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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Sweet. I love valk repaints, and I wonder if the Armored parts release is a recolor... the only thing I don't get is what kind of paint variants to have for the stands? And YES! Red Shoulder Scopedog will be mine! Hopefully they make the super crazy turbo custom wepons set that he kicks the most ass in soon. I can't wait to detail up that sucker.
  2. I had one extra large and two extra small I think... or maybe only one small. I will have to check when I get home. I had to get the small missiles sent to me though because mine was missing them.
  3. Holy crap. I hadn't looked at the comparison pics before, but he's sooo tiny. I might want one now just because of how cute sized he is to fidget with... wow.
  4. It's not worth it all for you to amke them and sell them, but I'd do one for someone else for fun just to see how it goes and get my name out for my fledgling minis painting 'service' (if I ever get a customer haha)
  5. Old molds like the ones used on G1 Transformers degraded... as seen from alot of the last runs of the old school Bumblebee mold for example.... there are alot of examples of loss of sharp edges and shallowing panel lines in those... I don't know if the technology has changed greatly since then or how Yamato handles different molds...
  6. Awesome. The market can always use more FP sets... and more Valks is just gravy. EDIT: Yes.
  7. I hate this show so much and hardly ever watched it, but it's really ironic that you bring it up because for soem reason I woke up with the American opening thmee stuck in my head this morning
  8. I love everything about it expcet the chicken hands.... MG style hands or at least some fixed pose ones ywould be great as we already know that the Chicken Hands blow.
  9. I might have to try and hold a grenade...only thng stopping me is that I hate how the grenades mount and unmount, and my big valks are pretty pack in close to each other...
  10. I'll do it for you if you find a valk to put it on! ;P Seriosuly, what mod is it?
  11. Do you mean third party stickers of decals for new items, or repro stickers for older items that you can't get anymore? Takatoys makes stickers that are much more durable and better looking that Yamato sticers, but they have to be cut out by hand. Anasazi makes waterslide decals for valks that you will have to cut out yourself and probably use some sealer to help secure after they dry. I've used both and I love both...very good quality stuff. The stickers are great if that's all you want to do is add better stickers to your toy, but Anasazi's decals are amazing for customs that you are going to weather or repaint.
  12. JKeats, no rant at all, you're just noticing the same faults and praises as the rest of us... I agree that the wrists should be alot tighter and the chest missile gimick alot more durable.
  13. I'd love to see KK come back and start modding 1/48s...I'd be all over that.
  14. Yeah, I'm really happy with the dark green....I'll be doing similar colors on the Zaku II F2 that I'm building now.... once I'm un-sick and finish the two papers that I have for school first *tear*
  15. That's such an odd plane.... in a non-garish red camo scheme of some sort, it's look pretty sweet. Why doesn't it have a canopy tho? Can anyone with the game explain the dotted winows thing?
  16. You know, with the pronunciation thing, I've always said either Muh-cross (with a very short 'a') or MAH-cross... so can you really really fault geographical dialect here guys?
  17. Here's an MG Rick Dom I did... Rick Dom
  18. Hmm...I really hope that the rumor about Takara canceling the line isn't true but just a wake up call for Takara to stop making crappy models... the line has some serious ups and downs.
  19. Is the top one supposed to be an Alternator? The bottom one is pretty awesome though.... can't wait to see more about it.
  20. I've got both an original Zaku II and the F2 versions but haven't really checked out either yet... is the F2 really that much better? The only thing I really noticed was the amount of removable armor and the increased shoulder functionality....otherwise they seemed pretty similar. And I'll try and get pictures of my new Rick Dom up tomrmrow after I finish teh weapons. It is easily my favorite kit so far.... I did a custom scheme replacing the purple with a greyish olive green and adding some abstract geometric patterns to the leg bells that looks really awesome.
  21. You know, that one doesn't look too bad at all. Certainly better than a few recent releases.
  22. Were they self shooting, I can't remember? It isn't holding one, just reaching for one. I thought it woyuld look pretty cool to have it with one in hand ready to throw, but I don't have enough room for such a wide pose *tear* And if they are self shooting, then I guess it wouldnt make sense anyways.
  23. Gotta agree with JBO. We just dodged a big ol' A1's nuts bullet there by not having a place for him to put the pics...
  24. Oh look, ANOTHER $160 toy... seems to be the magic number for Yamato now...
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