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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. I got my shoulder missiles today. All I ahve to say is that BBTS rocks and the GBP is the most gorgeous Yamato piece yet after the intial 1/48 engineering. With all missiles open and posed and poised to kill, the GBP looks amazing. I've got it with the Gunpod forward shooting and the open hand back grabbing a grenade off of the hip pack. It looks absolutely gorgeous. I can't wait to get decals and detail this bad mofo up.
  2. Yes, once again, thanks for the heads up on the BBTS 40% off Gunpla. I love me new Rick Dom...
  3. Shoukd be interesting to see completed. Is he going to incorperate some aspects from the DreamWeave design from The War Within and give him a head behind the windshield like a blast shield and HUD? I think that's been the best version of ironhide so far...
  4. That neon one is awesome. And longtime no see Alpha! Where HAVE you been?
  5. Fantasic. I will buy one when they come out.
  6. Told you guys that the Max clone also had a Battroid print on its torso. Not evne subtle at all. What I wonder is if kawamori commented on it when he opened the boxes of the two sets to make his design.
  7. Told you guys that the Max clone also had a Battroid print on its torso. Not evne subtle at all. What I wonder is if kawamori commented on it when he opened the boxes of the two sets to make his design.
  8. Haha you guys, I went and did all my codecing a fw months ago when I started to get into torrented stuff.... and yes, VLC is the best. And Oh man! Ep 2 was furiggen AMAZING! The ground battle with teh Zakus was pure gravy... I just loved every second of it.
  9. Meh, does nothing for me. The limbs are a tad skinny and the body a tad large.... I'll stick with MPC, thank you.
  10. Wow. The test shots look gorgeous, and the Garland looks awesome too.
  11. The grey torso clip stays fine on my Hikaru... I guess I coulda used the white one, but oh well, they're both the same.
  12. Sweet. I'm working on a Rick Dom right now and managed to dryfit the entire thing in one night because I was so excited. I think I'm gonna paint it with the purple replaced with a really greyish field green with some darker green trim and use a much paler red because I'm trying to go for a Spec Ops look, which I think a Dom would be awesome for. EDIT: And I got two Zakus and a Gouf, and I've got an Acguy comming with a bunch of decals so I'm really excited. And what's the Mathuss from? It's pretty ugly...
  13. Faaantastic. I watched ep1 last night and it was awesome. The effects of teh Jormagund on the ship were stupendous, and there was something really exhilerating about Char's subtle indroduction before he went on to make himself famous for his ship kills. I can't wait for ep2 to finish.
  14. You were the sotre to sell me my first 1/48 and I'll never forgive you for that... Seriosuly man, you're site was awesome. Super friendly and prompt. Only problem is now I don't know where to get my Takatoys stickers from *tear*
  15. I'd be wiling to accept any. That right there is basically THE list of what needs to be made.
  16. Y'know, it sure isn't Prime, but aside from all the craziness with the shoulder stuff that sticks up and the crappy legs just like Prowl, but all in all I don't really mind the design.
  17. That's some amazing stuff. And as far as I remeber they ARE called Fuchikomas in the Manga at least... can't remeber in the movie.
  18. I just got a notice that my shoulder missiles will ship express tommrorw. Thank god, as now I can finally pose it with all the covers open. I must admit, I love looking at this toy and think I might have to go actually play with it. I still can't decide if I want to just sticker it up with the inevitable Takatoys stickers, or wait for Ansazi to make decals and detail and weather it. It's just so pretty.
  19. Crap-ass name, crap ass toy. I FINALLY got it to hold together, but it's sagging real bad and I'm afraid to breathe around it, and jet mode simply can't be done without glue. I'm thinking the white glue trick we all use on our 1/48 missiles might work... it shouldn't permanently bond to the plastic but provide enough to hold the parts together...
  20. WHAT the F*CK??? I just spent all day putting this piece of sh!t together, and after deciphering the almost completely worthless 'directions,' the goddam thing doesn't even stay together worth of sh!t. How much glue did they use to keep their showcase mdoel together? I've spent the last few hours messing with it, and I've determined that it is physically impossible to keep this model together without glue. Do not waste the money on this goddam abortion of a lego set.
  21. Was the VF-1D conversion kit really that traumatic John? Too bad...I was realy hoping you'd continue on the other designs....
  22. I really like the idea of a new series. An OVA would be cool too, but something really substantial would be awesome.
  23. It's physically impossible for that to be the stone. Guys, look down, and then look at that picture. This goes beyond trying to fit a square peg in a round hole... that's obviously not the rock.
  24. I went and bought the two sets... I'm gonna try building it soon, and hopefully I'll find the stickers somewhere. I just can't get over the pilot figure for the white mech though. His name is Hikaru, he looks like a Max Jenius close, and the printing on his front is actually the front of a valk in Battroid mode. (I can scan in the figure and show you all if you want.... it's exactly the same, the chest stripes, the vents, the nosecone...) I can't understand how they got away with it.
  25. Wow. This thread is awesome. Whatever happened to KK anyways?
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