Yes it's solid, but there are man better ones now... if they wanted that design, couldn't they at least use the Honda?
  16. A resculpt smaller would be interesting... the DYRL hands that Eternal D made are nice, but a set that looked like these would be top-notch!
  17. Domestic release of the VF-0S, huh? Would that coincide with a release of the series? Dubbed Mac0 and a domestic OS would be awesome.
  18. The first movie was awesome. Anyone know what the release date for movie two is? And also, is the series only avaliable with subtitles, or dubbed like the movies?
  19. Ahhh, god, my eyes, and my sig!
  20. No. That monster cannot rape my favorite game series of all time. If he kills Castlevania (which isn't exactly known for its innovative storylines, more like just good storytelling and suspense like in MGS) then I might have to persoanlly hunt him down and kill him. It'll be a mercy killing for the rest of the film and game world.
  21. That would un-fricken believable. I loved that armor so much. The whole reactive plate thing was just gorgeous.
  22. Probably not. I'd say that with the armor already released and having just done a re-release of the VF-1J Hikaru that it is rather unlikely.
  23. All right. Here's my second RX-79G finished. This one's alot better. The weathering is much more subtle, the damage is more believeable and tamed down, and I got a set of MG decals to spruce it up with and I love it. Notice how it compares to the way over weathered first one I did....
  24. Wow, that much for a stickered Exo-squad one... makes the one on my shelf look so much nicer now. I'm still looking for the Robotech release Battlepod and an Officer's pod or two....
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